yesterday i spent a looong time watching youtube vids of sky diving.
MAYNNNNE, gtta sky dive one day. SOMEONEZ GTTA DO IT WITH ME? any takers? so i don't die in solitude. LOLOLAOSDLOL how evil am i.
it's ahh-mazing. i feel scared for the people, coz all the video shows the plane opening the door, and they're like fully 10 000ft above ground and you can see the peninsular beneath them and its like FFFWOAH. (the use of "fff" in "fffwoah" represents the sound of the wind against ur ears whilst in the sky) and then they jump and ur like, sheez they're free falling. it looks kinda suicidal LOL.
WATCH. words cannot describe. and that guy is crazy. he's got biiiigg guts.
APPARENTLY, first few seconds feels like those moments where ur going down a steep hill in a rollercoaster. and ur heart feels like it's in midair. then when u reach terminal velocity it feels like there's a giant fan beneath you!!!!
also, i remember posting before that i can't get work done unless i feel organized. well ive been organizing my stuff for a while now and i still havent finished. SO GG haaahaa
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
i exercise!....duty of care!
dunno why but i feel like im responsible for keeping my readers reading! im such a nicey 8D
anywayz i have just finished secretly planking on my sister. she was lying on the bed playing with the ipad.
YES IPAD. zomg shouldnve sed that now everyone wants to be my friend. im already liek TOO populerz totes mcboats.
anyway she was lying belly down on the bed so i sneaked up on her and plonked my self in plank position (ALLITERATION) on top of her. HAHAHAHHHAHAHHA it felt so weird no joke like my sister feels like some squishy fish. ANYWAYS. lets talk about something less weird.
DO U GUYS REMEMBER ME having an awful sense of direction? well a few days ago i finally realized how to go from town hal lto st james. ITS SO CLOSE, you just turn a corner. mind equals BLOWWNNNNNN!!
ALSO, at kinokuniya, there were two identical books. on was 35 bucks another was 37. maybe the currency conversions were different because the price of the book was converted from 1600 yen during different times of the year? ANYWAY clarence bought the 37 dollar one. face equals palmed!
WHAT ELSE? uhmmm, everyday i pray i see someone i know when i go out coz i really need to see some YEAR 11 faces!!
i hav done NO WORK AT ALL cept for like read an english booklet. dude whaz wrong! everythings starting to count. WHY? ARHARGHRGHH. it's bleach! i keep watching like a million episode a day.
DUN DUNDUNDUNUNUDNUNUDNUDDDDUN. me n my sis hav been doing sum free-stylin' bebehs
8DD OK TIME TO GO. leave a comment below. even if it's anon!! having a ocmment appear makes my heart leap ten feet into the air. especially if it's a love message ;] hinthintnudgenudge
dunno why but i feel like im responsible for keeping my readers reading! im such a nicey 8D
anywayz i have just finished secretly planking on my sister. she was lying on the bed playing with the ipad.
YES IPAD. zomg shouldnve sed that now everyone wants to be my friend. im already liek TOO populerz totes mcboats.
anyway she was lying belly down on the bed so i sneaked up on her and plonked my self in plank position (ALLITERATION) on top of her. HAHAHAHHHAHAHHA it felt so weird no joke like my sister feels like some squishy fish. ANYWAYS. lets talk about something less weird.
DO U GUYS REMEMBER ME having an awful sense of direction? well a few days ago i finally realized how to go from town hal lto st james. ITS SO CLOSE, you just turn a corner. mind equals BLOWWNNNNNN!!
ALSO, at kinokuniya, there were two identical books. on was 35 bucks another was 37. maybe the currency conversions were different because the price of the book was converted from 1600 yen during different times of the year? ANYWAY clarence bought the 37 dollar one. face equals palmed!
WHAT ELSE? uhmmm, everyday i pray i see someone i know when i go out coz i really need to see some YEAR 11 faces!!
i hav done NO WORK AT ALL cept for like read an english booklet. dude whaz wrong! everythings starting to count. WHY? ARHARGHRGHH. it's bleach! i keep watching like a million episode a day.
DUN DUNDUNDUNUNUDNUNUDNUDDDDUN. me n my sis hav been doing sum free-stylin' bebehs
8DD OK TIME TO GO. leave a comment below. even if it's anon!! having a ocmment appear makes my heart leap ten feet into the air. especially if it's a love message ;] hinthintnudgenudge
Saturday, September 24, 2011
when i actually dont hav time, like during exams, i post. great psychology.
anyway theres nothing i can think of right now to write so ill jus leave it here. see ya next time :D
when i actually dont hav time, like during exams, i post. great psychology.
anyway theres nothing i can think of right now to write so ill jus leave it here. see ya next time :D
Friday, September 23, 2011
4u 4 u!! (four u for you)
GOT INTO FOUR U MATH TODAYYYY! im on trial but whatevverr IM IN! BRUHH
so many people i know im my class.
SO EXCITED. will be awesome! YEAHEYAEHYAEHYAHE 8DDDDDD. i have been high fiving abbirami all through out today at random coz CHYEAHH! and this morning when we went to ask woody. WODDY gave the sweetest genuine smile ever! it was not mocking and warm. LOL
ALSO ive been thinnking.
- people i dont know at all, but i eventually talk to them like good frikends coz they're soooo nice and easy to talk to coz of their warm-heartedness.
