Monday, October 31, 2011

need weed seed freed creed


remember my talk about my backyard. WELL ZED OH EMM JEE (Z-O-M-G)

it is fully grassy now weird, still a bit blotchy tho. when it used to be half barren.

also i dont think ive told u guys bout this but i planted a flower seedling into the ground, i marked it's spot. something grew out of that spot, we thought it was the flower plant but it turned out to be a weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed. LIKE did i plant a weed seed?

i nEEd no fEEd water to da wEEd sEEd. LOL rhymed.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


i think i love my dad more than i think i do.


i will be more nice to him coz he's cool and deserves it. and mum as well ofc.

and i will post another post at a later date. my mind is quite the blank

Friday, October 28, 2011



ZOMG, )8 and i hav so many holes in my math knowledge itz kinda sad.

and all of dis is a result of my fuking lack of organization. and i know that one day that's gnna be the cause of my misfortune.FUQ

Thursday, October 27, 2011


i wonder how many people i will know closely in meh life.

i unno until just a few days i ago, when i think of the future, i only see the end(which means, death LOL) . like i only see everything as temporary, non-lasting since we r all gnna Y'know. i/u/we all know that but until only a few days ago ive continuously become concious of dat.


i think it's coz its dat time of year yayer where ur all like, AYYE what should i do in da future. ETC. must be da reason why.

anyway, on a happier note.

tomorow is multicultural food fair WOHOHOOO!!. my team will be selling thai curry + thai rice yes. not just any ole rice. AND IM NOT MAKING DA CURRY. catherine IS. so tastiness is not guaranteed >) LOOLOL. jokes it should be nice! okokok well then see you all at our stall heeeeeheeeeeeeeeeeee! and oh yes we r doing curry dancing so come and watch! recess under sails. a bit late telling u guys now. 

shinichiroo no kutsu no sokonimo aburamushiiii

shinichiro no kokoro no sokoni wa yuasa hiiromii

ive just finished watching dis anime. haha 8)

Monday, October 24, 2011


we read peter skryznecki's poem called ancestors today.
it's quite the saddening.

it's a vague poem, but it reminded me of the insignificance of being human sometimes.
i mean, no one remembers my great grandma, grandpa and the people before them.

the earliest member of my ancestry i can trace back to is my grandmother, and it's too late to ask her if she could tell me about her granfather, or if she could tell me about what her grandfather told her about his grandfather.

their just beings who existed. but we just never knew what they were. they're like the poem said, "faceless"

i mean, they once lived a life too, once thought about there "faceless" ancestors and how their descendants (me) would never remember them/never ever know them. similar to how my descendents, if i will ever have any, will never know who i was. i wouldn't be anything meaningful to them, like how my ancestors right now aren't exactly meaningful to me as much as i want/they want themselves to be. i won't be real to them, just another person in history. (cept i wont be in history books)

OK I HOPE THIS ANALOGY HELPS. it like how we all view historical figures. think of one. hitler maybe? u think of him like u think of a character in a novel right. (mebbe that's just me) u don't think of him as a person, like ur dad or something. OK I FAIL. moving on

saddening aye

i also think that, humans are pretty sad people(SUMTIMES) they like to talk bout sad things, because iunno! it;s part of the... HUMAN CONDITION TROLOLOLOL.

but i don't think being sad is bad, it's just that a ltot of the time, it gets on peoples nerves because some sad posts are like. "YO THERE> YEAH YOU, just GET OVER EET!" NOW PLEASE1!!"

and sometimes, sad posts are very corny and unoriginal (eg. u broke my heart") but so what.
but so what if their corny.

is corniness uncool?
 i don't think so, no one else does right? coz thats the vibe im getting.

it' would be good if peeps don't say if something is corny or not(haha violation of universal declaration of human rights article... freedom of speech). a phrase like, "it's so corny" normally has negative connotations (from what i hear)  so what if someone plays/sings some heartbreaking, whiny, overplayed boohoo song. yeah it's corny. but it's still beautiful! sad songs articulate one's soul. LOL dunno what that means. the words sounded nice spoken in my head.

i hav lost my train of thought.

