Monday, July 30, 2012

Oh limp pics!

i was reading about this 16 year old chinese girl, Ye Shi Wen, who apparently beat Lochte's (if i spelt it right) world record for in simming for 400 metres(if my brain is correct, she swum the medley). So i decided to see for myself such awesomeness on youtube.

so i did, bbut in pictures because i couldnt' find the video. but why the heck are all her videos dominated by the red dislike bar?! Yeah, apparently she wasn't one of the, what do you call it, popular bets? for the 400 m medley...and western media is speculating that she's on some sort of drug.

I sense a bit of racism in the videos. hmph >O


  1. Spent ages looking for a video of the race too. Channel nine has it on their olympics site.

  2. ahh thankyouthankyou anon! i shall go chek it out now :)
