Wednesday, November 21, 2012


i just finished watching full metal alchemist: brotherhood. yes it is an anime

for all you anime peeps, i may be deluded but I feel that you are all missing on something exceptionally great by not watching anime hah!

here is an anime soundtrack:

ain't it beeeeeauuuutiifullll!?


saddest moments peeps! it's always saddest moments isn't it, not many people talk about, oh the happiest moment is when blah yahdidah.

envy's death and hohenheims death as he kneels in front of trisha's grave ah my heart

list of fav characters:
hohenheim and trisha, ling yao, ed and al ofc, mustang/hawkeye and the crew, shao may and her owner, winry-ish, SCAR hmm i think that's it i probably forgot someone.

ah they're all so likeable!

*************************END ALERT********************************

also please guys, if you ever ever ever get into anime! ENGLISH SUBS, no DUBS!!


ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and i must also add that anime explores a lot of themes such as companionship, death, revenge, power etc. the universal stuff whilst still maintaining it's hilarity if that is even a word. And i'm not sure if this is true for everyone but i have read on other blogs about people who regret later in life in spending all their time watching reality TV and the like, well for most anime watchers, watchign shitloads of anime isn't really a waste of time.

becoz fer meh, i think it helps me in understanding the.. human............con.con...condition! SOZ PEEPS! I SAID IT~!! <-- holymoly accidental "~" dat squiggly is just so uncool!
 yeah, it helps me get a grip of reality and what is important even though at the same time, a severe addiction to anime (which i do not have) will drag you away from reality. anndd it's entertainment at the same time!

balance is key! ok i just lost my train of thought but aye if you guys ever want anime suggestions, contact me ;D call 04827476032342 jokes, i made that up don't call it

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


so all these people going to beach resorts

my heart is achybakeyy!! heeehaawww

i have this post about just lingering there in my to be posted unposted posts.

and yes i skipped a word on purpose because itz a suprise

actually not really!


Monday, November 19, 2012


so anyway i was in the toilet taking a dump and my sister comes in and goes:

it stinks like shit

and i go: no shit

and she goes:

and i go: haha dem shitty jokes

today is full of shit HAHAHAH

anyways i guess i just ruined my image

Saturday, November 17, 2012


- learn how to make peerrfeecttt ramen! with my own formula and shizza. anyone want to be test subjects? LOL

- clean up stuffz in the house

- get fit get healthy get beeaauuttiffull smooth skin!

- draw! draw! art! art!

- pack up my luggage for chinaaa!

- anime ANIME ANIME!


Tuesday, November 13, 2012


incase u didn't knwo my title means idle. OOh that rhymed

yesterday was formal, formal was nice and that is all i have to say about it. I'm gnna regret it when i read back on this and find myself describing th formal in one vague sentence.

but um i found my eyes drifting to particular people, some people really looked really good. i wanna say more, but this blog is pretty public so i can't dammit. ill keep it in my head i hope i remember decades later. (julia if u r reading this when you are 30yrs old, dammit time flies yea?)

and shout out to the internet: THANKYA 4 EXISTING

Aso so much of my stuff i wanted to blog is written elsewhere, and when i look at these notes elsewhere and read over them again, i think to myself: can't be bothered writing these stuff up

ill get to it soon!

and i must quickly quickly discover what i wanna do in the next few years, decades, century! but then again some things can't be rushed and takes time. so i shall discover it at my slow slow pace. and i'll find out what i want to do when im fifty. or maybe i already know what i want to do. or maybe, i don't need to know what i want to do, OR im already doing what i love to do. actually, maybe not.

you must also hear of the relief i felt when i woke up from this dream a few day ago, where i was preparing for my english exams the next day.

also, you must know that when i woke up a few days ago in my dreary weary state the first thing i thought of was, life is short. yes that may sound retarded or whatever but that is, indeed, what i thought.

all this is pointing towards the fact that I am currently really idle in life. SO, i will now attempt to look for some volunteer job i can do the next two weeks if possible.

Friday, November 9, 2012

day in the life of jewels

JENNY'S DOG OR THE DOG SHE IS TAKIGN CARE OF RIGHT NOW IS SO FLUFFEH. his name is ross, and ross is like fluffeh, like sheep fluffeh.

me, yvonne went jenny's house and played with them. dat was fun, i was kinda scared LOL but nonetheless badass as i whipped out my moves in front of the dogs. and sarah the husky(jenny's dog) is very aggressive when we give attention to ross because she gets jealous.

but ROSS IS SO FLUFFEH. i even shook hands with ross, and ross is like white and fluffy like a cloud and he was very obedient and nice and i just wanted to friggin wrap my body all around him. basically, i mean i want to hug him.

and i had ramen today.. de-lish! RAAARRMENNN

and wth is this:

The prettiest smiles hide the deepest secrets. The prettiest eyes have cried the most tears. And the kindest hearts have felt the most pain

what a loada crap! 33K LIKES?!

i could be wrong tho.

Monday, November 5, 2012


Gotta change my blogskin soooon!!

Friday, November 2, 2012


REMINDER TO SELF: (just manhwa recommendations)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

magnum temptation

ok im eating a magnum temptaiont.. and now i am gnna blog about it!

it is sooo tasty sorry can't describe the taste go buy one for yourself HAHAAH. but yeah not the tastiest thing to exist but. anyway as i munch upon my magnum as i type. i stare at the box it came from.

this piece of magnum has one box soley dedicated to it?!!
this magnum has a coffin of its own. its friggin metallic silver adorned with this beautiful metallic pink sticker to seal the box up anyway i couldn't help but think to myself. what a waste. all this decoration and paper/plastic or whatever for a piece of magNUM!!

COMON.  though it does make me feel rather exquisite

Monday, October 29, 2012

Modern movies

on imbd, shawshank is ranked the top movie of all time and ive watched it and it would be one of my favourite films actually (for nwo at least) so i thought it deserved to be there

also is the fact most "top" movies being not made recently but in the late 1900s reveal something about modern age movies. maybe they aren't as strikign to humans thematically despite better cameras effects etc.

it seems to me all the "Top" filims have hopeful/deep underlying message.

also the only recent one i see at the topish is inception. anyway no time for this blabber back to modern hsitory study but i got interested.

Friday, October 26, 2012

music revelations

HOLYMOYL jus realized why some pianists close their eyes when they play.

it's to enjoy the music more! and play it better right? sumbody agree with me kthanks!

ok when you close your eyes, there is less external stimuli to distract yourself from, you see blackness so therefore you are better able to take in the music. if you close yoru eyes it also means you know the music score pretty well so you can just kinda play off by heart and stop thinking about what comes next on the sheet music.

