Wednesday, May 23, 2012


you know i read other peoples blogs. and there's so much drama

some times i read (generic): "oh so many things have changed. i learn to differ between real friends/fake friends" blah blah.

i always thought stuff like that was only said in movies.

like people falling in love and stuff and living thier dreams etc. duuude, that only happens in movies! but it happens in real life as well.

or like musical i remember someone saying, "we've all been through emotional ups and downs in the making of the musical, but we've made it through and good job". the person who said it probably really meant what they say. you know stuff like that. i always think people say it for the sake of saying it only because im not feeling it.

but they're not hollow phrases. on janes blog i read, " i met people who've strengthened my beliefs..." that's something u hear in movies! not in real life right?!

how does everyone have so much drama, if that's what you call it.

i think the reason why my life has not much "drama" is because my personality in a way has swayed me from such things. like there are some people who are always told other peoples secrets. they're like secret-magnets - they attract gossip. and i guess the combination of my personality and me being me, will (for now hehe) exclude me from secret worlldd!! LOL this is just an example of exclusion ooh! i don't think it's bad or anything, just obviously everything has disadvantages.

how the heck do people have secrets?! can someone please walk up to me and explain. im pretty sure im just not feeling it dammit. i gotta feel the feel.

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