Wednesday, March 7, 2012


ok bout this KONY 2012 thing. if uve watched the video time to read this 8) woo
and  pay a visit to:

anyways. I hav diz problem with a few people.

ok this is bout the bracelets u guys can get from the KONY2012 kit yeeap

anyways i saw these comments on fb

girl 1: "i bought the bracelet eheh :)"

girl 2: "I bought one! So good"

pfft. lemme analyze this. "so good" wth does that even mean, so good... it's like they want the stuff as an accessory to wear around and chant "im a great moral person". i dont know why but these comments kinda piss me off. it's like they think this whole thing is a omg im gnna buy some merchandise, woooah im so cool now, it's the latest thing u hafta cash in on coz i liek totally *flicks hair* support this great film about helping uganda that i really dont know much bout, but it seems to be such a guurr-eat cause for humanity, without reading into the details of the organization and what they actually do mebbe. and they're just there for the hype and excitment/rebelness of going against something.

so yeah, just kinda peeved. imma let it out now

well FUCK YOU *sticks rude finger up*

no seal of approval for those people.

and i am not saying kony2012 is bad btw.. i shall remain opinionless as of now. x)

1 comment:

  1. Did you know there's like a drinking game ( ), now (as in, see a trope/cliche/spot of hyperbole, take a shot/drink)? They've complained about the dodginess of IC's charity model before and tokenistic approach to marketing campaigns, because that's what they are, and now it seems they've decided to satirise it. Oh, and they posted about it in '09 ( ).