Furthermore, if you shut ya eye lids you visually disconnect with the fact that YOU are the person who is makign the music. therefore you can concentrate on sounding better. kind of a bit like you pretend that someone else is playing the music and you are simply hearing it, and you can adjust the music according to what you want to hear.
oh yeah also because you thought the sounds has been channeled by your physical movement btu it hasnt

it seems to me that if you open your eyes and see your hands moving to create the music you are nto able to notice many flaws that you notice if you disconnect urself from the fact u r playing the music

ggetting a bit repetitive here but once again u get the jist.

hashtag, revelation no. 1289473948

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


as much as i do not like staying up til late doing things, i kinda enjoy it!

like it's like you have this stretch of quite, silent piece of time to yourself. and ONLY YOURSELF.

and time passes extremely slow because it's night, nothing is realling moving about, and its dead quiet

its like alone time.. ok dat sounds a bit creepy but yeah.. itz a special time zone, where everyone else in the house is drifting off into the dream realm whilst you're awake in the real world. pretty coool AYE?!

anyway don't you guys all agree the word "like" is so indispensible. like (LOL) you just need it! I LE DETESTE IT! it just comes in handy so much, especially fer serm1 liek me who sumtimz cant artikulayte themselvs, i need "like" to gif peeps exampools so dey can understand meh beta.

saintly johns

after monday math i decided to go st john cadets.

best decision ever!

I love the people there and the room we all work in exudes friggin golden rays of warmth and hapiness.

it's like you walk in and suddenly ur frolicking in a field of daisies. ya get me?!

anyway, i like the how there are people of all kinds chinese/viet/leb/white/retardedpppl/reallyretardedppl/noobs/immature/mature/quiet/outgoing/talkative/serious

id be one of the intelligent ones HAHAHAHAHA what has it come to

it's like the whole earth in one little room. ok i was just exagerrating but seriously.

golden rays guys. golden rays!!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

i am so lost


i found this song randomly

it's japaneseee and it sounds kind of goood!

ANYWAY ive been bludging like crazy better get off now!!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

post about myself again.

ooh im a bit worried for belonging.

im memorizing my essay today, and ill prolyl finish memorizing today btu part of my success in essay writing is that....because i don't ever properly memorize my essays (last-minute/unpreparedness reasons) i normally go into the exam with a jist of what i needa write. which is kinda good, because i can easily adapt it to the question.

after today, ill know all the paragrapsh word for word, and i might end up not answering the question properly!! i was reading my typed up essay vs exam essay. and i ask myself, how the heck did i manage to warp my essay about place into identity so easily.

Friday, October 12, 2012

preppyprep exams

there willn't be musch posts as of late! jus warning ya guys, so stop by my blog once a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok time to watch my related texts and start writing a paragraf


good luck for exams!! (prep>luck) so prep it up peeps!

Saturday, October 6, 2012


WOOAH. the rain is torrential!

I am blogging from my lenovo laptop. Sitting in my study room which is really a room where you put plants coz three walls are made from glass, but we covered them with curtains (which are really jsut random sheets of cloth clipped on to some fram by pegs) so people from the streets can't look in.

But i can hear the rain outside. and as i creepily push the curtains aside and press my face against the glass (as i will do so now...) OK did it! the road outside is a beautiful glossy black

i feel like this is a creative. Im just setting the mood!

anyway feels ... rather magical!!

Also you guys must be wondering, where has joolztaboolz been all this time?! well i have accidently found a replacement for this blog, which is a blank novel. It's a novel called "what men think about apart from sex" (i think) and inside is 300 pages worth of blank pages. (NO I DIDNT BUY IT HAHA someone gave it to my sister as a present, and no it wasn't some creepy pedo) anyways sis was like here u can hav it. I thought... I could make good use out of this, so i contacted it and started to write stuff in it.

and gradually.. my thoughts that are meant to be typed here leaked itself into the.... lemme call it the book.


Friday, October 5, 2012

soda hsc

so the HSC

hoooly shizza my heart is beating faster

anyway im glad first thing is english and in the school hall, i think place matters so it's good that we are somewhere we're used to!

I've just started to fix my belonging essay. If i manage to get it all prepared + creative, it will be the first time I am prepared before my exam and if i manage to do some section 1 papers and practise different papers, and do a full sitting practice english exam...

yeah that won't happen. for now i'll just get my essay fully done and dusted!!

AH even if i did i don't think I can sleep calmly on the sunday b4 the test on monday simply because for all my english exams i have spent most of midnight to like 3-4pm memorizing sleeping for one hour and then waking up at like 5 to continue

i've trained my mind to do such short term memorizing i think sleep will erase all my essay memooriiess!!


Monday, October 1, 2012

long post is longer than expected!

The computer is like in a league of its own, when it comes to my relationships.

it goes further than familial belonging... it is computorial belonging!!!

firstly, I've spent a million hours on the computer. (btw for me computer equates to internet) so a million hours on the internet ive spent. It has made me laugh with it's youtube stuff and cry (not really, jsut a figure of speech) with it's sad news stories and awesome manga. It has enraged me with it's laginess and captured me with its interestingness and weirdness.

Internet is everything you want it to beeeeee! and it's also an outlet for emotions for some peeps, and escape for some people jsut everything, it's a gigantic block of knowledge that captures and connects the whole wide world!! when your happy you go blog about it, when you see something beautiful you post it on internet. internet = sharing and sharing is what people love, esp their own experiences.

JUST INTERNET INTERNET INTERNET FTW! does my repetition make up for my lack of eloquence and ability to transfer my ideas about how great the internet is! anyways, you guys do know how great it is!

I mean it's so great, like how long do you spend on the internet everyday? Well i spend probably 4 hours + (i think a day) and im not even obsessed (maybe i am i hav no idea). but it's become my window to worlds. These worlds include: youtube world, google world(with all it's worlds) and facebook world, 9gag world ... im being very general here. And i have become very familiar with these worlds and comfortable with them. Simply because the internet(and rollerblading outside my house) doesn't make me feel like im rooted to 73 ****** Rd, ******* (thats my address which i cannot type LOL SO NOBAWDY WILL STALK ME!) internet makess mee freeeeeeeeee (tho not really, its quite a waste of time if ur not utilising it for useful things)

I was moving houses once, and i felt i couldnt adapt to the change. everything was different, the wall design, the floors weren't carpet anymore, the bathroom was this retarded green. and the layout of the hosue was unfamiliar and i didnt like it. feeling somewhat out of place, i turned to my computer (apart from my family ofc) and sat down and felt the calming familiarity of the worlds i knew so well.

i may be exagerrating a little little little biiiit. but point has been made i think.. computorial belonging is a great sense of belonging at times.

i should totally write a belonging creative on this. but it's too un deep prollyyy devs! i think its way deeper then typical belonging stories i read, how yahdiyahdidah strengthens cultural identity. pfft!! this is deep shiz yokay?! (no it's not actually)

anyway its my sleep time so byebye babiiiieess!

nuther typa marriage

why isn't three people marriage legal in australia.

what if like three people lets say two girls and one guy really like each other, or three girls really like eachother...

why can't three people get married?

I sound silly, but somebody tell me!!! like seriously!! what is marriage anyway, isn't a union between two romantic couples? so i was thinking what if three people fell in love with each otyher romantically...

so why can't n people get married together legally, or is it legal?

n is a positive integer greater than 2

mebbe im high on mooncakes right now LOL


today is full moon indeedy ...

at aorund six, the moon was huuge legit and yellow!


saw michelle bwang marco steven today at the brain (eng tutor place).

the brain is like a huuuuge big gatherial gathering, i wonder if chris will ask me back to help tutor, i hope sooo puhreeessseee!!

chris randomly went to thailand and steven was left by himself so he went home. HAHAHA typical brain. it's like organized anarchy!

anyway i drove three hours today- defs improving.

end of my daysheet!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

is was will have has

to me, the present discounts the past (and i donno if i used that verb correctly)

i can't explain it properly so i'll give a scenario im sure you guys will get the jist/gist(?)