PS. what i have sed may not be right. opinion depends on mood and my mood now will change.
BYE! haha


daily life

9:30 now, havnt started work but dats coz i had st johns ambulance cadet thing.

today i realized what makes me angry.
that's when a promise is broken. BUT not just any ole promise. can't explain which ones tho. but anyway cool info.

also today i went to connors, and asked connors if i could interview year 7s and got offered da job on da spot. LOL I MAK IT SOUND SO PRO. lol im dramatizing it, basically i asked if i could volunteer and she was like sure. LOL
HA ABBIRAAMIII!! she sed it was too late, and there was no point asking. >DDDD


and also, if uve noticed my inactivity, well i have 3 blogpost drafts, like after typing 90% of it up, i decided i wasn't gnna post it. so ... explains why ive been inactive.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


these days is a combination of amusedness, and procrastination. D8

will get to work.and these days, my brain isn't filled with stuff, so i don't think much or talk much. DO MUCH.






pictures worth a thousand words

so here's one to make up for my lack of words -------------->  :-)

Thursday, October 20, 2011



scuse my grammar and end of thought process hah!


today ive learnt

: whatever the result duznt matter, as long as u enjoyed the pathway towards it.

ALSO, does anyone have any liek really good stuff they've learnt? like shaaare da knowledge. coz i dont wanna be finding important sutff out like 20 years later. 8) type in da COMMENTs pl0x?

inb4 no comments


inb4 awkward turtle swims by 8D

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

hentai ni hantai suru!! TROLOLOL

lost of blog posts r depressing. SO! i decided to brighten up mine a bit. changed my blog title to
HAPPINESSISNOWHERE. which accroding to charmaine, can be interpreted as either "happiness is now here" or "happiness is no where" i thought that was clever!

also, i have now a happy blogskin, it toook me ages!i ceebs getting a better skin FOR NOW.

and today, i peopel asked, how do u have time to blog, i guess that's true aye, should be doing other stuff!

anywayz! have a great day!

ps. disliek that blank space on the rightt!!


i wanted to typ a post about my really bad habit i hav acquired since year7 in regards to study. but  then i thought ive posted enuf about that. but then i thought to myself. what's the point of saying something like that? annd i couldn't tihnk of a point, so i decided to write about something else.

rememba how i was gnna post about how i picture my life.

well ive been blitzing everything, OC class, i JUST managed to get in to greenacre. then in year 6, i found out i made it into sydney girls. and i was disappointed, coz my parents WERE, lol emotions r contagious yaknow. anyways it's coz my sis made NSG, so i am expected to make it as well, or above. i don't really mind what people expect of me, but it's just that i actually wanted to get into nsg myself and be like BULLYAHR. anyways, so i have this prediction that my hsc, will turn out to be high 98's or low 99s, and im being quite generous to myself here. ACTUALLY, when i talk about how my life will turn out, i don't really think about atar estimates, i just think about how i will change emotionally, spatially.

like i wonder, if ill ever hit a point in life when i suddenly realize something, u know. like DUDE im afraid im gnna realize something crucial to my life, when im 40 or something, when i couldve realised it and changed my life when i was 16 yaknow.
i wonder if ill have a mid-life crisis LOLOLOLOL. i wonder who ill meet in the future. coz id like to meet someone SUPER interesting/cool/daring. LOL im just waiting for someone to come along and suddenly make my life ten times more exciting. (coz im lazy haha)

UM YES! i wonder if ill still be in australia. if im still gnna be in da house im in right now! 

THO PARADOXICALLY, like i said before somewhere sometime, i can't even imagine my life past 2012. like nothing exist after 2012 (OOH!) 

LOL ive lost track of what i was talking about. err. 

this post requires too much thinking, but im gnna try aim for 99.7, coz i liek dat number. right now im on 98.3 which isn't what id like for hsc but im meh bout it right now. i wonder what it feels like to get 99.3+. does it feel good??? ayee? from a 99.3+'s perspective, i reckon 98.3 is a low mark(no shiz sherlok)

anyway i will be lazy no more and do work!!! BUT I CAN'T GUARANTEE IT. GG LOLOLOLOL

Monday, October 17, 2011



I can sense myself already working less productive. im always the most productive first few days of school then it goes downwards from there. I CAN SENSE i am at the point just b4 i start to not do my work

NO! NOT GOOD. NOT GOOD AT ALL. COZ u see everything counts in HSC. i cant just relax like that and take a chillzpillz!

AND as i am posting now, im only JUST starting to feel guilty, like ive stopped being REALLY productive friday last week+weekends. the guilt is delayed by like a few days, so now it's getting to me. by the time the guilt overcomes me, it would already have been impossible for me to catch up on everything easily b4 assessments.

