maths was sucky.
i cant believe i couldn't get the fish question. friggin fish and the 6 marker square question in section 4.
SHINJIRARENAI, i should've got it!! like ive done those quesitons b4, especially with woody.
thats all, 10 marks lost automatically, EFF EM ELLE . ARGHARGHARGHARHARH anyway
dude, ive been posting like regularly during exam week, coz im trying to find something to replace studying that won't make me feel extremely unproductive - so blogging.
time to start writing my 3u essay. wow it is 9pm now.
OH AND LOL eco test, me and yvonne knew like NOTHING (im dropping it!!!) so like when we heard the day b4 i think that the multiple choice was 30 marks and the extended responses were like 40 marks! we were like fully GG'ing eachother.
GG is our word for, gameover, ur screwed, it's nice meeting you see you in the next life we're both dead.
anyway during the exam the EXTENNDED response turned out to be 60 marks ZOMG so in the silence, me and yvonne both looked at eachother and GG'd eachother agen.
anyway cool story. I THOUGHT it was funny hehe 8)
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
i have finally concluded that i have a cold. i coff uncontrolaby sometimes, i sneeze like four to ten times in a row during exams, home, after school wherever. i have a runny nose and i always need a tissue during exams. and my eyes are watery as, and i have that yuck feelin in my throat.
SO the point of this was for u to pity me. NOT. the point is, im gonna sleep for like 48 hours. im gon go into hibernate mode so i can recooooop maselth. (my self) so i can upgrade my bodily defenses!! woohooooo
right now. BACK TO MATH REVISION for prelims!
SO the point of this was for u to pity me. NOT. the point is, im gonna sleep for like 48 hours. im gon go into hibernate mode so i can recooooop maselth. (my self) so i can upgrade my bodily defenses!! woohooooo
right now. BACK TO MATH REVISION for prelims!
Monday, August 29, 2011
paradoxiacally, even though i can't imagine myself older than 30, i can imagine myself when im 70 talking to random people going, "it was only days ago when i was young" . i think i know why oldish people say that. it's because they want us to know that they've once been youn gJUST LIKE US. and they've just met this cruel wrinklefying agent called time for a loooonng time.
Note to self
-download bokuragaita songs
-download code geass songs
Note to self
-download bokuragaita songs
-download code geass songs
Sunday, August 28, 2011
ok i shall be on hiatuuusss!
EXAMS ARE IN LIKE 16 hours or something if my guess is correct
sooo soray can't be ur procrastination blog!!
i always feel the need to mispell "sorry" because doing so makes it seem less formal and deeply apologetic, its just kinda like sorry you know? LOL
its like a technique i use
i mite be back tho in this week. MAYBE. close ur eyes and praaayyy LOL
EXAMS ARE IN LIKE 16 hours or something if my guess is correct
sooo soray can't be ur procrastination blog!!
i always feel the need to mispell "sorry" because doing so makes it seem less formal and deeply apologetic, its just kinda like sorry you know? LOL
its like a technique i use
i mite be back tho in this week. MAYBE. close ur eyes and praaayyy LOL
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
my bird can flip. can yours?
iii wwwwwwwwwwwwiiiiiiiiissssshhhhhhhhhhh................... wait this fb group describes this puh-fectly imma add some bits in too.
THEM: <nothing> or yeah or ok or <one worded whateverrrr>
__________ is now offline
THEM: <nothing> or yeah or ok or <one worded whateverrrr>
__________ is now offline
you cannot fathom the intensity of the fuck i do not give
i feel bad just completely raging. coz wut if the other person had an internet dc? but in the case that they don't, this post reflects me in my moody mood.
ok next post, ill stick to emotionless stuff, to even it all out. >D
things i think about thine.
i reckon that in order to make urself feel better, u should stop forming assumptions!
i think that forming assumptions about a particular thing, will make things worse for you if ur assumption is false.
so in this case, if you stay away from them, and they don't think ur annoying. then ur assumption is just making things worse for you.
so if u do start assuming, counter a bit of the assumption with something else in ur head! like "CHILLAX, im just thinking too much maybe i should stop thinking too much, making mountains out of molehillsss...(is that the right expresssionnn hehe)"
if you assumption is correct and hypothetically, she does think your annoying, then kindof stopping that assumption will also make life easier for you. like watching ur annoying actions and words yet not completely staying away from them.
hope this made sense. explaining is HARDDD. AND THIS IS HYPOTHETICALL
ALSO, funfact1 i don't dislike anyone and as much as i complain about somethinig, i reallly believe in the best of them. or so i think. i could always be wrong tho.
ALSO, funfact2. i dislike being called annoying. (Excluding mah sistah, she's an exception) hehe
and i also think this in regards to people who people find <insert negative adjective>
1. they know they are emitting this negative image but can't exactly do anything bout it without some sort of embarassing consequence or something and they don't like this 'image' but it just happens to naturally radiate from them.