-people i don't know but i REALLY wanna talk to them but i can't bring myself to because some mechanism in my mouth shuts down. no joke. this happens because i can NEVER imagine myself talking to them. and also coz they emit repel vibes. I WANT TO TALK TO THEM buut mouth goes zippity zipppp
-people i know but our relationship is very volatile. like sometimes i talk to them like their my bez friend but other times we don't talk for weeks. so i don't know if they even count as a friend
-people i know but i don't really talk to. because we're not on the same wavelength? or ismply coz i dont know them ENUFF.
theres more but right now im tired LOL. and i ceebs continuing so ill leave it here. 8)
so many people i know im my class.
SO EXCITED. will be awesome! YEAHEYAEHYAEHYAHE 8DDDDDD. i have been high fiving abbirami all through out today at random coz CHYEAHH! and this morning when we went to ask woody. WODDY gave the sweetest genuine smile ever! it was not mocking and warm. LOL
ALSO ive been thinnking.
- people i dont know at all, but i eventually talk to them like good frikends coz they're soooo nice and easy to talk to coz of their warm-heartedness.
-people i don't know but i REALLY wanna talk to them but i can't bring myself to because some mechanism in my mouth shuts down. no joke. this happens because i can NEVER imagine myself talking to them. and also coz they emit repel vibes. I WANT TO TALK TO THEM buut mouth goes zippity zipppp
-people i know but our relationship is very volatile. like sometimes i talk to them like their my bez friend but other times we don't talk for weeks. so i don't know if they even count as a friend
-people i know but i don't really talk to. because we're not on the same wavelength? or ismply coz i dont know them ENUFF.
theres more but right now im tired LOL. and i ceebs continuing so ill leave it here. 8)
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
STUFF ABOUT ME YO. for people who wanna... GET TO KNOW ME A LITTLE BIT MORE ;] and perhaps get closer to meeee ;;;;]]] LOL juskiddin
im so care-free about everything. i sorta come off as unserious type. like even when im talking to woody, i jus talk like he's my buddy. not enuffss respect a teacher should get. YEAH. even when i TRY to be proper, something slips.
i think everyone else is like me and thinks about things EXACTLY the way i do, but obviously not! coz once i was super confident bout math 2u test, and my friend sed i was really cocky bout it. i thought i was just being excited about knowing how to do 99% of the questions. SO LOL
also i also seem clueless. like confused. sometimes its coz i don't listen. other times its coz instructions to do some sort of work aren't specific enuf. things gtta be specific coz i think too much. thats why i hav so many questions.
i listen but it doesnt go in my brain sumtimes. if the sentence goes on for too long i lose track. ITS NOT JUST ME RIGHT? like also when ur reading. i can just read a paragraph but not create any meaning from it even thought you've just read every word. so u read things over and over again.
when im speakign for long periods of time about like something that happened etc. and i haven't prepared it in my mind i lose my train of thought and i tend to stop and have a mind blank for like ten seconds because ive seriously forgot what i was even talking about.
someone needs to hand me a guidebook on everything. what to do whenever. coz i jus do anything whenever and at random.
my mind is blank a lot. like nothing is in it i swear. in the car my family is always you know thinking to themselves bout what to do blah. i just sit there and look outside the window or stare straight forward and think about. WAIT. i dont think. i dont even know im thinking about nothing until my mum tells me to think about hw or wtv. I BET IM NOT THE ONLY ONE. REVEAL URSELVES NON-THINKERS!
ALSO why can't i remember my dreams anyMOAR???my conciousness was there. so that means i've experienced what ever i did in my dream right. so why!
hollowness on the inside is pretty darn uncomfortable. hollonewss is felt when ur bored, purposeless or un-entertained. basically when ur lackign something or missing something in life. I THINK. so everyone should be feeling hollow right now hehe
normally, its routine for me to understand everyone. like I think things from their point of view, but sometimes my opinions come first ;) HOHO.
i keep waiting for something ULTRACOOL to happen in life. BUT WAIT NO MORE, i shall activate myself.
istill having an inner debate on whether its better to accept, or change things. chyeah im sophisticated liek dat. *flicks hair superficially*
it does feel good to be around people. people need people.
and is joining a not so familiar group of people in convo. INTRUDING? like just walking up to their group because you wanna talk to them simply because you've never talked to them and u wanna talk to them?
Fully G songs r the coolest. They make my bones excited lol n Sad songs r icy n r mostly music boxes. Additionally, I don't make sense.
-loading complete-
OK this POST BETTER NOT HAVE COME OFF AS WEIRD. coz i think its coolztaboolz 8)
im so care-free about everything. i sorta come off as unserious type. like even when im talking to woody, i jus talk like he's my buddy. not enuffss respect a teacher should get. YEAH. even when i TRY to be proper, something slips.
i think everyone else is like me and thinks about things EXACTLY the way i do, but obviously not! coz once i was super confident bout math 2u test, and my friend sed i was really cocky bout it. i thought i was just being excited about knowing how to do 99% of the questions. SO LOL
also i also seem clueless. like confused. sometimes its coz i don't listen. other times its coz instructions to do some sort of work aren't specific enuf. things gtta be specific coz i think too much. thats why i hav so many questions.
i listen but it doesnt go in my brain sumtimes. if the sentence goes on for too long i lose track. ITS NOT JUST ME RIGHT? like also when ur reading. i can just read a paragraph but not create any meaning from it even thought you've just read every word. so u read things over and over again.
when im speakign for long periods of time about like something that happened etc. and i haven't prepared it in my mind i lose my train of thought and i tend to stop and have a mind blank for like ten seconds because ive seriously forgot what i was even talking about.
someone needs to hand me a guidebook on everything. what to do whenever. coz i jus do anything whenever and at random.
my mind is blank a lot. like nothing is in it i swear. in the car my family is always you know thinking to themselves bout what to do blah. i just sit there and look outside the window or stare straight forward and think about. WAIT. i dont think. i dont even know im thinking about nothing until my mum tells me to think about hw or wtv. I BET IM NOT THE ONLY ONE. REVEAL URSELVES NON-THINKERS!