ZOH MY GOSH. even i know when im being a usless doll. LOL DOLL




EEEEEEK. imagine a crazy woman with hair flying everywhere and shocked face sitting behind my comp, yar thaz me.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

julia facts!

remember i sed i was gnna make a coool post, well yeah the ideas are still loading in my head. like ive still not thought out how im gnna say explain in in proper english. LOL so ill postpone that 4 later. aka, im procrastinating.


emily posted something about how she thinks her life will turn out. excuse meh 4 being unoriginal because im gnna do the same..
in the NEXT POST lol. I just remembered i hafta do my maths HAHAzomg

quickly wanna add that.
i think im such an optimistic person. no joke! (98% of the time)

like i reckon that i believe in my self too much if that's the right way to say it. it's pretty funny actualyl BAHAH

For example, on the day when our grade was getting awards for people who got 99.3 atar above. like by LOGICALLY DEDUCTION, i wouldn't get an ward, BUT! omg, i don't know why i do this but, somewhere in my head im so sure im gonna get it! like the 100% attendance award as well. i don't know if optimistic is even the right word but, ive been away! ive been late! but somewhere in the back of my head, somethings telling me, "hey joolz, i think u just might get that award" maybe because the office didnt record ur late days accidentally, maybe the teacher marked ur name off the roll when u weren't there, accidentally! MAYBE magically, im an exception to logic!

OK more examples. i go into the economics prelim exam, (ok we need to know chapters 1-12, i only know up to 6 but i havent revised over it since half yearlies and VERYVERYVERY vaguely the rest), ok well obviously i didn't turn out with a very great mark. but i swear that before we got the papers back, when the teacher said, "Ill tell you guys who came first?" EVEN THOUGH i KNOW it's not me. actually "know" isn't the right word. even though through LOGICAL ANALYSIS it isn't me!, somehow, something in my head tells me ZOMG julia it might be u!

anyways i think u guys get the point.

whaz right about me?

Saturday, October 15, 2011

When a clock is hungry it goes back four seconds. BROLOLOLOL


that didn't look like beef, looked like something that belonged to the innards of a cow, anyways it was beef. BUT it reminded me of all the weird foodz in the world!


DUCK HEADS. yes you eat that, apparently the tongue is a delicacy. *suprised face*

FROG LEGS? never tried those but all i can imagine are these thin wiggly legs *I SHIVERS*

i reckon some foods u can't eat not because it tastes bad, but coz the thought of eating something like that puts u off a tiny bit.

LIKE ESCARGOTS, during that musical dinner, i had other meat ofc! but jenny had escargot, she gave me one to eat! i took da snaily thing out, which in my opinion was kinda sad coz ur pulling da poor snail out of its homely shell. it still had its little antennae thingemabobs. and i put it in my mouth and the moment it touched my tongue it fell out of mouth(coz my mouth rejected it IT WASNT ME i swear!!) coz it was so tender and squishy, i imagined a real snail within!. BUT NONETHELESS, i ate the escargot. without chewing LOL just couldn't make myself savour the body of a snail.

i ate it anyway coz i forced myself. i was like ONCE IN A LIFE THING gtta do eet!

ANOTHER WEIRD food is monkey brains, ok i would nevverrr eat that coz u can only eat it by torchuring the monkey(altho im a bit hypocritical because i eat animals such as pigs, cows who may go through animal cruelty)

OK but let me keep talking about meat from a non-ethical perspective!

i went into a restaurant, and there was fried noodles with OX TONGUE.on the menu! sorray but im imagining a plate of normal spaghetti, with brown human-like flip floppy tongues on the dish here. DOES anyone eat that? it may taste nice, but doesn't the thought of eating an ox tongue not bother u at all! :O LIKE THERE ANOTHER TONGUE IN UR MOUTH!

how about bull testicles? i dunno about u guys but personalyl I COULD nevverrr stand the thought of having animal balls in my mouth.