2. they don't know they're emitting a negative image, so it looks like they don't care, even tho they would care if they knew about it.
i reckon that in order to make urself feel better, u should stop forming assumptions!
i think that forming assumptions about a particular thing, will make things worse for you if ur assumption is false.
so in this case, if you stay away from them, and they don't think ur annoying. then ur assumption is just making things worse for you.
so if u do start assuming, counter a bit of the assumption with something else in ur head! like "CHILLAX, im just thinking too much maybe i should stop thinking too much, making mountains out of molehillsss...(is that the right expresssionnn hehe)"
if you assumption is correct and hypothetically, she does think your annoying, then kindof stopping that assumption will also make life easier for you. like watching ur annoying actions and words yet not completely staying away from them.
hope this made sense. explaining is HARDDD. AND THIS IS HYPOTHETICALL
ALSO, funfact1 i don't dislike anyone and as much as i complain about somethinig, i reallly believe in the best of them. or so i think. i could always be wrong tho.
ALSO, funfact2. i dislike being called annoying. (Excluding mah sistah, she's an exception) hehe
and i also think this in regards to people who people find <insert negative adjective>
1. they know they are emitting this negative image but can't exactly do anything bout it without some sort of embarassing consequence or something and they don't like this 'image' but it just happens to naturally radiate from them.
2. they don't know they're emitting a negative image, so it looks like they don't care, even tho they would care if they knew about it.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
post bout nutttthiing
what to post about.... hm
in jap i made a sentence. it was according to my sources preety epic, so i thought i should keep a record.
taberukoto ga daisuki desukara, daidokoro ga sukida to omoimasu. daidokorode tabemono ga aru reisoko wa futastu atte reisoko no hitotsu wa jibunno desunode onnakaga suitatoki takusan oyatsu wo taberaremasu.
woohoooo i remember. oboeraremasu!
you: ...........er WHAT?
i haven't slept much. anyone lend me some of their sleep time? i swear ill return it. ill be eterrnnally gratefulllll..
)8 sad face. i wantz teh sleep liek now(with u)lol jkz
in jap i made a sentence. it was according to my sources preety epic, so i thought i should keep a record.
taberukoto ga daisuki desukara, daidokoro ga sukida to omoimasu. daidokorode tabemono ga aru reisoko wa futastu atte reisoko no hitotsu wa jibunno desunode onnakaga suitatoki takusan oyatsu wo taberaremasu.
woohoooo i remember. oboeraremasu!
you: ...........er WHAT?
i haven't slept much. anyone lend me some of their sleep time? i swear ill return it. ill be eterrnnally gratefulllll..
)8 sad face. i wantz teh sleep liek now(with u)lol jkz
Monday, August 22, 2011
lol doubt anyone studies math for that long anyway hehe. and this graph is only applicable for somepeople. like for me, even if i study 10 hours, i doubt my maths would be SUPPPER good
ANWYAY one week to go for yearlies!
ANWYAY one week to go for yearlies!
WHOOOPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. good luck. (luck won't get me anywhere, but it might get u sumwhere!)
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Another dreamost (dream-post)
this is jstu for anyone who read, and get disappoint therez no post. 8)
OMG lemme tell you of this super weird dream i had. well an aspect of it.
anyway i was standing between kenny and william and either i was reall short, or they were REALLY tall coz in the dream, i had to crane my neck (is that the verb-crane?) anyway they looked 3 metres tall and im like, "how tal r u guys" and kenny was like 1.9m and then i asked. "can u lemme sit on ur shoulders?" and then kenny wasl ike ok and then and climbed up kenny like a tree O_o and then i reached the top and then i looked down at william and told him how short he was from up there. LOL
WUT IN THE WORLD? typing tihs is making me lafff HAHAAHAahhahah anywayss.
oh there was this part, where i was running really reallyy fast accross these grass plains with plastic bags in my hands LOL filled with whatever and they were trailing behind me, coz u know my hand were behind me. and then i flung the heavy plastic bags in front of me andit slid along the grass suuuper fastt and i trailed behind them, feet of the grounds. great feelign i must say
OMG lemme tell you of this super weird dream i had. well an aspect of it.
anyway i was standing between kenny and william and either i was reall short, or they were REALLY tall coz in the dream, i had to crane my neck (is that the verb-crane?) anyway they looked 3 metres tall and im like, "how tal r u guys" and kenny was like 1.9m and then i asked. "can u lemme sit on ur shoulders?" and then kenny wasl ike ok and then and climbed up kenny like a tree O_o and then i reached the top and then i looked down at william and told him how short he was from up there. LOL
WUT IN THE WORLD? typing tihs is making me lafff HAHAAHAahhahah anywayss.