ALSO why can't i remember my dreams anyMOAR???my conciousness was there. so that means i've experienced what ever i did in my dream right. so why!
hollowness on the inside is pretty darn uncomfortable. hollonewss is felt when ur bored, purposeless or un-entertained. basically when ur lackign something or missing something in life. I THINK. so everyone should be feeling hollow right now hehe
normally, its routine for me to understand everyone. like I think things from their point of view, but sometimes my opinions come first ;) HOHO.
i keep waiting for something ULTRACOOL to happen in life. BUT WAIT NO MORE, i shall activate myself.
istill having an inner debate on whether its better to accept, or change things. chyeah im sophisticated liek dat. *flicks hair superficially*
it does feel good to be around people. people need people.
and is joining a not so familiar group of people in convo. INTRUDING? like just walking up to their group because you wanna talk to them simply because you've never talked to them and u wanna talk to them?
Fully G songs r the coolest. They make my bones excited lol n Sad songs r icy n r mostly music boxes. Additionally, I don't make sense.
-loading complete-
OK this POST BETTER NOT HAVE COME OFF AS WEIRD. coz i think its coolztaboolz 8)
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
3 consecutive posts
HAHA today i post a lot. BUT I NEED TO SAY, i just went outside my room fully prepared to do japanese study for 1 hr BUT, but when i left the room, no lights were on and turns out everyone went to sleep .and now i lost my inspiration. coz i liek it when people are around. even if they dont interact with me. they can be doing thier own thing but not sleepingggg.
WHAT HAPPENED TO MY GOOD NIGHTS!! they sed nothing b4 they went to sleep! not one word. ==
jeebus. OK IM GOING TO SLEEP. psh i dont need good byes. i only need me myself and I haha
AND THE SONG LULLABY -JOEY MOE has naice beats. :D
WHAT HAPPENED TO MY GOOD NIGHTS!! they sed nothing b4 they went to sleep! not one word. ==
jeebus. OK IM GOING TO SLEEP. psh i dont need good byes. i only need me myself and I haha
AND THE SONG LULLABY -JOEY MOE has naice beats. :D
ive just watched this film for belonging 2u AND ITS ONE OF THOSE STORYLINESSS!! where the whole movie ur kinda like waiting for the moment but the moment never comes, the moment is about to come but slips away!
MAX AND MARY. is than name of da film.
about this girl child and 44 year old man who writes letters to each other for their lives, talking about their hard ships etc. it's a claymation. the girls from austrlia, the guy form america.
anyway its very pitiful the movie, the whole thing is bleak, basically no colour, just kinda, browny, black, nnd grey.
so anyway, stuff happens and their meeting is hindered. and at the end of the movie, after 30 years of you know issues, problems, life changing occurences, the girl, who is now a woman goes to visit the man. BUT WHEN SHE DOES open the door to his apartment, he's dead. he died JUST that morning.
WHY? WHYY? WHYYYYYYYWYWYWYWY? *pulls facial skin downwards*
lots of other stuff happened. the meeting wasnt the biggest part of it but im just talki\ng bout it anyway.
i think it's a super great movie. explores heaps of themes but lets not get into that. BUT it's one of those sweet movies that are bitter. couldve just sed bittersweet lol
anyways STILL, the whole movie they were looking forward to their meeting!! They were best friends. the girl was the only friend he ever had. vice versa! )8 and when she finally meets him, he's lying on the couch dead, with a smile on his face. and the movie's not a love story. 8)
MAX AND MARY. is than name of da film.
about this girl child and 44 year old man who writes letters to each other for their lives, talking about their hard ships etc. it's a claymation. the girls from austrlia, the guy form america.
anyway its very pitiful the movie, the whole thing is bleak, basically no colour, just kinda, browny, black, nnd grey.
so anyway, stuff happens and their meeting is hindered. and at the end of the movie, after 30 years of you know issues, problems, life changing occurences, the girl, who is now a woman goes to visit the man. BUT WHEN SHE DOES open the door to his apartment, he's dead. he died JUST that morning.
WHY? WHYY? WHYYYYYYYWYWYWYWY? *pulls facial skin downwards*
lots of other stuff happened. the meeting wasnt the biggest part of it but im just talki\ng bout it anyway.
i think it's a super great movie. explores heaps of themes but lets not get into that. BUT it's one of those sweet movies that are bitter. couldve just sed bittersweet lol
anyways STILL, the whole movie they were looking forward to their meeting!! They were best friends. the girl was the only friend he ever had. vice versa! )8 and when she finally meets him, he's lying on the couch dead, with a smile on his face. and the movie's not a love story. 8)
this is how weiard i iamm
lemme tell u of my aimlessness
i swear after this year ends ill be like, so what cool thing did i do in 2011 and ill be like stuck there thinking: NOTHANG.
i didnt make ext 2 maths but i went to talk to woooody, and woody acted like a woody. so he gave a woody answer. which is ill think bout it which is probably no. coz i dont think he has a good impression on me, firstly i was on probation for 3u with him, so i went to talk to him about it. CONVO didnt go good(beginning of year) then after half yearlies i asked to transfer from class 7 to 6. convo didn't go well but i still transferred. and now im asking him AGEN for another "favour" since it's woody. YEAHH. lets see hwo this goes. GOn be interesting 8)
how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? HEHHYY?
