Sunday, October 16, 2011

julia facts!

remember i sed i was gnna make a coool post, well yeah the ideas are still loading in my head. like ive still not thought out how im gnna say explain in in proper english. LOL so ill postpone that 4 later. aka, im procrastinating.


emily posted something about how she thinks her life will turn out. excuse meh 4 being unoriginal because im gnna do the same..
in the NEXT POST lol. I just remembered i hafta do my maths HAHAzomg

quickly wanna add that.
i think im such an optimistic person. no joke! (98% of the time)

like i reckon that i believe in my self too much if that's the right way to say it. it's pretty funny actualyl BAHAH

For example, on the day when our grade was getting awards for people who got 99.3 atar above. like by LOGICALLY DEDUCTION, i wouldn't get an ward, BUT! omg, i don't know why i do this but, somewhere in my head im so sure im gonna get it! like the 100% attendance award as well. i don't know if optimistic is even the right word but, ive been away! ive been late! but somewhere in the back of my head, somethings telling me, "hey joolz, i think u just might get that award" maybe because the office didnt record ur late days accidentally, maybe the teacher marked ur name off the roll when u weren't there, accidentally! MAYBE magically, im an exception to logic!

OK more examples. i go into the economics prelim exam, (ok we need to know chapters 1-12, i only know up to 6 but i havent revised over it since half yearlies and VERYVERYVERY vaguely the rest), ok well obviously i didn't turn out with a very great mark. but i swear that before we got the papers back, when the teacher said, "Ill tell you guys who came first?" EVEN THOUGH i KNOW it's not me. actually "know" isn't the right word. even though through LOGICAL ANALYSIS it isn't me!, somehow, something in my head tells me ZOMG julia it might be u!

anyways i think u guys get the point.

whaz right about me?


  1. I GET THAT!
    LOL I was like "hey shelley you could get the 100% attendance thing " even though LOGICALLY DEDUCTING, SIF MAN ive been late heaps of times

  2. hey you know, there's no such thing as believing in yourself too much! :) under-confidence is much more damaging than over-confidence, as long as that over-confidence doesn't translate to arrogance, and yours definitely doesn't.

    and LOL dw i think that all the time. It's natural to be hopeful you'll be first or get good marks, right? XD