oh there was this part, where i was running really reallyy fast accross these grass plains with plastic bags in my hands LOL filled with whatever and they were trailing behind me, coz u know my hand were behind me. and then i flung the heavy plastic bags in front of me andit slid along the grass suuuper fastt and i trailed behind them, feet of the grounds. great feelign i must say
Saturday, August 20, 2011
todaayy i was paralysed again. i was lying down at the back of the car. reallllly tired, i had tutor in the morning, so afterwards i slept in da car whilst my parents went shopping. like i felt the usual, vibrating/buzzing of my whole body and i was like. SHIZ if i don't wake up now im gnna be paralysdddd. but yeh i got stuck and yeah i couldn't move.
i dont know if this is the imagination of real life but i pryed one eyes open, forcefully and stared at the sky outside the window, so i could keep my eyes on reality. coz if i closed my eyes, i was scared i might see something freaky. so yeah i could only open one eye and i stared outside. lemme make this clear, when i kept my eye open, everything looked like what it would look like in real life, maybe i really did 'see' these things irl i dunno, maybe i created it with my own mind. but anyways it was weirrd.
and then i heard my parents returning and my dad was like, "let's not wake her up" and i thought to myself, "omg wake me, im parraalyzed!!" and then i started calling for my parents but only this air, inaudibleish hiss came out. and yeah. and then i woke up after my dad opened the car do, i just snapped out of it and i wasl ike WOAHhh
and i asked my parents if they sed what i thought they sed, and they were like, no... and so yeah, i imagined it.
if you wanna know what i felt like keep one eyes closed, keep the other one open, but like press down on our eyelids coz u know it was hard to open my eyes, and then vibrate urself LOL it was really weird buzzing serious. its likes the movements u wanna amke are countered with this heavy buzzing/vibrating.
i dont know if this is the imagination of real life but i pryed one eyes open, forcefully and stared at the sky outside the window, so i could keep my eyes on reality. coz if i closed my eyes, i was scared i might see something freaky. so yeah i could only open one eye and i stared outside. lemme make this clear, when i kept my eye open, everything looked like what it would look like in real life, maybe i really did 'see' these things irl i dunno, maybe i created it with my own mind. but anyways it was weirrd.
and then i heard my parents returning and my dad was like, "let's not wake her up" and i thought to myself, "omg wake me, im parraalyzed!!" and then i started calling for my parents but only this air, inaudibleish hiss came out. and yeah. and then i woke up after my dad opened the car do, i just snapped out of it and i wasl ike WOAHhh
and i asked my parents if they sed what i thought they sed, and they were like, no... and so yeah, i imagined it.
if you wanna know what i felt like keep one eyes closed, keep the other one open, but like press down on our eyelids coz u know it was hard to open my eyes, and then vibrate urself LOL it was really weird buzzing serious. its likes the movements u wanna amke are countered with this heavy buzzing/vibrating.
Friday, August 19, 2011
rolling in the deeeep
you know that moment, when your in bed, and your eyes are closed, and your in the line between conciousness and unconsiousness. you don't really feel anything but you're definitaaatly thinking about something, that's really nice to think about, but your not conciously aware that u r thinkng. but then somehow, you wake up due to whatever, and then you realise you were thinking about something just then, but you just can't rememberi t, and it's just at the top of ur head, but u just can't remember. few times i remember, these things i thought about, if i recall correctly, were randomly normal.
i can't give an example of what i thought about because i forgot, altho i remembered it b4.
ALSO, i wish i hhaddd lighter eyes!! and diff coloured. that'd be cooool coz i see people with light eyes, taking pics of their eyes on fb or wherever, and it's sooo coool like u can see all the eye fibres and stuff. and makes their eyes look transparent, glassy ETC!
for a few secondss today. i felt like i wasn't real, i was stuck in this body, a barrier, that im not really experiencing anything real. yeah and then i sensed death, imminent, inevitable, close and i felt hopelessssssssssssss. coz u know, nothing i can do about it. anyway just thought i should record this for later reference for waatevehr
i can't give an example of what i thought about because i forgot, altho i remembered it b4.
ALSO, i wish i hhaddd lighter eyes!! and diff coloured. that'd be cooool coz i see people with light eyes, taking pics of their eyes on fb or wherever, and it's sooo coool like u can see all the eye fibres and stuff. and makes their eyes look transparent, glassy ETC!
for a few secondss today. i felt like i wasn't real, i was stuck in this body, a barrier, that im not really experiencing anything real. yeah and then i sensed death, imminent, inevitable, close and i felt hopelessssssssssssss. coz u know, nothing i can do about it. anyway just thought i should record this for later reference for waatevehr
Thursday, August 18, 2011
thankuuuu peoplehs
OH AND A THANK YOU NOOOOTE, to whoever eads my blog. whoooose not emily and jenny LOL. i think i should personally give a sankkyyuuuu because i ammmmmmmmm happpppy this blog is being read. HEEHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
ひさかたぶりに 日本語の ポストを かきますねええええええ。りゅうが ありませんけど ちょっと きもちよく なっています。
さいしょ、わたしつかれているし、 それに しけんが ちかづきます。
じゅんびが ない。 た.まけものだ。わるい!
