Thursday, July 28, 2011


btw guys, b4 i continue, id like to say that sometimes, i post something up, and it may seem obvious and stuff or wrong. but thats because im slow sometimes and discover things later than normal peopllleehs would

OK so...
1. most people don't understand you unless they are feelign the same at the moment
2. most people dont seek or give a dayum to understand you.
3. most people have the capacity to understand other peoplehs but don't because they feel what they feel but not what you feel.

ok. all my thoughts are in a jumble, but i know one thing. when someone does something retarded/bad/not nice, understand them in the sense that don't tihnk "oMG he/she's mean" or "she/he is a bitch/behsturd" remember that they prolyl don't intend to be, and just don't take anything personally. and don't get pissed at anyone, like everyone has their reasons. they are who they are

no one is bad. I THINK. LOL

i can't explain what im trying to say. my lack of eloquency seriously sucks. actually not eloquency. more like the ability to transfer the ideas floating around i nmy head into words. farrrrrr ou ou uou ou outtt!


im a ttype of person, who can switch sides easily, like change my point of view on a whim! because i think im easily influenced, and i tend to speak b4 i tihnk so i blurt out randomest sheeeeeet sometimes.


when someone is pissed/sad/not feeling good I SERIOUSLY DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO. like i just stand there going "What should i doooooodoodooo?" meianly because i havent felt intense sadness/pissiness ec. so cant relate very well. therefore dunno what to dooooo!!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Seeing a pretty girl and losing all self esteem

Yes theres a page like this on fbbbbb! and i was just looking at it out of boredom, and there were these 'ugly' albums full of real 'ugly' people. well they weren't the best looking obviously. and that album was created just to make people feel better about themselves.


you dont' create an 'ugly' album just to make urself feel better. that mean and stooopid! like the comments below were so mean!
like comments include:

"Are you sure that's a woman?"
"Forhead? More like a fivehead" to this guy who had a really big forehead.

seriously, its an album bitching about ugly people! and laffing at them >( thats so wrong!

anyway. the most retarded thing about this whole album, is that there are people in the world that need to look at ugly people to make themselves feel better. THAT is low. there are other ways to feel good yaKNOW? LOL SEX. jokes, im not dirty!! :DD

1. 2. 3.

1.Once upon a time i saw a fatty white bird waddling along. around it were other birds, skinnier, 'newer' healthier looking, beautiful-er. and i felt sorry for the fatty white bird, who could barely walk. cool story

2. Being the 2nd daughter in the household has rendered me useless, everything is done by my old sister and im just a lump of useless meat siting there. rotting perhaps. perhaps not. not rotting. rotting is ewwww ): Im just very noob at some starrff coz my sister does everything coz shes older.

3. In norway, 80 or so people are dead from a. that is horrific from a one man massacre. hope the families/friend of those dead will be alrite. and stuff like this wont ever happen again. the man has been arrested.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


1. i used to think if i stared at a clock it wouldnt move
2. I used to think that mums gave birth to children and dads gave birth to dogs
3. when i close my eyes, dreams come popping back into my head easier because seeing the real world just makes u forget all of it.
4.i have de ja vu moments a lot, like A LOT  id see something happen and id be like. omg. ive seen it in my dream.
5. i think that if my mum and dad argue, if i jut it and start arguign with one of my parents, my other parent would support the one im arguign with and then my parents wont argue. weird logiiix

andi shall change my blog skin to something more fantasylike hopefully. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

harry potter talk!! bout the movie

no sport coz it was rainy today! yes so on impulse, lena, nancy lindaa me puneet joyce and andy wennnnt to watch harry potter at EVENTS CINEMA attt parramatta 2D WOW like sseriously

the book was better in terms of how it has everything in it, so like pLOT. whilst the movie cuts some parts out. BUT i think the movie is better because the images that form in my head aren't solid and are only part of my imagination whilst the movie actually solidly shows these images and its big screen and it makes me feel AbsooOOrrbeed! SOOOO.


I REALLY LIKE SNAPE. Like I can say he is my FAVOURITE CHARACTER. the princes tale was liek seh-riously cryworthy. FACHHH, "always" *shooots out doe patronus* AND WHEN SNAPE ACTUALLY SHOWS SOME DIFFERENCE(opposite of indifference) TOWARDS PEOPLE SUCH AS LILY. i just LOVED HIS CHARACTER SO muHC. when he was hugging lily after her death, that was a stab to my wholesome soul LOL. aka that was really sad.and he died, with everyone hating on him. DUDE when the snake was killing him, my stomach knotted... ouchdude

voldermorts death, dude he just melted away into the air and that was it

freds death was kinda downplayed but nonetheless quite sad.

OH and there were funny scenes in harry potter.

1. voldemort hugging malfoy like HAHA thats hilarious, was it even a hug, well cant blame voldemort
2. when harry was holding onto voldemort when they dropped of the cliff, the faces voldemort makes was funnnyy
3. when voldemort laffed, "hair-haaar" sounds like that but with shorter sounds. LOL that was like HAHAHAHHAAHHA
4. when voldermort said "avada kedavra" LOLLLL ok it was sad and all but he was like, "ARRVVARDAAAAA CCAARREE-DDAARR-BRAAAAAA!" the way he sed it haha.

lol voldemorts funny, but i feel sorry for him. poor him.

and draco's mom is really pretty i think. she doesnt even look evil.

bellatrix is cool. draco is kinda kool too. hagrid is cute. neville is hilarious, the running scene

LOL dracos kid is draco jr, lol exact same hair. anyway. thatz the end of my thought process. BYE!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

two faces.