nihongo no N3 shiken wa kimasu.
warui da ze
and ive notcied that characters in bleach (males) end their sentences tith. "DA ZE" in a jap pronounciation. it's preety cool LOL
and Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez is cool. HEREZ A PIC.
i swear after this year ends ill be like, so what cool thing did i do in 2011 and ill be like stuck there thinking: NOTHANG.
i didnt make ext 2 maths but i went to talk to woooody, and woody acted like a woody. so he gave a woody answer. which is ill think bout it which is probably no. coz i dont think he has a good impression on me, firstly i was on probation for 3u with him, so i went to talk to him about it. CONVO didnt go good(beginning of year) then after half yearlies i asked to transfer from class 7 to 6. convo didn't go well but i still transferred. and now im asking him AGEN for another "favour" since it's woody. YEAHH. lets see hwo this goes. GOn be interesting 8)
how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? HEHHYY?
nihongo no N3 shiken wa kimasu.
warui da ze
and ive notcied that characters in bleach (males) end their sentences tith. "DA ZE" in a jap pronounciation. it's preety cool LOL
and Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez is cool. HEREZ A PIC.
and also!
i normally dont do work(HW intelligible stuff) but when i do. FEEELLLLLSSSS SOOO GOOD. worksgasmic LOL but seriouslyyy! 8)
Sunday, September 18, 2011
i have been blogsurfing YUS.
and i see this wave of posts about feminism.
im not gnna make any comment about it in my post, because im not well informed of this topic and i know seirously next to nothing about feminism. which kinda shows how stupid, ignorant i am about issues these days..
anyway just wanna say i feel foolishly foolish and immature )8 i mean look at what i post about. = = like wake up julia.
myabe i should go do some extensive reading. haha
and i see this wave of posts about feminism.
im not gnna make any comment about it in my post, because im not well informed of this topic and i know seirously next to nothing about feminism. which kinda shows how stupid, ignorant i am about issues these days..
anyway just wanna say i feel foolishly foolish and immature )8 i mean look at what i post about. = = like wake up julia.
myabe i should go do some extensive reading. haha
Saturday, September 17, 2011
whaz that buzzin' noize
my theme song right now should be..
DANGEROUS by ying yang twins >) hehh
if i only this energy can be converted into studyyy ;]
my theme song right now should be..
DANGEROUS by ying yang twins >) hehh
if i only this energy can be converted into studyyy ;]
ive noticed
you know sometimes, when u doodle on scrap pieces of paper during phone calls, during class at the back of your book or whenever.
ive just realized i tend to draw eyes. human eyes mixed anime, so it's 3d but an eye inbetween anime and human.
anyways, next i draw like random geometric shapes with faces in them YEAH itza habit.
and today i found out who 2 peoplehs are asking to the semiformal.
wooooooooooo! in a time span of 10 seconds haha, i asked the first dude who he was asking ,and then the second guy. and they replied so quick haha 8)
i liek how guys are so straightforward. if it were a girl, it would take heaps of fishing(if dat makes sense) and 10 dnms or something just to get there
also, ii think reading manga/ watching anime. esp the fantasy ones? like bleach, one piece, fairy tail etceteeecetecc makes real life seem a tiiinny bit boring, because you know u can't even jump of a 3 metre wall without being injured. in anime, jumping of a 3 metre wall is nothing. and irl, theres no epic adventure. and irl, things like that dont exactly exist
saying this makes me sound immature, but dayum wish there were such thing like that in this world.!
anyway not saying real life doesnt hav its interesting bits, i just haven't had a WOOOAHHHH experience in a while.
anywayz snap bak to real life. I HAVE HAVE JLPT (japanese language proficiency test) N3 likeeeee in december, not long!! and clarence is doing the same test and well our difference in intelligence in jap is like BIG, not even exaggerating.
SO I SHOULD START STUDYIG WHICH I AM NOT. i look at the like 100101000000+ vocab and im just like calling it quits already. OK ganbaru can do dis! 8)
ive just realized i tend to draw eyes. human eyes mixed anime, so it's 3d but an eye inbetween anime and human.
anyways, next i draw like random geometric shapes with faces in them YEAH itza habit.
and today i found out who 2 peoplehs are asking to the semiformal.
wooooooooooo! in a time span of 10 seconds haha, i asked the first dude who he was asking ,and then the second guy. and they replied so quick haha 8)
i liek how guys are so straightforward. if it were a girl, it would take heaps of fishing(if dat makes sense) and 10 dnms or something just to get there
also, ii think reading manga/ watching anime. esp the fantasy ones? like bleach, one piece, fairy tail etceteeecetecc makes real life seem a tiiinny bit boring, because you know u can't even jump of a 3 metre wall without being injured. in anime, jumping of a 3 metre wall is nothing. and irl, theres no epic adventure. and irl, things like that dont exactly exist
saying this makes me sound immature, but dayum wish there were such thing like that in this world.!
anyway not saying real life doesnt hav its interesting bits, i just haven't had a WOOOAHHHH experience in a while.
anywayz snap bak to real life. I HAVE HAVE JLPT (japanese language proficiency test) N3 likeeeee in december, not long!! and clarence is doing the same test and well our difference in intelligence in jap is like BIG, not even exaggerating.