OK a person spends 50 years in jail, and tomomrow he gets let out. and once he does get out, the past 50 years would be reduced into a ten second memory that sums up the experience.

(bad example coz im dont really know what a jail experience is like)

it's like if you are not currently in a situation, it doesn't count.

but then again every situation counts because the past was made up of a chain of presents.

so the point is, since the present matters so much (no shit because we can only interact with the present) live life to the fullest.

so in the end, i have no idea what im arguing about actually

since my post was pointless i shall add a point --->    .      <------- isn't it such an adorable point!! LOL THE HEK MAYNE.

Friday, September 28, 2012




DO YOU KNOW.. (back to non caps) how great it is to have rain and windiness in a hot and dry day.

friggin eeaatt all thhe rain drops OMNOMNOMNOM

ok going outside to feel the natural phenomena <--- ooh do i sound smart do i do i?!!

and dude my sisters comp resolution just randomly turned from really blurry to clear all of a sudden. what the weirdness?!! when i was using it. holyymolay!


Wednesday, September 26, 2012


AYAYAYA!!! I remember I had to do a graduation post, but uh the time has passed so I shall spurt out things little by little that pop into my head

ah procrastination + loonngg time = ceebs mood

OK first to all the people who i have talkde to (everyone in the grade even if it's just one sentence) and who are my year, who aren't really in my classes, i can't say your are loved and special because i don't know you enuf but but but!! u r unique because it was you guys who were my surrounding peeps and not another bunch of people who couldve become my surrounding peeps so ur unique in that way!

you have been peripherally acknowledged. and i just made that up. but i acknowledge and aprpeciate your peripheral existence. as in the people who exist around me and create a nice school air and thank yo 4 dat! and u guys r special but choice and circumstance didn't make us meet!
i hope i didn't sound bitchalicious there. but in lay mans terms: YES I DO LIKE U GUYS.

also b4 i forget i would like to add that high school year 7-12 feels like a slab of time that has stopped. like no real progress, you just kind of dwell in this halted space of time, or time of space you get what i mean!!!

ah feel like dinner now LOL POST LATERZ!

TOOOODLYDOOOO I LUF YOOO! LOL well that was random

Tuesday, September 25, 2012



it's been a while!!!

and i have now 9 followers. latest one is not jane.. it is patrickelmer or something?! he's blogs are all in german so i do not know what he is doing here but uhh WELCOME!!! :D

1. i am still deciding on my uni course
2. i am watching a bit of anime
3. i am doing some hsc study

typical stuff, this blog will be pretty inactive imo unless some awesoem thought pops into my head.

feelings right now: my essays suck! SUCK SUCK SUCK BIG TIME. SUPER ASS BIG TIME. and i dont knwo what to do. and OMG maths takes aages to do and i don't even touch mod and jap. ayar what to do what do do




 mm m m yy y y y y

gg aaaa  mmmmm eeeeeeeee!

im jsut trying to make it seem like my post is longer haha!

anyway cya next time!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

i is envious

the thing about when you get older is yo usee all the people younger than you who have accomplished way more, and u can't help but get a little ittle wittle shittle bit envious haha

and the things is, if you are young, you don't really care because you're thinking about all the things u accomplish when you're a bit older but then you become older and you realize jjust what you haven't accomplished. you get me? some deep-seated envy right there.

anyway today had some delish food with mah harry tutor homies: bonita gu, daniel he, jono yap and sally liang. very warm and family like 8)

we ate at this restaraunt (italian?) and had gourmet pizza and pasta and nutella pizza for dessert! AH ddeeeliiisshhyasss

hope i see them again soon.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


I will post about graduation late! PROCRASTINATION IS BAK!

and if ur wondering what im doing now. im reading through all the course booklets so i can apply for uac. ahh you know... anything + law automatically raises the atar to about 99.7 HOOLY CRAP. ooh criminal law soudns nice.

oh yeah and

this crazy course something along the lines of bachelor or economics medicine and surgery (in arts and social sciences) is 99.95 i don't want to do it (couldn't do it if i tried anyway) anyway, duuuude i swear maybe one person will turn up to that course

... crazy stuff. ill just stick to the stuff between 95-99.

Monday, September 17, 2012

so many stories of people

OK anuther thing. today i was at st johns and this woman i don't know how old she was but she had worked as a nurse for 50 years. anyway, she came in to talk to us. she looked 50 but!

anyways when she was yougn and worked as a nurse, she would write things beneath her white frilly apron, and sometimes young hansome lads would give her their number and she would write them beneath her apron.

anyway once that happened, and she forgot about it washed ther laundry and the numbers faded off the apron. and she said, "i couldve married a millionare!" ok that made we weirdly saddened

ah anyway she also back in the day she had the traditional role of women. for example she would wash the dishes, take care of domestic work. but she got bored so she began this "job" (if it is one) of making fake woudns and stuff and she would work at prisons and festivals and casualty simulations. and it all started because she became bored at home all day.

yeah she's pretty badass, and hilariously blunt, he once told a black dude in a prison that she'd have to paint the the fake wounds with black paint because he's black.ALSO LOL she once said she trimmed a guys beard so she could use it on a guy who was quite hairy so the fake wounds wouldn't leave a bare patch of skin when stuck on.

she's such a nice and kind woman. i admire her calmness and how even though this job of hers is quite ____ (can't find the word!!) she puts so much effort into it, loves what she does. coz when you care and value the thing you do, others will also YEyEAH?

also she stores fake blood in her fridge and she said that we'd all ahve an heart attack if we went to her house because of all these fake amputated things she has at home.

she a cool woman!

imma prufrock

applying through UAC is the hardest thing ever, everything sounds so good.

everytime i i think of doing something i feel like im missing out on the stuff im not choosing. happens all the time in life.

eg. there are two exhibitions, i decided to go into Exhibition A but then these people walk out of Ex B saying "ZOMG SO GOOD" i walk into ex B and come out and it was good but people walk out of Ex A going "FUAR that was the best" and i think.. "I MISSED OUT DAMMIT"

i wish i had infinite lives, actually maybe not. but if i could somehow split myself up and walk diff pathways. actually sometimes i wish i would be daring enough to go "SCREW IT ALL" and choose something random like agricultural economics and see how it goes.

but something tells me that's a bad idea. i mean deigan once said, "know your destination" and dont try to "float about in the sea" and see where it takes you.

what should i choose, and which is the best pathway?! are all pathways good?! HELP!

im such a i-dont-wanna-miss-out-on-anything-fun person. imma fish. a cell-fish coz im self-ish! shellfish?

also did i ever say i regret not continuing VA in junior years?

