Wednesday, October 31, 2012

magnum temptation

ok im eating a magnum temptaiont.. and now i am gnna blog about it!

it is sooo tasty sorry can't describe the taste go buy one for yourself HAHAAH. but yeah not the tastiest thing to exist but. anyway as i munch upon my magnum as i type. i stare at the box it came from.

this piece of magnum has one box soley dedicated to it?!!
this magnum has a coffin of its own. its friggin metallic silver adorned with this beautiful metallic pink sticker to seal the box up anyway i couldn't help but think to myself. what a waste. all this decoration and paper/plastic or whatever for a piece of magNUM!!

COMON.  though it does make me feel rather exquisite

Monday, October 29, 2012

Modern movies

on imbd, shawshank is ranked the top movie of all time and ive watched it and it would be one of my favourite films actually (for nwo at least) so i thought it deserved to be there

also is the fact most "top" movies being not made recently but in the late 1900s reveal something about modern age movies. maybe they aren't as strikign to humans thematically despite better cameras effects etc.

it seems to me all the "Top" filims have hopeful/deep underlying message.

also the only recent one i see at the topish is inception. anyway no time for this blabber back to modern hsitory study but i got interested.

Friday, October 26, 2012

music revelations

HOLYMOYL jus realized why some pianists close their eyes when they play.

it's to enjoy the music more! and play it better right? sumbody agree with me kthanks!

ok when you close your eyes, there is less external stimuli to distract yourself from, you see blackness so therefore you are better able to take in the music. if you close yoru eyes it also means you know the music score pretty well so you can just kinda play off by heart and stop thinking about what comes next on the sheet music.

Furthermore, if you shut ya eye lids you visually disconnect with the fact that YOU are the person who is makign the music. therefore you can concentrate on sounding better. kind of a bit like you pretend that someone else is playing the music and you are simply hearing it, and you can adjust the music according to what you want to hear.
oh yeah also because you thought the sounds has been channeled by your physical movement btu it hasnt

it seems to me that if you open your eyes and see your hands moving to create the music you are nto able to notice many flaws that you notice if you disconnect urself from the fact u r playing the music

ggetting a bit repetitive here but once again u get the jist.

hashtag, revelation no. 1289473948

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


as much as i do not like staying up til late doing things, i kinda enjoy it!

like it's like you have this stretch of quite, silent piece of time to yourself. and ONLY YOURSELF.

and time passes extremely slow because it's night, nothing is realling moving about, and its dead quiet

its like alone time.. ok dat sounds a bit creepy but yeah.. itz a special time zone, where everyone else in the house is drifting off into the dream realm whilst you're awake in the real world. pretty coool AYE?!

anyway don't you guys all agree the word "like" is so indispensible. like (LOL) you just need it! I LE DETESTE IT! it just comes in handy so much, especially fer serm1 liek me who sumtimz cant artikulayte themselvs, i need "like" to gif peeps exampools so dey can understand meh beta.

saintly johns

after monday math i decided to go st john cadets.

best decision ever!

I love the people there and the room we all work in exudes friggin golden rays of warmth and hapiness.

it's like you walk in and suddenly ur frolicking in a field of daisies. ya get me?!

anyway, i like the how there are people of all kinds chinese/viet/leb/white/retardedpppl/reallyretardedppl/noobs/immature/mature/quiet/outgoing/talkative/serious

id be one of the intelligent ones HAHAHAHAHA what has it come to

it's like the whole earth in one little room. ok i was just exagerrating but seriously.

golden rays guys. golden rays!!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

i am so lost


i found this song randomly

it's japaneseee and it sounds kind of goood!

ANYWAY ive been bludging like crazy better get off now!!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

post about myself again.

ooh im a bit worried for belonging.

im memorizing my essay today, and ill prolyl finish memorizing today btu part of my success in essay writing is that....because i don't ever properly memorize my essays (last-minute/unpreparedness reasons) i normally go into the exam with a jist of what i needa write. which is kinda good, because i can easily adapt it to the question.

after today, ill know all the paragrapsh word for word, and i might end up not answering the question properly!! i was reading my typed up essay vs exam essay. and i ask myself, how the heck did i manage to warp my essay about place into identity so easily.

Friday, October 12, 2012

preppyprep exams

there willn't be musch posts as of late! jus warning ya guys, so stop by my blog once a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok time to watch my related texts and start writing a paragraf


good luck for exams!! (prep>luck) so prep it up peeps!

Saturday, October 6, 2012


WOOAH. the rain is torrential!

I am blogging from my lenovo laptop. Sitting in my study room which is really a room where you put plants coz three walls are made from glass, but we covered them with curtains (which are really jsut random sheets of cloth clipped on to some fram by pegs) so people from the streets can't look in.

