Thursday, January 2, 2014


a few people have posted their new years thoughts about lllife on facebook about a day ago, here is mine briefly

so the majority of posts on facebook have been talking about what a great year 2013 has been, what hope 2014 brings them and how great their friends have been, and that is good. It's what A LOT of people say,,,,, but it's those simple things-> friends, awesome experiences with friends etc. that bring the most happiness. and the only way to put it into words is through the cliched phrases "thank yo this thank yo that... look forward to 2013 booyah"

buuhhht what about the people who didnt think 2013 was great? maybe it didn't live up to their high or low expectations, what if 2013 was just the mediocre of the mediocre despite the little bits of joy that did occur during the year, aka, SHHHIIIIIITTTT. Shit meaning not the best, what nooww

i guess for the majority or minority of the people who felt 2013 was meh (not sure because nobody posts anything about 2013 being not so good) just remember that there is a section of people out there who feel the same. people who do acknolwedge and appreciate the things they take for granted, but felt like their year was the meh of the mehs. and i might be part of that group gahh

let's work together for this year to be better better better, lots to improve on!!! GOGOGOGOGOGO

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