Sunday, September 16, 2012


i just read something of mine in year 7 i wrote

"she cried, her tears were like a waterfall and not a leaky tap"

and also found something i wrote ages ago aaages ago when i was 5 probably.

i get so giddy everytime i uncover some random sheet of paper wedged somewhere with something ive written aaaages ago!

i suddenly wanna read my kindy stuff. can't remember those days, i hope my parents haven't got rid of them. i also want to see my childhood photo albums coz they're always interesting!

anyways here is my childhood written stuff! word for word letter for letter

"yestoday we went to syedney tower ti was the hiyst place it taked 15 minite to go :) there we went to a telescope i saw the river then we went down we went to a movie we saw all the things to go on we went to a cave and a little man story there. were four and the airiplane, that was fun at the crockedilol, we went in we went out to kfc i ate potato yum and salad coco chicken that all my sister had a stamich ake i was very cold i told my mum put on the jaket thats all"

ill upload a pic next time maybe!

inb4 someone telling me that i still type like a five year old bahahah

jumping casltes

this dream i had was absolutely awsum!

somehow the house next to mine had been replaced by a jumping castle, anyway there was no entrance so i had to climb my way in (the walls were 7m high anyway when i looked down into the jumpng castles, the base was a hundred metres down and i was like WOAH how did this happen, and me and the person next to me screamed because we were going to jump in immediately. anyways we fell in and it was the greatest feeling ever! FLLLLYYYIINNNGGG

also i went in to a museum called the "pain museum" dahek?! LOL and i would walk through these corridors and from the walls there would be somekind of electricity/vibaration? emitted that would stun me and cause cause a weird sensation of pain and agony. or something weird so weird so so weird!

end of julia's dream journal!

Friday, September 14, 2012

it was once said

Long time ago I read an article on Huffington post about a man that no one knew of.

and i thought, how can this man be famous if no one knew him. anyway i got interested and clicked the link.

i honestly don't remember much except for the fact he was a really generous man, exceptionally kind. He was always raising awareness for something i cannot remember.

But he lost faith in the world and the people's indifference towards issues of the world, I think he became depressed and killed himself.

he must have perceived the world in such different ways anyway

and I am trying to find the article but i can't. it was in the featured article section.


also after reading a book about a camp prisoner escaping from a political camp in north korea, and being informed about the horrific life the escapee lived in there. (eg experiences of his torture, beatings whenever any sign of weakness was shown during their labour work ewtcetc) I had to tell my self : THIS IS REAL. THIS IS REALTHIS IS REAL

a million times. it is one thing to believe what is written within is true, and it's another thing to (donno how to say it correctly but uh) to REALLY REALIZE that this stuff is real.

yeah the camp known as camp 14 still exists ):

after all, when you sit down and read about stuff written on a page, it's almost like reading an interesting fiction book.

i wish schools would force us to be aware of  way more more more more issues in the world
many people are lazy, many people are only moved when things are placed/forced in front of them(aka without takign initiative themselves).

and i myself, want to help, but i feel like a bundle of inaction. you see? im just like most people. i think.

i read a quote on 9gag by Albert Einstein:

The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.

maybe it's a bit exaggerated mebbe not. but i think it's quite true.

end of my blog speech! 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

yet again

for the a millionth today, today was calm

and calm is nice

but nice is sometimes unexciting

also apparently every 2 seconds someone dies

so many withering people withering by at a witheringly fast pace


ngo pfftd when i said he'd definitely miss me

bang insecure'd at his femininity

emma laughed at big biceps.

we all chuckled at roger

and roger ran away (or stayed behind by himself.)

and woody is such a candle, so warm and bright. today he was wearing his lovely math6 given sweater with a moustache logo and woody printed on it. it was a soft gentle blue. or maybe it was the gentleness of woody's age. anyway i will miss woody and apparently, according to ann ie lu, he really liked me, chulo and puneet.

yet another leaf blown away

i felt like speaking in part poetic riddle today. LOL u guys get me tho so alls swell.
(today's blog post weirdly inspired by lena's stylistic blog which i luv 2 read. awwwwyyeaaa)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


when i was little, my grandma + celia + me would go park for a walk and bring this wild grass type of thing home.

pic is below

and my grandma would tell me that if the grass thingo would croak at night. so i slept next to it. waiting for it to croak at night, but it didn't and id fall asleep and wake up the next day and think: dammit i must hav fell asleep when it started croaking

why do children have no logic, and believe in things too much

also i kind of regret not doing continuing visual arts or choosing music when i was in year 9. actually not kind of, i pretty much regret. oh well can always draw by myself at home.

lena if ur reading, i would hav been ur VA buddy! i did va in sghs but i dropped it dammit!

and i must watch "looper" when it comes out. it reminds me of inception but it's about time travel and all that complicated shiz that go with it when a guy meets his future self who travelled back. not fully sure of the plot but extremely captivating ntrailer u guys must watch!

croakcroak BYEBYE!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Basket of ripe fruit

CRAAPPP, da nostalgia

i remember watching "fruits basket", this anime when i was young. and i youtubed some of the songs in it and it's like pangnostalgia... which is a made up word so don't be nostalgia. basically it's nostalgia that gives you a pang.

i haf no idea what pang means but im sure it's along the lines of heart-squelching-ive-experienced-this-before-in-my-past

here is a link if you guys are interested: ah so so so so so nostalgic. nostalgia makes me a lil sad but no shiz coz nostalgia leans more towards sadness than happiness.

and i will watch: sword art online, eiyuu densetsu sora no kiseki maybe and gundam if i have time. anime wa saiiikkooouuda! (da best basically)

Sunday, September 9, 2012


looking for a piano-decoder
weekly pay: 0 dollars
needs to tell me the notes for this:
coz it'll take too long for myself to figure it out LOL

Friday, September 7, 2012


lets give a welcome to our neww jooliar.blogspot reader....

presenting to you...



ok bye. HAHAHA

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Belonging essay

I wrote this in the belonging essay, the teachers didn't pick it up yaayy!

repetition highlighted in blue. holy crap would sound super dumb if the teachers noticed. also. what a waste of words for me ahah. lucky the teachers dont look very deeply into essays but just give a scanning eye. (u get what i mean!)

"Pegging tent further and further away from Hadrian's wall" reveals the increasing cultural gap between father and son which alongside the exclusive pronoun "his" in "his polish friends" reveal the increasing cultural gap between father and son.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

art is an explostion!

or "art is a bang/blast!" is the trademark line for Deidara in Naruto.

In Japanese: geijutsu wa bakuhatsuda!

such a cool line!!!!!!!

Today I discovered, it was actually Taro Okamoto who famously uttered this line!

i will now research more about him haha! yeah in anime they tend to incorporate concepts that stem from actual historical events and figures, such as blackbeard, doflamingo etc in one piece. except you don't realize it until you RANDOMLY stumble across something that tells you so or already have the previous historical knowledge.

since naruto is great! i will show you a few similaritiesss regarding okamoto and deidara.

LEFT: taro okamotos masterpiece "tower of the sun"
RIGHT: Deidara's ultimate jutsu, also his lasts were "ART IS A BLASSTT"
LEFT: Deidara
RIGHT: Taro Okamoto i believe! see where the ideas were inspired

I feel AWESOME for discovering this. im a genius!!

da coolness be overflowin'


repeat with me guys! gair-joo-ts wah bar-ku-har-ts-da

if you said that... u prolly sounded retarded LOL but anyway NIGHT! im excited


 i was playing balls with my dad


anyway we played with those stress balls u get from unsw

and anyway the game was basically, chuck the ball on any surface and let the other person catch the rebound

most hilarious shiz ever.

i was in neutral mode whole day, this made me crack up like an egg

ball kept hitting my dads face accidentally BWAHAHHA. i guess u haf to be there to find it hilarious.

sleep sacrifice

I read this one page document on the negative effects of sacrificing sleep for study. They claimed it was counter-productive, the usual stuff.. and it probably is!

except for me and many others who may do things at the last minute

if we slept, there would be no info in our heads, because the time gained from sacrificing sleep is the time we begin learning all the information - although our brains aren't processing as quickly at such a late time of night.

anyway the point is, try to get things done earlier. preparedness is the key! as we always hear




today i tried to put on makeup to look like nicki minaj, but i just looked retarded



Monday, September 3, 2012


don't go saying it to me at school, coz it loses its awsumness when verbalized. 8)

English session: here I am

i found these three words "here i am" randomly surfing the net.

striking words i must say

should i break these words into pieces?

the word "here" is such a nice word, in this line, it kinda says that that person is right where you are. here. no where else.