SO I SHOULD START STUDYIG WHICH I AM NOT. i look at the like 100101000000+ vocab and im just like calling it quits already. OK ganbaru can do dis! 8)
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
wooo post title has blog name.
this is a special moment on my blog.
should make it japanese aye, since this blog has not been filled with japanese posts since forever.
nihongode kakimasu
nihongowa nigatedato omoimasu
tsugino gakki wa HSC node watashiwa hayaku nihongo wo benkyou shinakerebanarimasen.
demo!!!! kotoba dakedesu.
shall psot next time when i actually have interesting news.
this is a special moment on my blog.
should make it japanese aye, since this blog has not been filled with japanese posts since forever.
nihongode kakimasu
nihongowa nigatedato omoimasu
tsugino gakki wa HSC node watashiwa hayaku nihongo wo benkyou shinakerebanarimasen.
demo!!!! kotoba dakedesu.
shall psot next time when i actually have interesting news.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
out of my boredom, i made strawberry crepes. wooooo! since i hav a crepe machine lol
and oh my gosh the one i made looks pretty pro(4 my standards) and yeh i shoved some whipped cream in n im eating it now! YUM no pic sorry )8
do u guys ever recognize who's behind you in the house by their footsteps. like when i hear the footstep sounds, or the sound made when the front door of my house i open. i can sorta tell who's home. like coz my dad's entrance is always accompanied by a large jangling of keys etc. LIKE so cooool LOL
maybe i should go do some work. AND I STARTED READING BLEACH. good manga!
and oh my gosh the one i made looks pretty pro(4 my standards) and yeh i shoved some whipped cream in n im eating it now! YUM no pic sorry )8
do u guys ever recognize who's behind you in the house by their footsteps. like when i hear the footstep sounds, or the sound made when the front door of my house i open. i can sorta tell who's home. like coz my dad's entrance is always accompanied by a large jangling of keys etc. LIKE so cooool LOL
maybe i should go do some work. AND I STARTED READING BLEACH. good manga!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Let me tell you a story.
Today I was with an acquaintance, this girl and we went to westfield together to eat coz she had to catch her bus in 30 mins so she had time. And u know, like usual we talked about school and stuff and then we parted to buy our own food.
She got the kfc snackbox
I got this foot long sub right coz u know, im a…. growing.. girl yeah
Anyway we sat down afterwards and she was like: u gon eat ALL of that? And gave me a shocked look. So I was like nahh, im eating one half and the other half for dinner. And she was like ok and so we kept talking eating, I finished my first half of the subway and didn’t even touch the other half. UNTIL SHE LEFT. HOHOHOHOHOO. I ATE THE WHOLE SUBWAY 8) OMNOMNOMOLICIOUS.
ZOMG, in roll call once, ms doyle was like, “blahb lhablahbalha hhh fair dinkum” and someone in the class was like, “yes. Fairest of the dinkums.” LIKE HAHAHAHAHAAHA, that was hilarious, I THINK it woz tom. I THINK. And yes. I do think.
: 0
turned out i got zero for my 2u essay. BRAh, first zero in my whole life.
On a negative note, I want a proper atar estimate mark )8 and English mark so I hope they don’t just blindly wirte a zero, because I want to know what kind of mark I would get for writing that essay.
when i confronted ba1, (the use of the word confronted creates a demeaning tone i dnno) the look she gaved me said, "i know you cheated, u deserved that zero" >( or so that’s what I interpreted.
but stilllll, bad vibes were eminating from her, and i reckon she thinks im a cheaterrrr/liar, but! I am not.
But it was dodgy, what I did.
u judge for yourself:
these are theeeee facts
1. i brought exam notes into 2u exam
No shiz the teachers thought i attempted to cheat
2. i put it under my table
teachers thoughts: attempt to copy essay
3. essay i wrote was very similar to exam notes which is my pre-written essay
teachers SAYS: very likely u copied
my thoughts: i didnt copy and i reckon if you compared most student's essays with their actual written, they should be mostly word for word
more facts
1. i didn't even look at those notes.
2. if i had put those exam notes in my pocket nothing would have happened.
3. now that i get 0 for 2u, then GG, my atar estimate is screwed up coz 2u has to count.
I brought my notes in 4 last minute study and everyone was seated so I folded it up and put it under table.
Disjointed post this is.
One day later I went into the office to talk to b4l and when i was talking to the teachers, coz I told them I folded the notes up. They were like where are the folds? And I took my notes and looked and there were indistinct fold lines because folded it without pressing odwn on the fold. And I could see the faded lines but when I pointed it out to them, they were like where? Coz the lines were faded well obvs after a day, the already indistinct fold would be even more indistinct. I looked stupid pointing out the almost non-existant folds because it made me look like I was just being a really really bad liar.
Anyway after the English 2u exam, I gave in my exam notes, coz u know I didn’t think it was dodgy at the time, putting it folded up under foot of desk coz people could put unclear pencil cases under their desks right so I gave it in to the teacher to chuck away and that’s where they were like: that’s dodgy and I was like in my head: hay that was pretty dodgy
Anyway, I have no witnesses coz no one looks at me in an exam duh and theres no surveillance camera
So I guess in a way its reasonable I got a zero because the teachers just hafta assume the worst case scenario.
But now I hav a black mark against my name. because in all honestly, I don’t think they believe I didn’t cheat
And what makes it worse is my known part-retarded, non-serious personality contributes to their neg. thoughts on me.
On a positive note, it’s prelims and not hsc so it’s alrite.
On a negative note, I want a proper atar estimate mark )8 and English mark so I hope they don’t just blindly wirte a zero, because I want to know what kind of mark I would get for writing that essay.
