Wednesday, August 1, 2012


i saw this pic on face book and it said this:

"No one understands what I'm going through & why it's so hard for me so I'm just gonna shut up & put on that fake smile like I do everyday & listen to other people's problems because it;s not like anyone cares about me anyway, they just tell me to move on but they dont get it"

there were 2000 likes, DAHEK?
ok maybe i don't understand. but this persons is irritatingly pessimisstic.

no one understands? I'm just gonna shut up & put on that fake smile? it's not like anyone cares anyway?

just a note you peeps, i say "what's that supposed to mean?" a lot, when i can't put how i feel about what someone says clearly into words. but the general feel when i say that is "What you're saying is invalid, because of a really obvious reason but i can't tell you the reason, coz i don't know what it is right now, but it's  really dumb obvious reason!"

EG. some people say retarded things (imo mebbe not urs) such as "who are you to tell me BLABHALHA" .... i mean, what's that supposed to mean!!!

i lack  some mechanism in my head that changes head stuff LOL thoughts into words

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