"I" gives off this feel that some otherness, some other "I" has arrived for some purpose i know not of

"am" - they exist

whole sentence together gives of a reassuring vibe, that a person has come to heeelllppp.

and the line "we were there" also strikes a hearty chord ahah doesn't need to have a specific context or anything.


Thursday, August 30, 2012


i have come to a realization y some people say the randomest weirdest most retarded things in the whole wide world

it's simply because they can! so why not?

but i could be totes wrong!

Sad Shorts

THIS shortfilm is very souly! watch bruzzahs. CLICK IT! NOW! ) :

Next post willnt be a youtube clip... but 4reals watch it!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

(luv is?)in the air.

few times already i have had dreams where im skiing, but on crazy terrain. and sometimes i have to jump of cliffs to keep on skiing and it's hectic.

well today, i dreamt of climbing up this huuuuuge vertical cliff that was made of haystacks and i was at the top but i couldn't carry myself over and then just as im about to fall from my weak grip, someone from the other side helped reel me up

my heart was beating so fast... and then i flew over mountains and beautiful scenery standing on a huuuge 3m by 3m post-it note that was magically floating due to Sush's magic powers.

doesn't sound too amazing, but that experience in my head.. SO GOOD!

and also... does anyone want to know what love feels like?

click here

doesn't it make your heart palpitate? that's what it feels like to fall in love.


Monday, August 27, 2012


i remember watching this aaages ago. it is a mix of meaningful and sad, you should check it out anyway!!

it's a short video sooo... CLICK BELOW!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

y do i

i was talking to this middle aged man in the open day at USYD today mhm

and everytime he said bachelor of arts... not even kidding he says (EXTREMELY DISTINCTIVELY) school of FARTS. and i had to pinch myself to death to prevent myself from laughing, i let out an accidental chuckle. anyway dat dude was very nice

i talked to this B of arts language dude and he was very quirky, dem thick glasses and fancy hand gestures.. yes who else

can't remember any more,

go da freebies. won a stylus thx to athy, gave it too her coz im da BESST :D

got da cube stress ball. got da usyd water bottle

made da latex ball, got da free sausage sizzle, ice cream and fairy floss at the engineering section.

OH! met this girl who reminded me of hasmeera, she was doing design and computing, dat was pretty cool, and yeah

met lots of random people, saw a bunch of people i knew annnnnnnnnnd

i saw helen chan! and she waved at me. HOLYMOLY SHE KNOWS I EXISSTTT HAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA, we've never talked before, and we still havent coz sshe wasn't on the phone, but she waved ..

so BOOYAH u guys all be jelly.

Friday, August 24, 2012

note to self-ignore!

grammar, early 2000s moriah and syd boys

for 4unit. suggestion from steven. MUST TAKKE IT! if i hav time

Thursday, August 23, 2012


i just had a mini flashback to when i was in year 7 sydney girls high where i told myself

...soon ill be in year 12, in a blink of an eye.

and yes now im in year 12

i have reduced all my past 5.5 years of schooling into a blink of an eye. is dat sad?

compressed dem memories yaknow. nothing really stood out in the 5.5 years even though im sure i had my funniest, awseomest moments that i was sure i would remember back in those days.

i should now go write a poem about memories LOL

maybe the present and future matters so much more than what happens in the past even though they become the past anyway.

annndd... ILL STOP HERE! :D

i swear, donno if ive said this before but the more i think about this kind of stuff the older i become.
when im 90, freak, ill think so deep ill go crazy, and talk in riddles to nearby teens.

so ill keep my thoughts shallow...

stop thinking and go frolick in the grass outside. LIEK A CHILD!

LOLJK daz weird, ok ill go sleep now byebye blogreaders

Sunday, August 19, 2012

oh n b4 i forget

hi jenny :)


had a dream, where i was on a plane and it was appraoching the runway at tremendous speed, and i thoguht to myself: we're dead. and so it kind of crashed into the floor and the plane rolled along, the wings broke and i somehow got launched into the air 30metres, and i fell on the floor...

but everyone else exploded within the plane.

i wake up in a hospital asking where my family was, but they were safe so i was like PHHEWWW

and then i was standing on a really super high up in the clouds tower that was moving, and someone chucks a dragon origami and it kind of flies up into the air majestically.

from all this, moral of the dream is obviously... do your hw!

LOL JK just a random dream

Friday, August 17, 2012

i swear

ok from today. i will not swear, unless necessary.

i have become quite vulgar and now it's time to turn over a new leaf!!

dis i point.

OK i applied for a japanese exchange thingo. didn't make here's the letter.

Dear Julia,
We regret to inform you that your application for the Kizuna Scholarship has not been successful. While this news is disappointing, the high standard of your application is to be commended.
The Kizuna programme is a highly competitive and sought-after scholarship and over 1300 applications were received. The fact that you did not receive this scholarship does not reflect your skills or enthusiasm for the programme, rather it is and indication of the particularly high calibre of candidates and number of places that are available.
Due to the large volume, we are unable to give individual feedback and we thank you for your understanding with this.
We thank you again for the time and effort you put into your application and invite you to regularly check the AFS website for updates as there are a number of other scholarship programmes available.

I don't like this "everybody is a winner" sorta writing! i donno if this is bitching or me being spiteful. but this is how i feel right now.

OK my internal dialogue begins here:

We regret to inform you that your application for the Kizuna Scholarship has not been successful.
"regret" my ass, don't need emotive words like regret just say "Your application for the kizuna ... has not been successful.". 
You know sometimes (i have a feeling emily would understand) you just want someone to tell you YOU FAILED straight in ya face. yea?

 While this news is disappointing, the high standard of your application is to be commended.
NO SHIT ITS DISAPPOINTING. i don't like how the sender of the email is trying to empathize with the unsuccessful people by saying that!!!!! "The high standard of your application is to be commended" . well FUQ U, that sounded insincere and just randomly added in for the LULZ 

The Kizuna programme is a highly competitive and sought-after scholarship and over 1300 applications were received. 

WOOOAHH.. dat means people hu get accepted r real good ayee? dayum. thats not me

The fact that you did not receive this scholarship does not reflect your skills or enthusiasm for the programme, rather it is and indication of the particularly high calibre of candidates and number of places that are available.
The way this is worded not only emphasizes the "Fact i did not receive this scholarship", and that i am not part of the "high calibre of.." so screw u AFS. LOOOL hear the sounds of my rage

Due to the large volume, we are unable to give individual feedback and we thank you for your understanding with this.
Y u thanking me? who said i have understanding with this?