にほ.んごで かくから、 どなりちらす(RANT) き'かいを 利用(りよう)する。
はい!よく 人は わたしが ぎこ.ちないと 言った とき
が すき.じ.ゃない。と.めて'くださいいいいいい!!
....owatta! jya mata ashita :DD
LOL GOOGLE TRANSLATE THIS. it's like "suicide note" hahahahahaah
さいしょ、わたしつかれているし、 それに しけんが ちかづきます。
じゅんびが ない。 た.まけものだ。わるい!
にほ.んごで かくから、 どなりちらす(RANT) き'かいを 利用(りよう)する。
はい!よく 人は わたしが ぎこ.ちないと 言った とき
が すき.じ.ゃない。と.めて'くださいいいいいい!!
....owatta! jya mata ashita :DD
LOL GOOGLE TRANSLATE THIS. it's like "suicide note" hahahahahaah
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
SELF TALK about my lack of skillz
Everyday i go home, and i do nothing. like nothing as in no work at all, nothing school related. and then i get thoughts like: OMG IMMA SCOOOOOO UP. which is normal. at schoool im like: OMG I HAVE MOTIVATION OK WHEN I GET HOME I WILL DO YARDIYARDIYAH. when i get home: MUCK AROUND, AND PROCRASTINATE.
why do i procrastinate?
i dunno like doing work is always better than not doing work. like and its not hard for me to just move my fat ass and start doing work. I DONT GET IT. its not lack of will either i dont think. i think it's because im used to beign a last minuter so i only get motivate dwhen the deadline is really close. if i work like 2 weeks ahead of deadline, my pace is extremely slow coz im like: meh 2 weeks to goooo i can work as slow as i want, no fret.
but being a last minuter, often i dont get work done. unless of course its really important etc.
----------------------------------lol ignore, no reverse psychology lol----------------------------
random songs i should remember:
why do i procrastinate?
i dunno like doing work is always better than not doing work. like and its not hard for me to just move my fat ass and start doing work. I DONT GET IT. its not lack of will either i dont think. i think it's because im used to beign a last minuter so i only get motivate dwhen the deadline is really close. if i work like 2 weeks ahead of deadline, my pace is extremely slow coz im like: meh 2 weeks to goooo i can work as slow as i want, no fret.
but being a last minuter, often i dont get work done. unless of course its really important etc.
----------------------------------lol ignore, no reverse psychology lol----------------------------
random songs i should remember:
two days agggooo i went to a dessert shop and i asked for a mango sago, and they were like there were none, coz mango si out of season. This kinda makes me sad because it makes me think that things aren't available to us all the time.OOH DEEP
i want to play that big organ in town hall. the pipes cover the whoel section of one wall, and the wall is huge, extends to the rooftops, like thirthy metres? ammi exaggerating? but it looks cool.
capital punishment is wrong
and shiz, im getting so scared for my prelims. esp jap i dont get it at all.
that feeling comes and goes. i havent studied yet. MOTIVATION UPPPP PUHLEASSEEE.
i want to play that big organ in town hall. the pipes cover the whoel section of one wall, and the wall is huge, extends to the rooftops, like thirthy metres? ammi exaggerating? but it looks cool.
capital punishment is wrong
and shiz, im getting so scared for my prelims. esp jap i dont get it at all.
that feeling comes and goes. i havent studied yet. MOTIVATION UPPPP PUHLEASSEEE.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
CARstraight LOLL
this is my 70th post! which means the last one was the 69th wootwoot totally worth celebrating over
GUESS WHAT? today i have somethings to say, under the topic of C A RRRZZZZ!!! cahrsss
cars have faces! ZOMGGG. they doooo!! ive always noticed this, and i think lots of pepole hav. BUT HAHAAAAA they so funny, like some of them!

but i reckon dese car faces rnt THHAATT distinct
birds flying next to car!! ZOMG AGEN this happened to me today, its so cool, coz it kinda looks slo mo! its so mesmerizing. those simple things that make u go "oooooohh aaaaaaah"
OH and today i was learner driving today and hee hee i stopped at the lights and i looked to my left and there was this woman staring at me so i turned bak immeeeedddiately. but then i didnt see her face properly so i looked at her again and she was still looking at me! and then i waved my wave and she smiled her smile .LOLOL she looked like julia gillard no joke. i wanted to turn my head agen but thats weird.
