why isn't three people marriage legal in australia.
what if like three people lets say two girls and one guy really like each other, or three girls really like eachother...
why can't three people get married?
I sound silly, but somebody tell me!!! like seriously!! what is marriage anyway, isn't a union between two romantic couples? so i was thinking what if three people fell in love with each otyher romantically...
so why can't n people get married together legally, or is it legal?
n is a positive integer greater than 2
mebbe im high on mooncakes right now LOL
polygamy isn't legal because there are power issues when one guy wants to have many wives etc, as is allowed in certain religions. that and nutjob conservatives with their 'destroying traditional marriage' rubbish. because monogamous straight people have never cheated or separated or divorced or anything like that, right?