Wednesday, November 21, 2012


i just finished watching full metal alchemist: brotherhood. yes it is an anime

for all you anime peeps, i may be deluded but I feel that you are all missing on something exceptionally great by not watching anime hah!

here is an anime soundtrack:

ain't it beeeeeauuuutiifullll!?


saddest moments peeps! it's always saddest moments isn't it, not many people talk about, oh the happiest moment is when blah yahdidah.

envy's death and hohenheims death as he kneels in front of trisha's grave ah my heart

list of fav characters:
hohenheim and trisha, ling yao, ed and al ofc, mustang/hawkeye and the crew, shao may and her owner, winry-ish, SCAR hmm i think that's it i probably forgot someone.

ah they're all so likeable!

*************************END ALERT********************************

also please guys, if you ever ever ever get into anime! ENGLISH SUBS, no DUBS!!


ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and i must also add that anime explores a lot of themes such as companionship, death, revenge, power etc. the universal stuff whilst still maintaining it's hilarity if that is even a word. And i'm not sure if this is true for everyone but i have read on other blogs about people who regret later in life in spending all their time watching reality TV and the like, well for most anime watchers, watchign shitloads of anime isn't really a waste of time.

becoz fer meh, i think it helps me in understanding the.. human............con.con...condition! SOZ PEEPS! I SAID IT~!! <-- holymoly accidental "~" dat squiggly is just so uncool!
 yeah, it helps me get a grip of reality and what is important even though at the same time, a severe addiction to anime (which i do not have) will drag you away from reality. anndd it's entertainment at the same time!

balance is key! ok i just lost my train of thought but aye if you guys ever want anime suggestions, contact me ;D call 04827476032342 jokes, i made that up don't call it

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


so all these people going to beach resorts

my heart is achybakeyy!! heeehaawww

i have this post about just lingering there in my to be posted unposted posts.

and yes i skipped a word on purpose because itz a suprise

actually not really!


Monday, November 19, 2012


so anyway i was in the toilet taking a dump and my sister comes in and goes:

it stinks like shit

and i go: no shit

and she goes:

and i go: haha dem shitty jokes

today is full of shit HAHAHAH

anyways i guess i just ruined my image

Saturday, November 17, 2012


- learn how to make peerrfeecttt ramen! with my own formula and shizza. anyone want to be test subjects? LOL

- clean up stuffz in the house

- get fit get healthy get beeaauuttiffull smooth skin!

- draw! draw! art! art!

- pack up my luggage for chinaaa!

- anime ANIME ANIME!


Tuesday, November 13, 2012


incase u didn't knwo my title means idle. OOh that rhymed

yesterday was formal, formal was nice and that is all i have to say about it. I'm gnna regret it when i read back on this and find myself describing th formal in one vague sentence.

but um i found my eyes drifting to particular people, some people really looked really good. i wanna say more, but this blog is pretty public so i can't dammit. ill keep it in my head i hope i remember decades later. (julia if u r reading this when you are 30yrs old, dammit time flies yea?)

and shout out to the internet: THANKYA 4 EXISTING

Aso so much of my stuff i wanted to blog is written elsewhere, and when i look at these notes elsewhere and read over them again, i think to myself: can't be bothered writing these stuff up

ill get to it soon!

and i must quickly quickly discover what i wanna do in the next few years, decades, century! but then again some things can't be rushed and takes time. so i shall discover it at my slow slow pace. and i'll find out what i want to do when im fifty. or maybe i already know what i want to do. or maybe, i don't need to know what i want to do, OR im already doing what i love to do. actually, maybe not.

you must also hear of the relief i felt when i woke up from this dream a few day ago, where i was preparing for my english exams the next day.

also, you must know that when i woke up a few days ago in my dreary weary state the first thing i thought of was, life is short. yes that may sound retarded or whatever but that is, indeed, what i thought.

all this is pointing towards the fact that I am currently really idle in life. SO, i will now attempt to look for some volunteer job i can do the next two weeks if possible.

Friday, November 9, 2012

day in the life of jewels

JENNY'S DOG OR THE DOG SHE IS TAKIGN CARE OF RIGHT NOW IS SO FLUFFEH. his name is ross, and ross is like fluffeh, like sheep fluffeh.

me, yvonne went jenny's house and played with them. dat was fun, i was kinda scared LOL but nonetheless badass as i whipped out my moves in front of the dogs. and sarah the husky(jenny's dog) is very aggressive when we give attention to ross because she gets jealous.

but ROSS IS SO FLUFFEH. i even shook hands with ross, and ross is like white and fluffy like a cloud and he was very obedient and nice and i just wanted to friggin wrap my body all around him. basically, i mean i want to hug him.

and i had ramen today.. de-lish! RAAARRMENNN

and wth is this:

The prettiest smiles hide the deepest secrets. The prettiest eyes have cried the most tears. And the kindest hearts have felt the most pain

what a loada crap! 33K LIKES?!

i could be wrong tho.

Monday, November 5, 2012


Gotta change my blogskin soooon!!

Friday, November 2, 2012


REMINDER TO SELF: (just manhwa recommendations)