Thursday, September 5, 2013


I just sadly realized that nothing happens until action is taken. I'm referencing this in regard to a particular thing. Sometimes I sit in a tutorial/lecture and I suddenly get an urge to talk to the person next to me, you know, the more people you get to know the better. So I build up courage inside of me, and my heart starts beating so freaking hard and then my stupid brain decides to inundate itself with stupid thoughts, which stop me from doing the thing that could have been done by simply quickly acting upon my instincts.

Which lead me to realise that if you don't DO, or ACT, your thoughts may as well not have existed. Basically, two people may be sitting in a lecture theatre. One person doesn't think much, and the other person builds up half their courage to talk to the person sitting next to them but then gives in. Internally, something may have changed, but the reality is, nothing has changed.

It is only when you ACT, that people will begin to get to know you, and I know this is kind of no shit but I think that talking specifically about this would make who ever reads this more inspired to act. Because it is only through action, that other people can even begin to understand who you are.

Ok simple example to make clear what I'm trying to say. Let's say you're sitting on a train full of silent people. Now, you probably subconsciously think that they're uninteresting/boring people, and just like sheep, they're probably super ordinary, not unique, and don't have deep thoughts. Until one person starts randomly talking to you about their amazing life.

SEE... because that person physically acted by talking to you, they suddenly aren't a sheep in a flock. LOL BEST EXAMPLE.


Even if you used to only build up 10% courage to talk to a random, and now you can build up to 90% courage, in a sense, you have changed nothing at all. There is only action and no action. Zero percent and a hundred percent. No in between. So next time you think of something, DO IT, because not doing it, is kind of like discrediting the existence of that thought, if that makes sense.

So in a way, those who are less action - inclined people are at a disadvantage sometimes.

Anyway it's obviously not easily done but good luck HAHA


OK she doesn't do it anymore,

i think she was in a bad mood that day.