Saturday, September 3, 2011

saywut? 8(

i was jus thinking, how sad our memorizing capacity is. like i can't remember all the funny/fun things i did when i was 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 etc.. like i knew i did stuff. i knew i went to china, probably had fun but i can't remember what exactly i did, and how i felt when i was there. in other words i can't relive the moment, like i can relive moments that happened one day ago!!!

so when im 40 lets say, ill be like, soo.. apart from the fact i went to james ruse, what did i do? what did i do in ruse. and ill end up looking over fotoes and be like- wait, this happened? ill be like, how did i feel as a high schooler yeah.

BUT our memory capacity is quite the good. i mean compared to people with amnesia, severe forms who forget everything.

like i read this article about a guy once, i was trying to find it so i could link you but he had a form of amnesia where he forgot everything that happens after he acquired the disease, he oculd remember stuff b4 but that was it. so literally speaking he 'lives in the present' like i wonder how that feels!!

yeah i found an article on a lady that had the same condition.

must be verrrrryyryyyyyy frustrating. like something cool happens and then afterwards ur like. something cool happened and i was there?

OH and can humans have dreams that feel like it lasted for ten years? coz that would be verrryy disorientatinggggggg.

AND kudos to me coz when i was young i could ride a scooter. 8) thought it was worth mentioning LOLOL

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