But i can hear the rain outside. and as i creepily push the curtains aside and press my face against the glass (as i will do so now...) OK did it! the road outside is a beautiful glossy black

i feel like this is a creative. Im just setting the mood!

anyway feels ... rather magical!!

Also you guys must be wondering, where has joolztaboolz been all this time?! well i have accidently found a replacement for this blog, which is a blank novel. It's a novel called "what men think about apart from sex" (i think) and inside is 300 pages worth of blank pages. (NO I DIDNT BUY IT HAHA someone gave it to my sister as a present, and no it wasn't some creepy pedo) anyways sis was like here u can hav it. I thought... I could make good use out of this, so i contacted it and started to write stuff in it.

and gradually.. my thoughts that are meant to be typed here leaked itself into the.... lemme call it the book.


Friday, October 5, 2012

soda hsc

so the HSC

hoooly shizza my heart is beating faster

anyway im glad first thing is english and in the school hall, i think place matters so it's good that we are somewhere we're used to!

I've just started to fix my belonging essay. If i manage to get it all prepared + creative, it will be the first time I am prepared before my exam and if i manage to do some section 1 papers and practise different papers, and do a full sitting practice english exam...

yeah that won't happen. for now i'll just get my essay fully done and dusted!!

AH even if i did i don't think I can sleep calmly on the sunday b4 the test on monday simply because for all my english exams i have spent most of midnight to like 3-4pm memorizing sleeping for one hour and then waking up at like 5 to continue

i've trained my mind to do such short term memorizing i think sleep will erase all my essay memooriiess!!


Monday, October 1, 2012

long post is longer than expected!

The computer is like in a league of its own, when it comes to my relationships.

it goes further than familial belonging... it is computorial belonging!!!

firstly, I've spent a million hours on the computer. (btw for me computer equates to internet) so a million hours on the internet ive spent. It has made me laugh with it's youtube stuff and cry (not really, jsut a figure of speech) with it's sad news stories and awesome manga. It has enraged me with it's laginess and captured me with its interestingness and weirdness.

Internet is everything you want it to beeeeee! and it's also an outlet for emotions for some peeps, and escape for some people jsut everything, it's a gigantic block of knowledge that captures and connects the whole wide world!! when your happy you go blog about it, when you see something beautiful you post it on internet. internet = sharing and sharing is what people love, esp their own experiences.

JUST INTERNET INTERNET INTERNET FTW! does my repetition make up for my lack of eloquence and ability to transfer my ideas about how great the internet is! anyways, you guys do know how great it is!

I mean it's so great, like how long do you spend on the internet everyday? Well i spend probably 4 hours + (i think a day) and im not even obsessed (maybe i am i hav no idea). but it's become my window to worlds. These worlds include: youtube world, google world(with all it's worlds) and facebook world, 9gag world ... im being very general here. And i have become very familiar with these worlds and comfortable with them. Simply because the internet(and rollerblading outside my house) doesn't make me feel like im rooted to 73 ****** Rd, ******* (thats my address which i cannot type LOL SO NOBAWDY WILL STALK ME!) internet makess mee freeeeeeeeee (tho not really, its quite a waste of time if ur not utilising it for useful things)

I was moving houses once, and i felt i couldnt adapt to the change. everything was different, the wall design, the floors weren't carpet anymore, the bathroom was this retarded green. and the layout of the hosue was unfamiliar and i didnt like it. feeling somewhat out of place, i turned to my computer (apart from my family ofc) and sat down and felt the calming familiarity of the worlds i knew so well.

i may be exagerrating a little little little biiiit. but point has been made i think.. computorial belonging is a great sense of belonging at times.

i should totally write a belonging creative on this. but it's too un deep prollyyy devs! i think its way deeper then typical belonging stories i read, how yahdiyahdidah strengthens cultural identity. pfft!! this is deep shiz yokay?! (no it's not actually)

anyway its my sleep time so byebye babiiiieess!

nuther typa marriage

why isn't three people marriage legal in australia.

what if like three people lets say two girls and one guy really like each other, or three girls really like eachother...

why can't three people get married?

I sound silly, but somebody tell me!!! like seriously!! what is marriage anyway, isn't a union between two romantic couples? so i was thinking what if three people fell in love with each otyher romantically...

so why can't n people get married together legally, or is it legal?

n is a positive integer greater than 2

mebbe im high on mooncakes right now LOL


today is full moon indeedy ...

at aorund six, the moon was huuge legit and yellow!


saw michelle bwang marco steven today at the brain (eng tutor place).

the brain is like a huuuuge big gatherial gathering, i wonder if chris will ask me back to help tutor, i hope sooo puhreeessseee!!

chris randomly went to thailand and steven was left by himself so he went home. HAHAHA typical brain. it's like organized anarchy!

anyway i drove three hours today- defs improving.

end of my daysheet!