Monday, April 23, 2012

wishes r like geasses. post titles relate in the weirdest ways to my posts.

i wish the woooooooorld was like in anime ! it's not good to keep thinking that though. i keep thinking that like anime, something awesome is going to happen to me and i still think that LOL, that somethings going to come along and ill lead the best life evarrrr. wooo!

you know one day i'm gnna get so into anime, that it's going to be my undoing. it's like if my real life sucks, i might just go back and watch anime and make my self feel better. it might just be like a place where i try to avoid my sucky lifeee or something. like those excessive gamers that forget real life and mentally dwell within their gaming worlds.

i sure hope not. and i probably wont right? coz im aware of this possibilty existing WOOO! ZOMG someone save me lol JK I CAN OVERCUM(see what i did that emily ^ ^) THIS MYSELF

also whats the difference between male/female deo? coz i sprayed both on myself and they smelt the same, and i looked at the back and the ingredients were similar too. does male deo have more sweat absorbign particles or something. NO IDEA HAHA

i also read this articleee about different types of bodies and i think im pear shaped (apart from being curveless in all areas) like my hips are prolly bigger than my bust. but obviously im a pear to a less of an extent.


1 comment:

  1. jools, i think you're a rectangle/stick shape.
    no way are you a pear shape :L