OHHH And afterwards, in my eco test, the teacher who called me out for bringing in those notes kept hovering around me. Actually she was obviously keeping her eye on me. In fact, she was one metre away from me standing there just eyeing me. and I know why she’s doing that, I get why, but from my pov, that was freaking irritating, annoyed the shit out of me because I hate it when people don’t believe me.
Anyways, long post because somewhere in my heart lol if I hav one after this mean post, I feel --- > extremely D<
Oh yeah and my only justification to the teachers now is "i didn't look" so GG I have officially ruined my reputation with some people because I assure u, out of the many people that know about my situation, there has to be one or two people who won’t believe I didn’t take a look at those exam notes.
And u knowwhats really sad. My parents don’t believe me. which bring me to my next point
My sister is the greatest friend ever.LOL She might not like me, but she believes me. and to me that matters like A LOT
Corny post I know anyway. This situation reminds me of some time ago
At my piano teachers house, someone carved the word tracey in blue pen into the wooden table in the house and everyone thought it was me without a doubt, cept for my sister. But I didn’t do it.
Imagine those who went under death sentence long time ago, who were wrongly accused, I empathise, they must feel a million times injusticed.
Anyway long post, I feel kinda better nao yayayeyryrr.
Friday, September 9, 2011
post 101
the stuf i am about to type is stuff i think only i think about which is completely untrue(coz i like to think myself as speshul ;) hehe) but obviously u guys have all thought of this but im typing this up anyway coz i tihnk the idea of it is pretty interesting
god gave us free will yar
which means choosing your own path u must take in life.
like it's pretty sad how if you choose one option in life, you can't choose another. like you'll never ever EVER EEVVERRR! get to test out the other option. like in games you create two accounts, try different options and see where it leads you but irl only one.
in the case of ice cream flavours, if you choose the chocolate flavour, you can't choose the vanilla. even though you can choose the vanilla one later, you've missed the option of choosing the vanilla flavour FIRST and thus u've changed the whole course of events that stem from the action.
LEADS ME TO MY NEXT idea: fate
yeah so fate is determined by every little thing you do. lets say you chose the vanilla flavour, yeah u buy it and eat it. like what if u chose the chocolate flavour, maybe the seller's fav. flavour is chocolate. they might strike up a convo with u, "HEyyy i like chocolate tooo!" and then you know u might talk back and then maybe u guys could end up married or something.
thats the story of how i came into james ruse, one little thing hapening affecting another, leading up to here right now.wooooo! if i had chosen another action, maybe i wouldve ended up a movie star.
it all depends on. DRUM ROOOOLLLL : luck
THUS my point issss, if ur fate is partly determined by luck and partly by ur own choice.
haha keep moving forward in life, choose wisely LOL
god gave us free will yar
which means choosing your own path u must take in life.
like it's pretty sad how if you choose one option in life, you can't choose another. like you'll never ever EVER EEVVERRR! get to test out the other option. like in games you create two accounts, try different options and see where it leads you but irl only one.
in the case of ice cream flavours, if you choose the chocolate flavour, you can't choose the vanilla. even though you can choose the vanilla one later, you've missed the option of choosing the vanilla flavour FIRST and thus u've changed the whole course of events that stem from the action.
LEADS ME TO MY NEXT idea: fate
yeah so fate is determined by every little thing you do. lets say you chose the vanilla flavour, yeah u buy it and eat it. like what if u chose the chocolate flavour, maybe the seller's fav. flavour is chocolate. they might strike up a convo with u, "HEyyy i like chocolate tooo!" and then you know u might talk back and then maybe u guys could end up married or something.
thats the story of how i came into james ruse, one little thing hapening affecting another, leading up to here right now.wooooo! if i had chosen another action, maybe i wouldve ended up a movie star.
it all depends on. DRUM ROOOOLLLL : luck
THUS my point issss, if ur fate is partly determined by luck and partly by ur own choice.
haha keep moving forward in life, choose wisely LOL
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
100th post
woooo 100th post. yay can't believe i posted so many posts anyway
1) POTTERMORE!!! my potions brew right but i keep forgetting to go back in the set time to finish brewing my potion sooo RAGHHH POOR INGREDIENTS. gooing to waste coz of my forgetfulness(coz someone has been pouring forgetfulness potion into my drinks obvs)
OH and emily and stuff if u havent added me: flamefrog99
2) OH AND TODAY randomly i just had to mention this coz idunno it struck a cord with me LOL, i think me puneet tom were talking and tom was like, he judged whether or not he did well in exams not by answering the quesiton but by filling in the space of the answer AND I agreeee! like economics for example. i know close to nothing except for some demand and supply graphs BUT i thought i did pretty alright coz you know, i filled in all the spaces for the writing bit with random bits of my bs.!
3) Me and my sis went to a chinese restaraunt in our school unifrom by ourselves, and we felt out of place coz you know normally adults go there. ANYWAY, i was ordering from the menu and the guy taking my order treated me like a 5 year old child, and fully gave me that smily you give littlewittle children.
2 hours later - since i left this post to be completed.