NOT meaning to offend anyone who eats these kinda things.! its just that the thought of eating the thing really repels me! :O

and no pics showing da images. just incase my dad thinks im weird LOL

Thursday, October 13, 2011

wishful thinking

ah duznt wutever time i get home, i end up doing work after dinner.

unfortunately, my film (which i thought was ambiguous) it's called max and mary was sed to be  "overdone" according to Ms Steel. and my other related text, this neighbours short story was also i quote, "commonly done" so miss is like "do something else." now ive gtta find more related texts. and i had put all my faith into my chosen texts already, thought they were good and uncommon. )8

and today i sat next to <person> in <subject> class today woohoooo! LOLOL anyways she was writing up this proposal thing for src. and i couldn't help but think to myself, she lives on another more exciting platform. i bet she sees school differently in a way i can't understand. from my  unimportant perspective, things are bland right now. school is same (sibilance thar) unchanging, i go to class, everythings the same, always the same. i go home, do the same things. (ok i know everyonez kinda ilek dis) but i can't help but think that she sees the school totally different.

MAYne im like a background character in movies, those people who aren't part of the action/story. like those movies where a few school students discover something and from there on their lives change! and im just like the people who don't know anything but keep going on with my unchanging life. YO get meh.

im not exactly bored, things are still fun! but i feel like ive zoned out/ less aware at school. like my awareness crept back into my head. HEy! that makes sense doesn't it! it's a physical "kibun" LOL jap dere.

 except for those few moments when im laffing my ass off at something HAHa!

anyway today i was also sitting next to clarence in my free, and he was doing his jap study. he doesn't even follow the course, he's far ahead, it makes me feel un-pro. BUT! it's good encouragement i guess. psst. imma beat him when da time comes LOL maybe like in another 1000 years.

next post i have something interesting to share!

Random notes to self
-state of mind

Wednesday, October 12, 2011



MATHS. you know when you get a question wrong and u keep checking ur working over and everythings correect, u can't find anything wrong. but the answer u get is wrong.

WELL YEAH FUARR this question in 16 c yellow fitz. DUDE SOOO irritatin. because for a straight 45mins mintues i thought 64 divided by 6 is 6 coz i avidly believed that 6 x 6 is 36. I WAS LIKE INSPECTING MY WORKING OUT like evevrythngg, reworking, pondering suttfz FOR LIKE 45 mins straight. ARGH until i asked my sister. FUARAR

FWOOOOOOO all this steam(aka rage) on maths has been building up.

45 minutes, i couldve dun other useful STUFFF. watch two episodes of anime.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011





CLARENCE AND SIDDO IS GOINGGGG. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))*88

I WANNA GO TOOOO!!!! I WANNA GOOOO! i really wanna seee JAPANNNNn!!!

im such a sook. if dats a word LOL HAHAH



PLEASEPLSASE. im gnna end up going japan when im likeeeeeee twenty something. but i wanna go whilst in my teen years )8 aw.

Monday, October 10, 2011


YA'll blogsurfers/readers/stalkers LOL kidding!

lemme just tell you what my blog is for. ok it may seem obvious but ill just tell ya'll all.

at first it was purely japanese. to practise my japanese. Then it became half english and half jap. Now it's full english (sometimes jap: when im in the mood) and i make sure that i don't post about everyday life. because everyday life is quite the norm for me! unless something BIIIIG happens like it could be a formal, a random unexpected event that took me by surprise.

ALSO 55% of the time, i take in mind theres an audience to read it. the other 45% i write whatever is on my mind. because i don't take into account an audience, aka im pretending that no one is gnna read it because im concentrating so hard to put my thoughts into words that i choose to type in whatever way i want.(so i might sound TOO <insert adjective>

SO end story is. my blog is there for me to type up ANYTHHINNNGG and whatever i think is fascinating/cool!! and a lot of the time i don't edit my stuff, so things may come across a certain way.

anyways whilst blogging yaerr.I will hopefully engage my VIPz/readers YAY.

simply because, there happen to be people who read my blog AHAHHA (automatic obligation to not bore them out)

im done. 8)


k sumtimes i do loads of work  and then afterwards im like. what am i doing this for? whats the point!!! and i start to get off track and think. DUDE im wasting my time doing all this work when i could be... doing something else..YEAH! coz lifes too short. and then i start thinking: ZOMG what is my life's purpose.