We thank you again for the time and effort you put into your application and invite you to regularly check the AFS website for updates as there are a number of other scholarship programmes available.
 thank me? u better bow down to me guuurrrrllll!

No spite to jenny tho! sincere good luk from me but i feel like ive been deemed as incompetent. 
ok im just being immature little kid. i cannot accept this LOL. FRIGGIN REJECTION

im not irritated by not going to japan. im irritated by the idea of REJECTION. which is something we all have to face in life.
fuckign hate rejection. because rejection makes u feel like ur not "the one" the "special chosen one" 

ARRRRGH fuq rejection. 

I was going to refrain from typing this because i thought it might create a bad atmosphere for u guys, but then i thought where else am i going to write this part from my blog so i did it.

FORGIF ME! and have a nice day. 

i have the worst sportsmanship and now ill go eat some black forest cake! ):

Thursday, August 16, 2012


im realizing lots of different crap (can't find a better word) these days. this year.

mind-opening crap LOL sounds weird

WHY? why do i have to realize all this when im 17years old (Dats old!) it's better than realizing when im 40 i guess but still!

i remember when i was 12-ish i thought to myself, "hurry up learn all the important stuff i need to konw about life, social situations yahdiyadiya" but i remember not knowing what i needed to know

and now that i do know some stuff bout life, i realize what i needed to know when i was younger.

and right now i need to know something which only my future self can tell me.. so FUQ DAT, ill just wait and do things in the meantime to try to shorten the time it takes for me to know stuff.

but i guess many things come with age.

so u guys, there are many things u guys know right now that i dont right?! revelations and stuff! TELL THEM ALL TO MEE! ENLIGHTEN MY UNENLIGHTENED BRAIN!

also there are heaps of stuff i cannot vocalize, the world should create more vocabulary that encapsulates abstract shat.

and while im on the topic....

actually what im about to say isn't even related but uh

i think reading books is a very good way to learn stuff (ok just pretend i didn't say that) it sounds dumb

and also i was talking to emily about this before. why the hek do more people in the arts faculty end up crazy eg musicians/artist/writer.. or am i just stereotyping?

im on a blog post roll today, should make up for my previous dormancy!


hilarious thing happened!

its 11pm, my mum came home from her outing with her friends. we all sing happy birthday

we get out the cake which someone gave our mum but we don't know what type of cake it is

we get all excited

we open the box

we see a fully fatty cake, chocolate, with inch thick cream on top toped with more flakes of chocolate, and dem cherries that have been sweetened + add more sprinkly chocolate on top.

we look at each other

and we all say "OK.. we'll eat this tomorow"

and mum closes the box and puts it away.

friggin LOOL the cake looked waay to sweet

Tell me,

ok does anyone want me to blog anything in particular?

anyways today imma give u a slice of my life, since i dont really blog about life slices.

after exams, everythings everywhere, and im not saying it like a saying as in everything is practically everywhere.

I will literally walk in to any room and find piles of sheets stacked everywhere for my exams, and they're not even stacked orderly

right now i am locating, aka tracking down where all those stacks are. or bundles of random shiz, books dictionaries random tutor stuff all mixed together

and then ill... SORT THEM!

into piles.

although i may not seem like it, i like to organize things b4 i start work... that's also the reason i dont start work often.. because i aint organized at times!

ANYWAYS i have found stacks of random junk i needed for my trials, fallen behind my comp desk, mixed in with my dads work stuff, on top of both printers, lying on the scanner, on my computer desk. UNDER my computer desk, next to by bed, next to my "other" bed. on my "other" bed. resting on the piano, resting ALL over the lounge coffee table, resting in my study room. (most of it's there)

IT'S EVERYWHERE, and im trying to hunt them down.

u see, when i place the sheets in a certain place, my mind (at that time) remembers it. and i think i can track what i need from it down later. but when time passes, i forget. and now yes, i have forgotten and.. and.. AND now it's time to play hide and seek with my junk. (that sounds weird GYAHAHAAAAA)

jeebus. time to go find them now.
bye minions!

hi yvonne

like the title says... hi yvonne! :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


i just spent an hour customizing my blog look, and it's still too hard on the eye i think.

but il lstop for today because ive spent long enough on the blog look

u guys better enjoy it now b4 it get's changed again

anyways, like the pic anyway? its so nice. only time globalization looks nice on the outside GYAHAHAHA

and hi shelley! iunno felt like saying hi to shelley, anyone else want a hi? ill say hi to u next time. yea? :{D

it's a greeatt honour trust me!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

U've got to watch this til the end

It's kinda sad.. but then u get to the ending and it's like LOL!





for the next 3 hours. LOL the feeling is quite da fleeting

Monday, August 13, 2012


let me emphasize, u guys all know already, but lemme still emphasize how good warmth feels.

OK imma preach about warmth to y'all

ok i once went into the shower, and there was no warm water and i was really cold and uncomfortable.

i wake up in the morning, and i have to get dressed.. no warmth!

wearing my school uniform = no warmth unless i add 2 layers of clothing underneath.

end note: warmth is great!

OHHHH. ALSO I MUST MENTION THIS. today i tied my hair in a high pony tail. so much controversy. johnny said it looked more mature. alex, abira and nancy didnt even recognize me from the back but when they did, they said i looked more mature/girly.

so influenced by such comments, i tied my pony tail a bit lower for the rest of day so i could be identifiable.

what it feels.

breeding blush
cheeks warm
cosy clutch of jersey
eyes close

how it feels to be warmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sometimes.
fragmentation meant to make it sound nice!

Sunday, August 12, 2012


i just remembered this,

a month ago, i did my modern history speech

afterwards, mr f3d3r1K0 would talk to you by youself, give feedback on your speech and give your mark and maybe ask questions.

so i did the Battle of Leyte Gulf. and I did my research and stuff but during my feedback time, I remember Mr F3d asking so "you should've talked more about the boats were sunk.. so why did they sink the boats" can't remember exactly... something like that.

 i remember i didn't know the answer at all. and i was thought criiaappp.

so i said " I thought i might go out of the time range so i didn't talk about it"

fed: *keeps looking at me*

Me: "Yeah so i decided to only mention a bit of it rather than going into a lot of detail and i thought the other stuff i discussed were way more important such as __ __ __ __ _ "

fed: "ah ok next time go into more detail.. blabalhbalh heres ur mark"


Friday, August 10, 2012

my modhist plans

tommorow i have japanese ext and modern history. i am pretty screwed but i hope it works out

for mod which comes first, i got duh plan!

WWI section is multiple choice and comprehension stuff ---> WING!
GERMANY ESSAY section: i think its about Nazi's in power or Nazi Foreign Policy so ill study one of those, this is a kind of educated wild guess
ALBERT SPEER ESSAY 1: is a recount of his life so ill just remember some pointers about his life
ALBERT SPEER ESSAY 2: im guessing its going to be if speer is a "good nazi" so ill cram sum random info on that
CONFLICT IN PACIFIC ESSAY: class has a hunch its about beginnings of the war. so cram dat shiz as well..

now that ive typed it all out it seems easier!

and ill study for extension jap in the 50 minute interval between mod and ext jap test

HAHAHAHA... crap

Thursday, August 9, 2012


b4 my liu xiang post,

i would like to tell you guys something (jenny/emily know this so coolies)

i thought i should make a post about it so i can immortalize this train of thought.