2) THERE WERE MEANT TO BE 5 PEOPLE COMING TO MY HOUSE BUT NOW THERES ONLY 2, MAYBE REDUCED TO ONE. so sad, and it took me a lot of jokes and nice talk from me to let my friends over to my house. )8 u guys suck. great friends u r
3) my jersey design got rejected. rejecting my jersey is like rejecting me, and since ive been rejected. i feel rejected. BUT I HAVE ANEW JERSEY DESIGN HOHOHOHO
4) maths sucked. no comment
1) POTTERMORE!!! my potions brew right but i keep forgetting to go back in the set time to finish brewing my potion sooo RAGHHH POOR INGREDIENTS. gooing to waste coz of my forgetfulness(coz someone has been pouring forgetfulness potion into my drinks obvs)
OH and emily and stuff if u havent added me: flamefrog99
2) OH AND TODAY randomly i just had to mention this coz idunno it struck a cord with me LOL, i think me puneet tom were talking and tom was like, he judged whether or not he did well in exams not by answering the quesiton but by filling in the space of the answer AND I agreeee! like economics for example. i know close to nothing except for some demand and supply graphs BUT i thought i did pretty alright coz you know, i filled in all the spaces for the writing bit with random bits of my bs.!
3) Me and my sis went to a chinese restaraunt in our school unifrom by ourselves, and we felt out of place coz you know normally adults go there. ANYWAY, i was ordering from the menu and the guy taking my order treated me like a 5 year old child, and fully gave me that smily you give littlewittle children.
2 hours later - since i left this post to be completed.
2) THERE WERE MEANT TO BE 5 PEOPLE COMING TO MY HOUSE BUT NOW THERES ONLY 2, MAYBE REDUCED TO ONE. so sad, and it took me a lot of jokes and nice talk from me to let my friends over to my house. )8 u guys suck. great friends u r
3) my jersey design got rejected. rejecting my jersey is like rejecting me, and since ive been rejected. i feel rejected. BUT I HAVE ANEW JERSEY DESIGN HOHOHOHO
4) maths sucked. no comment
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
one and only KPOPOPOPOST never again
she's pretty cool
Monday, September 5, 2011
i walked into the kitchen and turned the lights on, and there woz this cokroach and it used intimidation on me!! it was this big/ screen on 100% pl0x
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the tihng about roaches are that they are sooo shiny/big and they feel MORE alive than other bugs coz u know, their tentaclly things move around and yeah. and i think people dont like roaches coz they're very hard to kill.
LOL this is preety sad im talking about killing roaches but sitll
nubmer 1, you can't kill them with a tissue, coz unlike other bugs, they're HUGE and they probably won't die and they'll squirm in ur hand and that feels YUCK and the guts come out and basically you hear the crackling noise and it's just so GROSSS!
number two, if u use a slipper, the slipper gets u know 'contaminated' and the bug may still be alive, and u hafta hit it another 5 times and that's just sad. poor bug, once is enuf uknow! and then anyway, afterwards, it's all mushed up on the floor!
number 3, yeah generally, they are too 'alive' like if u saw a spider in a house, ud kill it right? but if you saw a lizard you would put it in a container and let it out into the bush. killing a spider doesn't feel like murder. but killing a lizard/rat does.
anyways after i saw the cokroach, i was suprised so i jumped up and i hit my knee on my oven and it felt unbearably funny/painful feeling, like when u knock ur funny bone really hard u kinda laugh and suffer in pain at the same time.
and apologies to bug lovers for this ghastly post. but dw, it's still alive... and... IN THE KITCHEN!!! D8
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the tihng about roaches are that they are sooo shiny/big and they feel MORE alive than other bugs coz u know, their tentaclly things move around and yeah. and i think people dont like roaches coz they're very hard to kill.
LOL this is preety sad im talking about killing roaches but sitll
nubmer 1, you can't kill them with a tissue, coz unlike other bugs, they're HUGE and they probably won't die and they'll squirm in ur hand and that feels YUCK and the guts come out and basically you hear the crackling noise and it's just so GROSSS!
number two, if u use a slipper, the slipper gets u know 'contaminated' and the bug may still be alive, and u hafta hit it another 5 times and that's just sad. poor bug, once is enuf uknow! and then anyway, afterwards, it's all mushed up on the floor!
number 3, yeah generally, they are too 'alive' like if u saw a spider in a house, ud kill it right? but if you saw a lizard you would put it in a container and let it out into the bush. killing a spider doesn't feel like murder. but killing a lizard/rat does.
anyways after i saw the cokroach, i was suprised so i jumped up and i hit my knee on my oven and it felt unbearably funny/painful feeling, like when u knock ur funny bone really hard u kinda laugh and suffer in pain at the same time.
and apologies to bug lovers for this ghastly post. but dw, it's still alive... and... IN THE KITCHEN!!! D8
):a post bout my stupidity
WARNING. wut u read below is very complainy so stop here if u dont wanna hear complainy stuff.bout math)8
ok these are my stats like a week ago for 3u math
belief in self: 10pts
calmness: 10pts
actual intelligence: 1pt
-2 pts for each past paper i do and then like - 100 after the 2010 one. calmness is on negative points and actual intelligence has risen to 1.5 pt after learning a tiny bit more.
i can't even say i did the 2010 math paper. coz i couldn't even do 90% of the questions.
RGHaRH i don't get perms and combs, i don't know my circle geo rules, and i don't know polynomials and parametrics
ill post something cooler next time.
catchya laterz!