GUESS WHAT? today i have somethings to say, under the topic of C A RRRZZZZ!!! cahrsss
cars have faces! ZOMGGG. they doooo!! ive always noticed this, and i think lots of pepole hav. BUT HAHAAAAA they so funny, like some of them!
but i reckon dese car faces rnt THHAATT distinct
birds flying next to car!! ZOMG AGEN this happened to me today, its so cool, coz it kinda looks slo mo! its so mesmerizing. those simple things that make u go "oooooohh aaaaaaah"
OH and today i was learner driving today and hee hee i stopped at the lights and i looked to my left and there was this woman staring at me so i turned bak immeeeedddiately. but then i didnt see her face properly so i looked at her again and she was still looking at me! and then i waved my wave and she smiled her smile .LOLOL she looked like julia gillard no joke. i wanted to turn my head agen but thats weird.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
fragment of code geass.
now that ive finished watching code geass. i SAy itz something u should watch. like its so sad not in the soppy annoyingish way but like in a sad way lol! coz ok trying to make this unspoilerish as possible. it's sad in the way that .. ok let me make an analogy
which ones sadder?
someone sad and scrying
or someone sad but like smiling
WELL YEAH kinda like that. the second option. KIND OF. but less cornier than that.
C.C.: "Lelouch...Do you know why the snow is white?...Because it forgot what colour it was"
Lelouch: "C.C.,I do not know why snow is white,but I do find such white snow beautiful."
i love code geass.
below is spoilers. so read at ur own risk
C.C.: "Lelouch, I shall reveal to you the condition of our pact... my wish now..."
(silence for a moment)
C.C.: "My wish is to die, for my existence to end forever."
Lelouch: "End? But you're..."
C.C.: "What lies at the end of Geass for its users... is to succeed the position of the one who bestowed the power on them. In other words, one would obtain the ability to kill me.
Lelouch: "Kill... C.C.?"
C.C.: "Of the many people that have had a pact with me, none were able to attain that goal. However, now there is one - Charles."
Lelouch: "Impossible... You made a pact with me in order to die?"
C.C.: "Correct."
Lelouch: "You've lived in order to die?"
C.C.: "Therein lies the providence of this world. Such a limit is called life."
Lelouch: "No! There is life because one is alive!"
C.C.: "Same thing. People are aware of life when they are aware of death."
Lelouch: "You're just playing with words!"
C.C.: "But people do die."
Lelouch: "Even so, what is the reason... the meaning of birth into this world?"
C.C.: "You know the answer to that. Those are nothing but mere illusions."
Lelouch: "A life that just has death is too tragic!"
C.C.: "You don't call endless aggregation of not dying, 'life'. That is merely an experience."
(Lelouch gasps)
C.C.: "If you have a reason to live, then kill me. Do that, and you will obtain the same power as Charles... The power to fight."
(Lelouch stutters to speak)
C.C.: "Farewell, Lelouch. You are too gentle of a person."
Lelouch: "Wait, you-" (falls below)
anyway i just like this anime. i have that feeling u get u know when after u watch something it is like there is this big fat empty hole in u, u know!
which ones sadder?
someone sad and scrying
or someone sad but like smiling
WELL YEAH kinda like that. the second option. KIND OF. but less cornier than that.
C.C.: "Lelouch...Do you know why the snow is white?...Because it forgot what colour it was"
Lelouch: "C.C.,I do not know why snow is white,but I do find such white snow beautiful."
i love code geass.
below is spoilers. so read at ur own risk
C.C.: "Lelouch, I shall reveal to you the condition of our pact... my wish now..."
(silence for a moment)
C.C.: "My wish is to die, for my existence to end forever."
Lelouch: "End? But you're..."
C.C.: "What lies at the end of Geass for its users... is to succeed the position of the one who bestowed the power on them. In other words, one would obtain the ability to kill me.
Lelouch: "Kill... C.C.?"
C.C.: "Of the many people that have had a pact with me, none were able to attain that goal. However, now there is one - Charles."
Lelouch: "Impossible... You made a pact with me in order to die?"
C.C.: "Correct."
Lelouch: "You've lived in order to die?"
C.C.: "Therein lies the providence of this world. Such a limit is called life."
Lelouch: "No! There is life because one is alive!"
C.C.: "Same thing. People are aware of life when they are aware of death."
Lelouch: "You're just playing with words!"
C.C.: "But people do die."
Lelouch: "Even so, what is the reason... the meaning of birth into this world?"
C.C.: "You know the answer to that. Those are nothing but mere illusions."
Lelouch: "A life that just has death is too tragic!"
C.C.: "You don't call endless aggregation of not dying, 'life'. That is merely an experience."
(Lelouch gasps)
C.C.: "If you have a reason to live, then kill me. Do that, and you will obtain the same power as Charles... The power to fight."
(Lelouch stutters to speak)
C.C.: "Farewell, Lelouch. You are too gentle of a person."
