GUESS WHAT? today i have somethings to say, under the topic of C A RRRZZZZ!!! cahrsss
cars have faces! ZOMGGG. they doooo!! ive always noticed this, and i think lots of pepole hav. BUT HAHAAAAA they so funny, like some of them!
but i reckon dese car faces rnt THHAATT distinct
birds flying next to car!! ZOMG AGEN this happened to me today, its so cool, coz it kinda looks slo mo! its so mesmerizing. those simple things that make u go "oooooohh aaaaaaah"
OH and today i was learner driving today and hee hee i stopped at the lights and i looked to my left and there was this woman staring at me so i turned bak immeeeedddiately. but then i didnt see her face properly so i looked at her again and she was still looking at me! and then i waved my wave and she smiled her smile .LOLOL she looked like julia gillard no joke. i wanted to turn my head agen but thats weird.
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