Sunday, September 4, 2011
dadday getit? (dad day/daddy) LOL LAME
haappaayy fathers day! to readers haha
today i spent extra long time eating dinner because mum cooked soooo much yummy food, in such big quantities, i just had to stay longer.
couldn't shove all da food down in only 20 mins yaknow.
so yeah. OMG dinner featured abalonnneee. tasty. and they're expensive too, i felt like a rich person today
and there were al lthese other delicacies like jellyfish. YUMM. etcetc
so much meat lol. niku ga takusan. watashiwa sukii. ME GUSTA
LOL anyway i think i need to go bathroom now. TMI? ending post here. BYE!!!!
today i spent extra long time eating dinner because mum cooked soooo much yummy food, in such big quantities, i just had to stay longer.
couldn't shove all da food down in only 20 mins yaknow.
so yeah. OMG dinner featured abalonnneee. tasty. and they're expensive too, i felt like a rich person today
and there were al lthese other delicacies like jellyfish. YUMM. etcetc
so much meat lol. niku ga takusan. watashiwa sukii. ME GUSTA
LOL anyway i think i need to go bathroom now. TMI? ending post here. BYE!!!!
chek it out. has like 4 million digits. WUT THE CRAZY, can't even test if its a prime LOL
chek it out. has like 4 million digits. WUT THE CRAZY, can't even test if its a prime LOL
Saturday, September 3, 2011
saywut? 8(
i was jus thinking, how sad our memorizing capacity is. like i can't remember all the funny/fun things i did when i was 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 etc.. like i knew i did stuff. i knew i went to china, probably had fun but i can't remember what exactly i did, and how i felt when i was there. in other words i can't relive the moment, like i can relive moments that happened one day ago!!!
so when im 40 lets say, ill be like, soo.. apart from the fact i went to james ruse, what did i do? what did i do in ruse. and ill end up looking over fotoes and be like- wait, this happened? ill be like, how did i feel as a high schooler yeah.
BUT our memory capacity is quite the good. i mean compared to people with amnesia, severe forms who forget everything.
like i read this article about a guy once, i was trying to find it so i could link you but he had a form of amnesia where he forgot everything that happens after he acquired the disease, he oculd remember stuff b4 but that was it. so literally speaking he 'lives in the present' like i wonder how that feels!!
yeah i found an article on a lady that had the same condition.
must be verrrrryyryyyyyy frustrating. like something cool happens and then afterwards ur like. something cool happened and i was there?
OH and can humans have dreams that feel like it lasted for ten years? coz that would be verrryy disorientatinggggggg.
AND kudos to me coz when i was young i could ride a scooter. 8) thought it was worth mentioning LOLOL
so when im 40 lets say, ill be like, soo.. apart from the fact i went to james ruse, what did i do? what did i do in ruse. and ill end up looking over fotoes and be like- wait, this happened? ill be like, how did i feel as a high schooler yeah.
BUT our memory capacity is quite the good. i mean compared to people with amnesia, severe forms who forget everything.
like i read this article about a guy once, i was trying to find it so i could link you but he had a form of amnesia where he forgot everything that happens after he acquired the disease, he oculd remember stuff b4 but that was it. so literally speaking he 'lives in the present' like i wonder how that feels!!
yeah i found an article on a lady that had the same condition.
must be verrrrryyryyyyyy frustrating. like something cool happens and then afterwards ur like. something cool happened and i was there?
OH and can humans have dreams that feel like it lasted for ten years? coz that would be verrryy disorientatinggggggg.
AND kudos to me coz when i was young i could ride a scooter. 8) thought it was worth mentioning LOLOL
Friday, September 2, 2011
OOH i just thought of something i would like to try but probably never will. So i was in the bathroom after shower, standing on the bathroom sink coz it was so cold and i wanted to be closer to the heat source from the light. anyway i thought to myself...
HOW WOULD IT FEEL if i let go of the bar i was holding onto and let my legs soften. LIKE i would just crumble to the ground and like knock into the objects around me. and it will be painful i guess, but like how does it feeel? like do ur eyes close when u fall, or are they open as u see yourself dropping towards the floor.
ANYWAY id never do that, but just thought about it. coz it's an experience id prolly never come across in my life.
SONG BY GD AND TOP - baby good night
this song is so sensual, kind of gaye if u know what i mean but i love it!! so catchyyyy!!
HOW WOULD IT FEEL if i let go of the bar i was holding onto and let my legs soften. LIKE i would just crumble to the ground and like knock into the objects around me. and it will be painful i guess, but like how does it feeel? like do ur eyes close when u fall, or are they open as u see yourself dropping towards the floor.
ANYWAY id never do that, but just thought about it. coz it's an experience id prolly never come across in my life.
SONG BY GD AND TOP - baby good night
this song is so sensual, kind of gaye if u know what i mean but i love it!! so catchyyyy!!
THE YELLOW UKELELE U GUYS GAVE ME. i downloaded a chord sheet and i started 'strumming' chords i needed for particular songs.
i can't even say if it's strumming coz i don't know if im holding the ukele right, my fingers probably all wrong and yeah. but it was cooooool. i got distracted and started filming my self singing and playing the ukelele, prepared to you know.. maybe upload it onto here for all u guys to hear.
cept my voice. gosh sounds like my imaginary testes are popping.
YES AND I IMPROVISED A RAP WITH ur name in it emily, coz ur last name was hall and it rhymed with heaps of stuff. AnYWay
will be bak when i have something interesting to say.
i can't even say if it's strumming coz i don't know if im holding the ukele right, my fingers probably all wrong and yeah. but it was cooooool. i got distracted and started filming my self singing and playing the ukelele, prepared to you know.. maybe upload it onto here for all u guys to hear.
cept my voice. gosh sounds like my imaginary testes are popping.
YES AND I IMPROVISED A RAP WITH ur name in it emily, coz ur last name was hall and it rhymed with heaps of stuff. AnYWay
will be bak when i have something interesting to say.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
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