Lelouch: "Wait, you-" (falls below)
anyway i just like this anime. i have that feeling u get u know when after u watch something it is like there is this big fat empty hole in u, u know!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
uncomplain and sir-mile!
DUDE. CAN PEOPLE JUST STOP COMPLAINNINNNNGGGGGGGG. the irony is that in order to get this message out, i commit hypocrisy by complaining about complainers.
ok lemme give all those complainers out there(like myself) a few tips.
1. think in other people's shoes.
2. if ur really annoyed/agitated, make ur complaint nice and delete all the personal pity. if u can't, go punch a pillow first or smth
3. smile!! and go hug someone to feel better.
4. try to make the other person understand ur feelings?emotion?pov? in a NICEEEEEEE way
5. avoid blaming others
not all criticism/complaining is bad BUT please be conscious of ur criticissssm!
ok im also an offender sometimes, but everytime i think im complaining, i realise that im being retarded, and then i try to change, is it? not change like, try to improve myself in the way i think.
yeah it's hard because complaining about things gives u great satisfaction. like how typing this all out gives me greaaaaaattt gratificationnnnnnnnnnnn. ooh alliteration. ooh rhyme. 8)
that's my advice (that im gnna look back and disagree with one day in my life tehhehe)
arigatou gojiamasu and
ok on a MUCH MUCH more happier note, heres a pic!
ok lemme give all those complainers out there(like myself) a few tips.
1. think in other people's shoes.
2. if ur really annoyed/agitated, make ur complaint nice and delete all the personal pity. if u can't, go punch a pillow first or smth
3. smile!! and go hug someone to feel better.
4. try to make the other person understand ur feelings?emotion?pov? in a NICEEEEEEE way
5. avoid blaming others
not all criticism/complaining is bad BUT please be conscious of ur criticissssm!
ok im also an offender sometimes, but everytime i think im complaining, i realise that im being retarded, and then i try to change, is it? not change like, try to improve myself in the way i think.
yeah it's hard because complaining about things gives u great satisfaction. like how typing this all out gives me greaaaaaattt gratificationnnnnnnnnnnn. ooh alliteration. ooh rhyme. 8)
that's my advice (that im gnna look back and disagree with one day in my life tehhehe)
arigatou gojiamasu and
ok on a MUCH MUCH more happier note, heres a pic!
wish it brings a smile to ur dial :)
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
gotta see this one day in my life. SOOO BEEEEEEEEE UUUUU TEEEE FOOOOL
like the first pic. someone like illegally get me a boat and we'll sale amidst the lanterns and hav fun!!
OMG and would u believe, there exist magnetic hills, where the magnetism is so storng, ur car can just travel up hill but like at 12km/h!! AWEOSME
OMG and would u believe, there exist magnetic hills, where the magnetism is so storng, ur car can just travel up hill but like at 12km/h!! AWEOSME
lol ive been reading up on random indfo.
and OMG
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
happiness's physical form
"A Long time ago, Nunally, Suzaku, and I talked about something. We wondered what happiness would look like if we could give it a physical form. If I'm not mistaken, I think it was Suzaku that said that the shape of happiness might resemble glass. His reasoning made sense. He said that even though you don't usually notice it, its still definitely there. You merely have to change your point of view slightly, and then that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light. I doubt that anything else could argue its own existence more eloquently."
quote from code geass.
i reckon.. it's a rather nice analogy. glass eh?
quote from code geass.
i reckon.. it's a rather nice analogy. glass eh?
scarystuff.oohsibilance ;]
normally, at night, im the last one to sleep. the house is completely silent, cold, empty whatever you know. and the only light on is the one in my room. soudns like fiction haha. but yeah b4 i go to sleep i have this habit where i have to turn on every light so that where ever i walk, there is light. iunno why, but yknow darkness is kinda scary!!
but i remember, once upon a time, when i wasn't scared like, id just walk around in the dark. NO FEARR like it was daytime. i remember the feeling. it felt goood! now im freaking paranoid, i check behind me, i check the surveillance camera. and the thing is i dont even watch scary movies.
oh yes on the topic of scary things. i went to the haunted house at easter show remember? and inside was one of the worst day of my life. i just dont like disturbing things! i know its fake but still anyways inside that house the lights were red. so now whenevr im in a room with red light that scared feeling comes up.
dude i was in the bathroom on, and the heater emits red light, and the toilet lights emit white/yelllowy light but then the toilet lights turned off. AND I WAS LIKE badumpbadumpadmpappppp
and i think that i dream a little more than other people, imagine more, wish more. but maybe everyone thinks that about themselves right? that they are more _________ or wtv.
but still.
but i remember, once upon a time, when i wasn't scared like, id just walk around in the dark. NO FEARR like it was daytime. i remember the feeling. it felt goood! now im freaking paranoid, i check behind me, i check the surveillance camera. and the thing is i dont even watch scary movies.
oh yes on the topic of scary things. i went to the haunted house at easter show remember? and inside was one of the worst day of my life. i just dont like disturbing things! i know its fake but still anyways inside that house the lights were red. so now whenevr im in a room with red light that scared feeling comes up.
dude i was in the bathroom on, and the heater emits red light, and the toilet lights emit white/yelllowy light but then the toilet lights turned off. AND I WAS LIKE badumpbadumpadmpappppp
and i think that i dream a little more than other people, imagine more, wish more. but maybe everyone thinks that about themselves right? that they are more _________ or wtv.
but still.