OK really light coloured eyes, esp. light blue/crystal clear blue/ etcetc/vibrant grey are sho deep! i find it hard to look at people with such light eyes because if you look them directly in the eye its kind of like looking into their soul.... which is probably ugly LOL JUST KIDDING, it just draws attention away from what they're saying.

well it's not like i can't look, ofc i can look directly into their eyes, it's just that when i do peer into their eyes when i talk, the black dot within the blueness/greyness etc kind black hole absorbs my attention so i can't concentrate LOL IT'S TRUE. and also when the colour is really light it feels like you're not looking at them, but looking INTO their eyes and seeing all dad eye fibre stuff.

but then again really dark brown eyes like most of the people reading my blog probably, are easier to look AT, but serve as blockades, because it kind of just blocks the light out and all u see is a blackish patch so you can't really visually connect with them.

so i think people should strike a balance with light and dark eyes and have medium coloured eyes! (like u strike a balance between the local abd global worlds BAHAAHHA good memories)

..yeah now everyone go change their eye colour LOL

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


not only is he world no.1 sprinter, he's so cool!




and i feel really bad for the jamaican girl who's dreams got shattered, when she stumbled over a hurdle in the 100m preliminary race. she was one of the people who was expected to collect a meddal! ):

all four years of training... actually 8 years + because she also apparently made a mistake in the 2008 beijing olympics ... resulted in this! and it will probably be her last games, because she's thirty something years old +

i feel sad already! imagine her...

read more about her here:


Sunday, August 5, 2012


there is this cruise that begun in 2002, and it's been sailing over the world this whole time... yes even now...

so it's like a lifetime cruise, you practically stay on that boat 5 lyfe. or a big part of your life. it sounds amazing and cool here is the link

probably only the really rich can afford!

but anyway, i don't understand enough about what the people do on the cruise... but!

the whole cruise things is like the epitome of "ignorance is bliss", feels as if though they're going around the world being all yaaayyy and smiles and dis is da life, and thats it. not a care about anything else.

just a bit mebbe? or maybe im just jelly? 8D

utube stupidity

FUs men are superior over any women at anytime whether it's smart, looks or showing our emotions. We have to work much, much harder than any women in this world. Women are the epitome of inferior because really.. they're just that. They can't prove to us men that they can do anymore more than what I said above. So ladies, go fuck off and start making me sandwiches!



Friday, August 3, 2012



i slept!

in my parents bed!

sweet jesus...

and i woke up i the dark (no shizza)

and for ten seconds i had no idea what i was doing or where i was or who i was no kidding

in simpler terms, i was confused

then i tried to remember what happened and what day it was and why i was here

and in a matter of ten seconds, at london olympic score-breaking speed, i made sense of my world.

anyways me go dinner now byebeyBABY :)

Thursday, August 2, 2012


essays, once u've remembered them, it doesn't feel like they're in your memory. because you can't recited the whole thing at once.

u guys get me right?



"guess what mum"

-she keeps watching asian adult drama-

"...I HAVE A BOYFRIEND NOW HEHe" -big smile-

MUM Says:" HAAAAAAARHHHH?!" in shocked tone of voice


-mum goes back to watching TV-


you know..

i did have 3 days to memorize 3 essays

but now i have... half a day!

its a mix of LOL and WHY?! and DIS SUX and NOT FUN!

anyway good luk guys, keep memorizing dem essays

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I also don't like how all these people see a child who has a disease, such as one with Progeria and if in honest truth obviously a bit deformed...

(If you don't know, there is this girl named Adalia Rose on FB, who has a million likes because someone posted a picture and said, like if you think she's pretty")

... and go, "oh she's the most beautiful girl in the world" and "she has the prettiest eyes ever <3" but then when they see some pic of a girl saying "you gotta look like this(pic of one direction) to get a girl like this(she points at herself)" and she's actually quite pretty, they say stuff like, "omg she has no boobs." or "you're so fat and ugly" "go die". DAFUQ?

or another scenario, there is a guy on FB who says "hey girls, did you know.. the smaller your boobs are the closer i can get to your heart" but all the comments are things like, "you're gay." SO WHAT?  wow ur so manly and cool calling someone gay. and other stuff like i quote directly "this guy is a stupid ugly piece of shit" and "Dirty fuckin squinty eyed bastard!!" or "wat a ugly faag wat type of a haircut is tht cant even open his eyes fkn ugly shithead"

and no im not showing sympathy coz i haf small boobs, just in case ur thinking that.

WHAT'S WRONG! does one have to be dying or injured to get sum love?!

anyway im not as enraged as yathink. byebye time for dinner : D yumm i smell tomartoes


i saw this pic on face book and it said this:

"No one understands what I'm going through & why it's so hard for me so I'm just gonna shut up & put on that fake smile like I do everyday & listen to other people's problems because it;s not like anyone cares about me anyway, they just tell me to move on but they dont get it"

there were 2000 likes, DAHEK?
ok maybe i don't understand. but this persons is irritatingly pessimisstic.

no one understands? I'm just gonna shut up & put on that fake smile? it's not like anyone cares anyway?

just a note you peeps, i say "what's that supposed to mean?" a lot, when i can't put how i feel about what someone says clearly into words. but the general feel when i say that is "What you're saying is invalid, because of a really obvious reason but i can't tell you the reason, coz i don't know what it is right now, but it's  really dumb obvious reason!"

EG. some people say retarded things (imo mebbe not urs) such as "who are you to tell me BLABHALHA" .... i mean, what's that supposed to mean!!!

i lack  some mechanism in my head that changes head stuff LOL thoughts into words

oh deary me

i was reading through comments on my past essays right and miss st33ly steel steeeel wrote this
"oh dear- look at this. be proud of your work and take care please"
in response to my terrible conclusion for blade runner/franken essay.
 it was just ugly, fully of pen crossing stuff everywhere and illegibility.


Monday, July 30, 2012



my name is julia

i am tired

my brains not wired

four unit math is tommorow

and i am screwed.

Omg. the trials

gon last a while

but it feels nice

coz i feel freeeeeeeeee


dayum this poem should be studied by students doin the hsc.

The deliberate choice of ungrammatical expressions reveals a modern-age teenager and thus the inclusion of the occasional full stop places strong emphasis on the message it follows, such as its presence after "Screwed" and "Omg" enhances the emotional turmoil of the composer. Blah blah blah.. finally, the last two lines "free" and "whee" are deliberately extended to mirror the outpouring of emotions, and that the composer has managed to find a send of solace within her "screwed"-ness. Maybe the name too, "I am Julia" perhaps marks a sense of identity crisiiiiiss.................. just NO!

I must say, out of all the english topics i've studied in my whole high school, i've only been ever enlightened/struck (call it whatever) by the belonging module (only a tiny bit) a bit more by module a (moreso blade runner, the scene where the guy goes "blahbalhal tears in the rain" that was some sad shit)

... and lastly, a lot by hamlet, which made me very concious of death/life in daily life. Like I assume normally, you would put death at the back of your mind right? But every few times a day I could be randomly talking to someone, and suddenly "WOAH WE GON DIE HAHA" and let's say they smile/or laugh, i would observe and think, "HOLY CRIAP. THIS IS TEMPORARY. LEMME TAKE THIS IN. IT WILL NOT EXIST 100YEARS LATER" so friggin hamlet.

well I guess that's better than getting reminded of it ALL DA TIME!

