Sunday, April 28, 2013


you guys know those moments where your heart suddenly feels like it's beating out of your chest for a few seconds nad you gasp madly for breath. well i just did that, i realised that i was holding my breath for quite a long while subconciously


when i read back on what i typed i realised the first line osunds like a line out of some crappy romance book HAH!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

the obvious that must be restated

people who aren't within temporal or spatial proximity to you don't seem to exist anymore

especially people who you've interacted minimally with, are forgotten and therefore don't exist aka the primary school canteen lady

you can only feel your best friends and family's existence quite strongly

especially if you don't have strong connections with family and friends, your own existence is felt so strongly that it takes up your "those who exist" thoughts and you feel like the only person in the world

im trying to get at is that if you want to be a strong existence/presence in someone's life, try to keep in touch, keep within close proximity

though that's pretty no shit stuff isn't it aye

Monday, April 22, 2013

I find this very interesting.

A poem from cho chang to JK rowling about her representation of Cho Chang addressing racial/stereotypes of Asian women. Actually very interesting I think you should watch it, link is below if the embedded video doesn't work!

Her response video

Sunday, April 14, 2013

diff between rents and i

i said something along the lines of "but they haven't dated yet/become girlfriend boyfriend" whilst watching this movie with parents

and they said "but they kissed"

WOAH i feel kinda non-innocentttt

Friday, April 5, 2013


my mum accidentally confused tea tree oil facial cleanser for the lotion you use for nit treatment and my scalp stingggggggggs

i hope my hair doesn't fall out tommorrow, and i hope there are no traces of acid in that cleanser )8

B for barely there

Recently, I read that statistically, that only fifty person of what you say is freedom of your choice. does what i say make sense?

As in- the other fifty percent of what you say is confined by the linguistic structures of language in order for you to make sense while the other fifty is for you to choose to shape what you say in an original manner.

interesting ayee??? right? RIGHT?!

maybe it was thirty i can't remember dammit. but im sure it was 50 and if 50 is what is right then it should be pretty reliable because i read this from a peer-reviewed journal and sydney uni says peer-reviewed journals plus some other type of writing is extremely reliable, if not 100% reliable.

actually not 100% reliable i only said that because the sentence sounded complete and Ahsumm!! if i used "if not" in it.

anyway, is the reason i think im inarticulate because i lack linguistic skill/vocab or because not enough words exist out there to accurately represent the ideas that flow within my head.

OK if i ever get a chance (prolly not LOL) i might post something from something i read in a media and communications reading. if!! i get around to understanding it, but im no even barely grasping the concept so waiiiiiittttttttttttttttttttt excitedly peeppppsss but i know its something quiteee mind opening!!

and forgive my nonsensical post titles, im just trying to be exciting okay


Thursday, April 4, 2013

emoticons :-)

according to this article
apparently eastern and western people have different ways of interpreting facial expressions, with the west focusing more on the whollistic face and the east more on the eyes (but as a result of cultural circumstances rather than genetics)

and apparently it's apparent in emoticons too HAHAAAAAAA

East West differences in Emoticons
'Sad':-((;_;) or (T_T)

interesting...  indeed the eyes of the "western emoticons" remain dots and the mouths of the "eastern emoticons" neutral.

now how can i apply this knowledge to real lifeeeeee? : S

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


they say eyes are the windows to one's soul

but don't you think these glossy meaningful looking apertures are just so physically shallow but eyes are such deep symbols, look at all the metaphoric meanings that it represents!

but sometimes when i'm talking to a person, i look at their eyes and i start to feel so disconnected, i examine the shape, the colour, and try to visually dig deeper into their retinas(is that what is is?) or whatever in search of a material form of a connection.

eyes convey a lot of emotion and shiz but sometimes they are friggen blockages, sometimes i wonder that if i physically looked "deep" enough into an eye i could actually understand someone. but then i start focussing on the black roundness of their iris.

and then i realize that maybe i don't need to look in the person's eyes to connect, anmd that maybe i should just listen to the voice of the speaker and look away

and then i think, we can't all truly understand each other unless we are part of one conciousness because even language cannot capture the intentions and other thoughts that accompany and exist behind what we say.

oh and rumour once said if you continually stared at a person in the eye for 4 minutes, your chances of liking them is higher, but that's just rumor don't trust me on that LOL

and when i don't wear glasses, i stare the blurry image of a person's eyes so they know i'm listening (and i am btw)

but anyway the point is, i will continually look into peoples eyes as i communicate gyahaha