Monday, August 8, 2011
List of stuff I Ike so i don't forget
Hi my sweetheart
Kimini todoke
One piece
Fairy tale
Code geass
(remember to watch tsubasa chronicles)
Lovely complex
Gakuen Alice
There may be others but I forgot
I like playing music from anime because thats the closest I can get to living in that world!! If u get whatti mean. Anyway end of post, will post later.
Every time b4 I publish a post I think to myself: will I end up regretting posting this lol. Anyway no point in saying that, just telling u guys random facts. Well then, CATCH YA LATEEeRR!!
Kimini todoke
One piece
Fairy tale
Code geass
(remember to watch tsubasa chronicles)
Lovely complex
Gakuen Alice
There may be others but I forgot
I like playing music from anime because thats the closest I can get to living in that world!! If u get whatti mean. Anyway end of post, will post later.
Every time b4 I publish a post I think to myself: will I end up regretting posting this lol. Anyway no point in saying that, just telling u guys random facts. Well then, CATCH YA LATEEeRR!!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Things i love about this pic
sorry i couldn't turn this pic around, so you guys can shift ur heads to the side!
anyway. i decided that i really liekd this pic.
and ill give u reasons why
this is what i see in the pic
This guy doesn't have an annoying face.
This guy is content looking, its kinda adorable
it doesn't show signs of ill intent. just overall friendly look
it kinda loooks cluless, but it looks like it has a purpose like its looking out to something
also it has a disbeliving/questioning look.
anyway theres something i liek very much about this pic.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my sister
my mum told a funyn story today
when my sis was born, my dad commented, "LOL the babys kinda ugly, are you sure it's ours"
LOLolOLOLOloLOLLLL! coz myy sis had tiny eyes, flared nostrils and just overalll fattiness. BUT anyway props to my dad for his funninesss.
BTW this is obviously sed in a non harmful way but LOL this isss hilarirouusss..!!
OH WELLS oh and i gave my sis mariah carey perfuuumme. the lollipop one!! yayyy she is 18 ya know! so HAPPY BDAY once agen. and gluckin HSC.
OH AND TODAY I WENT OUT FOR A DRIVE AGAIN.!! OMG and booy am i getting better. in a few months time ull see me in car, driving bymyself. LOOOKKINNG S-W-A-GGGGG! yeahh bruuhh- u guys just wait.
HAHA AND im watching code geass. L O V E ittt. but obviously u guys cant feel the love i feel for it. wish i could translate my love for it into words because, I LOVE THAT WORLLLDD the ocmposer creates.and the characters GOSH!
and shiz havent done any maths. i feel uncomforatble. yaknow that feeling? u get when u havent done something ur supposed to have. well yeah right now i feel like that. cept that feeling is immense. ARRGHARHARHGAHAHRAHRAHR.
my mum told a funyn story today
when my sis was born, my dad commented, "LOL the babys kinda ugly, are you sure it's ours"
LOLolOLOLOloLOLLLL! coz myy sis had tiny eyes, flared nostrils and just overalll fattiness. BUT anyway props to my dad for his funninesss.
BTW this is obviously sed in a non harmful way but LOL this isss hilarirouusss..!!
OH WELLS oh and i gave my sis mariah carey perfuuumme. the lollipop one!! yayyy she is 18 ya know! so HAPPY BDAY once agen. and gluckin HSC.
OH AND TODAY I WENT OUT FOR A DRIVE AGAIN.!! OMG and booy am i getting better. in a few months time ull see me in car, driving bymyself. LOOOKKINNG S-W-A-GGGGG! yeahh bruuhh- u guys just wait.
HAHA AND im watching code geass. L O V E ittt. but obviously u guys cant feel the love i feel for it. wish i could translate my love for it into words because, I LOVE THAT WORLLLDD the ocmposer creates.and the characters GOSH!
and shiz havent done any maths. i feel uncomforatble. yaknow that feeling? u get when u havent done something ur supposed to have. well yeah right now i feel like that. cept that feeling is immense. ARRGHARHARHGAHAHRAHRAHR.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
OK todays post will be about my idea about siblings.