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand good night!

Oh limp pics!

i was reading about this 16 year old chinese girl, Ye Shi Wen, who apparently beat Lochte's (if i spelt it right) world record for in simming for 400 metres(if my brain is correct, she swum the medley). So i decided to see for myself such awesomeness on youtube.

so i did, bbut in pictures because i couldnt' find the video. but why the heck are all her videos dominated by the red dislike bar?! Yeah, apparently she wasn't one of the, what do you call it, popular bets? for the 400 m medley...and western media is speculating that she's on some sort of drug.

I sense a bit of racism in the videos. hmph >O

Friday, July 27, 2012

three hours!

al lthe coming exams i checked are suupper lonnggg! 2-3 hours. esp the three hour ones!

 i have tried, but i can't sit down still for 3 hours straight, i like stand up midway through paper and go run around or find something to eat, or go bathroom or surf internet. ANYTHING!


ok gnna go eat smth now. LOLZ


my title is a very subtle play on mein kampf (pronounced mine come-pf i tihnk) meaning my struggle in german. because it has been a struggle making dis soup.

it is also a shortened form for MINEstrone soup.

so smart title ayyeee? ;)

anyway, i woke up, and i was humgry so i took out this recipe book and started to make minestrone soup - julia version. which is just chuck everything into a pan add some tomato crap and YALA! FOOOOOODDDD. it's actually really nice you know!

donno if pro cooker, or my expectations of tasty food is just very low hehe.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

allo bloggees!

how i hav missed u so!

i am eating fattening custard right now.

ahh my cravings have been fulfilled

i also ate kfc for lunch ahhhh

LOL brain food 2 da max

anyway i hope this post made you smarter BAHAHAHAHAH

Monday, July 23, 2012


anyways, i remember this song leo linked me ages ago
it is called "fuck everything"

and i suddenly remembered it. like a suddnely remember lots of things. anyway
made me laugh a bit!

random fb dude

so quite a while ago, this random fb guy strikes a convo with me
(COZ IM HOT RIGHT mustve looked at all my hot pics)

-if you expect some hot saucy story stop right here!-

but anywehs, he asked me about what girls think about guys and all other related stuff, and i asked him random questions and he kept going on about love and stuff.

and i was like okeh.

and i remembered him talking about how people do 'love' because people need other people to confirm their existence, because humans instinctively want to be remembered and prove to themselves they exist. He explained it better. and there was heaps of other stuff, i wish i could say but i just can't remember but he KIND OF had a point!

Anyways, COOL CONVO. i got reminded of that because my sister came back home, had a laughing sesh wit mah rents about something she encountered at work, and then walked pass my room and i said "HEY CEE" and she randomly replied, "you don't exist in my world, hhahaahhaha" and i thought DAFUQ. and then i thought "exist" and then i thought "existence" and then i got reminded of this fb dude.

and now im thinking of friggin HAMLET coz dat shakespeare book made me think about existence, coz of its theme of death!

Monday, July 16, 2012


these animal thingoes are quite adorable! HAHA chek this one out:

Id-hen-tity crisis
A confused hen in China is having something of an identity crisis - apparently convinced that it is a penguin.
Rather than walk like a normal chicken the peng-hen waddles completely upright with its wings tucked behind on its back.
The unusual hen belongs to fisherman Liu Yong, from Jinhu in eastern China's Jiangsu province.
He comments: "It walks in a weird way from its childhood, differentiating her from others."
According to Liu, as the hen grows up the difference between it and its peers grows more and more pronounced as it stalks around the yard ramrod straight. Instead of scratching in the ground and roosting on a perch at night, says Liu, the hen walks around "quite arrogantly".
And while the other chickens are able to fly a little the peng-hen either can't or won't.
Liu adds: "Other chickens must think she is a freak as no one will get close to her. In the night all the chickens will fly up to the roof of the chicken house, leaving only her on the ground."


An amazing two-legged pig has become a local celebrity in China.
The 10-month-old pig, known by villagers as "Zhu Jianqiang" (Strong-willed Pig), was born with only two front legs, which it now uses to walk on. According to owner Wang Xihai, Zhu Jianqiang was one of nine piglets born in a litter this January.
He recalls: "My wife asked me to dump it but I refused as it's a life. I thought I should give it a chance to survive and unexpectedly it survived healthily."
Several days after Zhu's birth Wang decided to train the two-legged piglet to walk by lifting it up by its tail. "I trained her a while each day.
After 30 days she can agilely walk upside down." Wang said since the birth of the pig, which currently weighs 50kg (110lbs), his home is besieged by visitors everyday. A circus even offered a high price for the pig, but Wang refused to sell.
He said "She proved to us that no matter what form life is it should continue to live on. I won't sell it no matter how much the offer is".



coz ur blog is dead )8 for like a few yearrs i think.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


DUDE i planned on doing 4 4unit math papers today.

GUESS WHAT. havn't finished one.

HOOOLY CRIAP they r hard.

and i realized each paper has a time limit of 3 hrs, if i do 4 today thats like 12 friggin hours, and i have to mark it and i take longer than 3hrs to do the paper
and i don't even know the topics properly.

so maybe ill do one paper for the whole day !


can't maths be easy?! like yo mothaa LOL JK

Sunday, July 8, 2012

i be readin other peepols blogs

aaaannnddddd.... WELCOME! to my emotionally bland world

actually it aint so bland,

i laffed at emily's blogpost: THIS BIT
"OKAY TELL ME ABOUT JOHANN GOTTFRIED HERDER'S VIEWS ON HISTORY [yes. this is my level of immaturity towards my brother] and he was like IT MEANS YOURE A POO POO HEAD."

 Now check her blog out at jaesbitch dot blogspot you know da shiz

and i laffed out loud at this one bit in masterchef when one of the teams was cooking offle (animal organs) and this other guy said "I'll give you 50 euros if that tastes good"

not so funny but dayum it was so funny then, i actually LOLd OUT LOUD.

funny how the meaning of lol has changed so much i had to say

"lold out loud" which in the past would mean "LAUGHED OUT LOUD OUT LOUD"

but now would mean "I LAUGHED OUT LOUD"

anyways, somebody tell me some deep shiz, so i can go ponder over it and be enlightened and live an AWSUMMERR LIFEE HELLYEAHH BABYYYY

Thursday, July 5, 2012

BOOM! its gone

apparently, there were fireworks in sandiego which were meant to go for 15minutes but finished in a matter of a thirty seconds coz of a glitch.

500000 peeps lined up for this i think, just google it! and were disappointed! really?! i wouldn't be, i meant seeing all the fireworks light up in one go is AWESUM! but short and fleeting unfortunately but still..

i googled sum images, check em out!



and it's gone

it's like a planet , glowing globule of energy and warmthhhhhhhh ahhhh

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


yiruma, is a guy!!
 a freaking guy!!

this whole time, i've been picturing this beautiful 25year old lady composing those songs!
i was going through youtube videos of her.. i meant HIS compositions, and some of them had picture of this 30yr old japanese man and it struck me.


and he is!  HOLY MOLY.

ive been living a lie.