WOW im so original. anyways then i start thinking more specifically: in my assumed 80 years of my life, what should i do/experience b4 i oficially don't get to experience life anymore. RIGHTE? and then i think, EVEN THOUGH IT MIGHT Not BE TRUE, that im wasting my life doing all this homework. can't i be doing something funner/cooler! that's why my personality is what it is(weeeeeirrd perhapz). it's coz i wanna do a lot of stuff(i don't care if it's weird/awkward/retarded) as long as it aint exactly harmful to others because whatever happens is part of my oh-so wholesome experience of living. >D

OK gtta have a moral in this. just remember to make ur experience the best it possibly can be by doing stuff you want to do but normally wouldnt! 8D


Friday, October 7, 2011

lots of stuffs

ZOMG LOL my sister has 17 followers!! surprizze. HOW? i thought i was the popularest!

anywayz. internetz gon be gone in 30 minutes so ill type up whatever quickly!

firstly can't wait until tommorow! we'll be on a boat, on the sea! haven't been on a boat since ages! so thats gnna be very exciting! WOOOHOHOOOOO

what else. OH YEAH i still don't have an outfit plan, but thaz alrite coz i look good in whatever i wear. RIGHTT? haha.

OH and yes i have come up with a new realization. every so often, something in me clicks and i realize something! OLOL, and liek its nothing clever either (as much as id liek it to be) it's something obvious HHAA!.

anyway here goes!!

WAIT B4 i go on SORRY HAHA. i would like to say that.. I told my sister my ya know.. realization. and i was oh so excited right! i was like woohoo im the only one that knows this. im sho coooool. BUT NO. my sister bat me right down with her harsh words. "didn't u know that already?"
ANYWAYS continuing

ive realized that people can only reveal their true forms? when placed under a certain environment/circumstance. so lemme expand.. when i say true forms i mean hidden attributes we wouldn't normally see, or qualities that don't surface unless u activate it with something. this could mean... generosity ETCETC!!

anyway so the outstanding people of today are outstanding(in personality) because they are in the right environment, and this environment is the reality you are in right now. and to fit well into this environment, is decided by chance i guess. so therefore unfortunately, some people in this world can't really show their awesomeness because they don't do awesome in this particular world we live in today. like maybe if they lived in a world where there was a zombie apocalypse, they would stand out and do awesome stuffz, but since unluckily, they're not. they can only remain their whatever(quiet/discreet) selves.

im saying this generally, im not taking into account stuff like people can change themselves etc. but anyways. yeah i thought that was a cool thought!!!


haha >)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

)} : mustachie man.

u know ive just been reading emily's blog. YES YOU EMILY. hheheeee anyways reminded me of how i feeeel!

like how not doing work creates guilt!!
that's so true! the guilt that has been accumulating over the whole holidays from being a lazyass is drilling a beeee-g hole through me..... in fact! the fact that ive never been doing any real fully-serious study since..never is making me feel the bad feeling you feel when feel like a no-purposed living entity. scuse my sucky language here.

im feeling so guilty that, when i do get work done, it's jus feels liek heaven. emotional happiness converts into physical energy and im just liek jumping round in joy. LOlz


Sunday, October 2, 2011

am i losing my undestandability?

i am up to episode 300+ for bleach. and i started at like episode 118 after prelims ended. that's how i waste my time.

anyways. apart from being extra extraordinarily lazy/dumb/usless/unproductive during holidays. i like how i get to do whatever, whenever, however. LOL like i can sleep in etc. anwyay

being a person who is EXTREMELY experienced in love(not) i hav come up with this theory!! ok alal ears please.

if someone has a crush on someoneelse. then the chances of the other person liking back are pretty high. ok i tihnk this because if you've set your eyes on someone, you like them because of their looks, personality and they're your type.

LOL -mind blank for 5 minutes- in real life

wait how should i go about explaining this. you know how couples look alike. ish? well lets say you find someone attractive and others don't, there is a reason u find them attractive. like because they are similar to you? because there's something there that says that if you find their personality clicks with urs, they'd probably find ur personality very compatible.

i cant explain the mechanism that causes this to happen. ahwelz

do i make sense . even A LITTLE HAR?

good thing i hav this blog. if i nevar try to articulate my thoughts, i'll end up geetting worse at expressing myself LOLLz.

ANYWAY. i might try explain that better at a later date.

NOW im gnna talk bout bleach because ive been watching heaps of it. spoilerz ahead

ICHIMARU GIN. he's the guy who from little, tries to protect matsumoto, this girl. but to do that he betrays heaps of people, and murders many.
he's like a heartless/sly/evil guy on the surface but he's actually just a person who's trying tooooooooooooooooo protecttttttttttttt his own friennd.


he's this bad guy in the film. but he'z cool
he's the embodiment of someone who feels hollow. like anything he cannot see, he thinks does not exist. so naturally, he doesn't get what a hearrt adn a soul(figuratively means) he dies too

coolehz im done.

lol jus shows how addictive this bleach anime is.