OH AND I MUST CONTINUE TO REMIND YALL THAT MY LITTLE "INSIGHTFUL" POSTS (note the quotation marks) MAY NOT BE INSIGHTFUL AT ALL, BUT ID STILL LIKE TO TYPE IT ALL DOWN BCOOZZZ u know, when i grow up, i can read back and goo. oh hey when i was 16 i realised yahdiyahhdiyaarrr
u know those things that you've always known, but have not realised? make sense. prolly not.. anyway going of a tangent here. i shall continue.
everything i say here is based of my experiences with my sis.
OK SO sisstahss yeahh sisterhs are like your enemies. LOL ok ur prolly thinking. "WTHH WATS THIS CRAAAZY GURL TIHNKING" ok lemme finish. i like my sister and stuff but i think that sisters are like your worst enemies, you get into all sorts of violent verbal and physical fights over the littlest things, your behavior towards them is rather, unfriendly sometimes. like stuff like this you would not do with your friends at school.
BUTTTT, none the less, you get over it. you're forced to i gues. they're ur sis, and there's nothing u can do about it. LIVEE WIITHH IT/HER. and sometimes 10 minutes after an argument ur good again. and u pretend, well not pretend, you just get on with life like nothing has happened. YAR? OK so if u have a big fight with a friend at school. well yeah ur gonna be hating on that person fro a looong time for being a bitch. sisters, well yeah u fight, but meh. its normal.
so thats good in a way i suppose. u just criticize eachother, cat fight eachother and then a few mins late, 4 sum reason. itsss allllllll normal.
you jus get ovvverrr eachother.
this brings me to my next point. i mean wouldn't someone like a sister be a good marriage partner? NO NOT BEING INCEST, but u get the point, like i mean the relationship between sisters is a good model for a marriage relationship. u do stuff to each other. u can fart in each others faces. LOL JKJKK don't do that. but u know, if something bad happppenns u just laff at them and they're ok. basically u can just be ur bitchaeous self and ur sister doesnt give a damn. wait this can be put in a simple sentence. u don't judge each other. WTH i just wasted time typing all of this when i couldve sed sisters dont judge. OH jeeeeeez, well aren't i slooooow. dw this post will serve as a reminder for my lack of eloquency.
and although im making a point here, i don't completely agree with myself. LOL i nevar do. <--- and I don't completely agree with the sentence i just typed: "LOL i nevar do" well u get the point.
Oh and australias next top model is out. i spot an aziiann girl in top 100 !!! woohooooOOoOoooO!
OH AND I MUST CONTINUE TO REMIND YALL THAT MY LITTLE "INSIGHTFUL" POSTS (note the quotation marks) MAY NOT BE INSIGHTFUL AT ALL, BUT ID STILL LIKE TO TYPE IT ALL DOWN BCOOZZZ u know, when i grow up, i can read back and goo. oh hey when i was 16 i realised yahdiyahhdiyaarrr
u know those things that you've always known, but have not realised? make sense. prolly not.. anyway going of a tangent here. i shall continue.
everything i say here is based of my experiences with my sis.
OK SO sisstahss yeahh sisterhs are like your enemies. LOL ok ur prolly thinking. "WTHH WATS THIS CRAAAZY GURL TIHNKING" ok lemme finish. i like my sister and stuff but i think that sisters are like your worst enemies, you get into all sorts of violent verbal and physical fights over the littlest things, your behavior towards them is rather, unfriendly sometimes. like stuff like this you would not do with your friends at school.
BUTTTT, none the less, you get over it. you're forced to i gues. they're ur sis, and there's nothing u can do about it. LIVEE WIITHH IT/HER. and sometimes 10 minutes after an argument ur good again. and u pretend, well not pretend, you just get on with life like nothing has happened. YAR? OK so if u have a big fight with a friend at school. well yeah ur gonna be hating on that person fro a looong time for being a bitch. sisters, well yeah u fight, but meh. its normal.
so thats good in a way i suppose. u just criticize eachother, cat fight eachother and then a few mins late, 4 sum reason. itsss allllllll normal.
you jus get ovvverrr eachother.
this brings me to my next point. i mean wouldn't someone like a sister be a good marriage partner? NO NOT BEING INCEST, but u get the point, like i mean the relationship between sisters is a good model for a marriage relationship. u do stuff to each other. u can fart in each others faces. LOL JKJKK don't do that. but u know, if something bad happppenns u just laff at them and they're ok. basically u can just be ur bitchaeous self and ur sister doesnt give a damn. wait this can be put in a simple sentence. u don't judge each other. WTH i just wasted time typing all of this when i couldve sed sisters dont judge. OH jeeeeeez, well aren't i slooooow. dw this post will serve as a reminder for my lack of eloquency.
and although im making a point here, i don't completely agree with myself. LOL i nevar do. <--- and I don't completely agree with the sentence i just typed: "LOL i nevar do" well u get the point.
Oh and australias next top model is out. i spot an aziiann girl in top 100 !!! woohooooOOoOoooO!
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