Omg. i just came out of the bathroom and my face in the mirror looke deathly, my eyes are sunken and hollow, i mean i normally have fatty eyelidsss! annndd my skin has a grey hue, its dull and lacks bridghtness and my eyes are kinda bloodshot. SHHeeeezzz
i need sleep. i need health food

school has taken its toll on me already, and it has just started. i remember dem holiday dyas where my skin was bright and flushed and my eyes were shiny and i was so much fresher looking. lol i sound like a thousand years have passed since ive had holidays. but yeah anyway

lemme show you this pic of a fox.Yese its a real fox. not a toy.
I came across this tibetan fox during my research on tibets fight for survival in the modern world. random pic i saw. and BOOOY this fox looks sly. just look at it, this animal is like stonerface slash holier-than-thou faceee!! this thing beats lady gaga in pokerface!
well its kinda a mix of all those looks. it looks bored and serious toooooo. seirous fox is serioussssssss!!

but yeh its fluffeh and kind of adorable in the i-have-a-facial-expression way so serious fox gets a seal of approval from me.


helo it is 12:28am and i am still doing my hist assignment. its due tommorow! what isss wrong with me what is wronnngg. i think im a type who works last minute, underpressure. see i had the whole day to myself but i just couldnt work on the assignment productively/effecively/successfully. i was kinda just typing the titles/subtitles and then tkaing a break afteerwarrdsss.and now look at me. im finally starting to speed up.

I can change this attittude towards work! CEPT ITS KINDA HARD. LIKE SIRIUSLY.

i must severus my ties with procratination and harry up! i am not Ron. LOLZZZOROOZZZZZ its 12:33 now. shall go and continue. BYEEHHH

Monday, July 18, 2011

miracle treesss!

i have just realized that there are two trees that are quite closeto eachother in my back yard!!!! YYAAYYA i could fit a hammock day. and lazee there during natsuyasumi!

back to history assignment due tommorow xD whats wrong with me!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

>( no posuto

kyou, i said to my self. homework wo shinakerebanaranai. mainichi i say that to myself. but i am kanashii. because i did nandemonai. there is three days dake.i have done no shukudai at all. ive been reading harry potter all along!  i am totemo screwed.


now what? ima im still procrastinating. lazyni naru. this isss warui. i seriously should have partied/went out all this yasumi. because staying at uchi making myself believe id do shukudai hass just made me do notthinnggg!!! so i might as well have just had pure tanoshiikoto during these nishuukan. i don't suki this.

DAMMM no use regretting. gotta pick up my oshiri. keep my atama high. and keep trying!. like a bossu.

Monday, July 11, 2011


today i went on an impulsive adventure to katoomba and leura with jess and catherine fooororrr, well vintage shopping, not myyy thin but it was interesting, oldfashined stuff.

like you think its feezing now? in katoomba its like zero degreeeessssss (a bit over maybe) ur hands just stiffen the moment they're out of ur pocket!

YES and the train journey wassss FUN! talked about randomest things.

ate pasta for lunch. so cheesy and filling couldn't finish all!

friends brought katoomba white wine to drink in these wine cups in the BYO cafe where i ate the pasta. like WOAHHHHHH classy much.

OH AND i brought this transparent french soap bar thats transparent!! HAHA TRANSPARENT! soap thats TRANSPARENTTT!!! OMGOMGO

i brought chogolate from this chocolate store. seriously forgot the name, one of those gourmet brands. YAR. omnomnom.

I went to the candy shop that reminded me of harry potter. and i bought some strawberry lollezz that are like nerds but the inside is squishy/gummy.

YES AND my friend was using a vending machine to by a vanilla coke. it was 3.80? and she already put in 1.80 and so she was putting in the final two dollars. but she kept putting it in and it wouldnt work. i tried it and my other friends tried it butttttt to no success. so i was like OK, here use my 2 bucks and see if it works. AND it did! so my friend gave me her fail 2 bucks and OH MY GOSHHH.

im so observant, instinctive! it was faaakeee. like it feels KIND OF lighter and the imprint on it is less crisp and clear. BUT ITS PASSABLE as a two bucks by eye but the vending machine does what? like it detects specific metals? or something which obviously the fake 2 dollar coin doesnt have. AWESOOOMEEE!! now i have a fake 2 bucks show u guys laterrr!

AND IN A STATIONERY SHOP I SAW SEAL WAX. you know the red wax used for seals on envelopes. JUST THAT. OHHHHHMYYYYYYY and there were these silver stamps to creat imprints on the seal. AWEUHHHHHSUMMMMM!!! cept i didnt buy any cost like 22.50 for a tiny set!

seal wax comes in a tiny finger sized candle. and u burn it and it melts yeh!

Friday, July 8, 2011

organize or agonize

best way to get started for work is to organize/ clean everything up. and ive just started cleaning my room. a bit late!!

so thats what im doing now hehe, hopefully i can get some work done these holidays, catch up work not extra work.

and my sis was like use these holidays to have fun whilst everything doesnt count or ull regret it, many year 12s telling me that. soooo ii ammm speenddinng timme having fun. indoors. reading harry potter haha but ive been out to others peoples houses a few time. but my group hasnt organized anyoutings!

maybe i just got left out. DUN DUNN DUNN lol NEVVVARRR ok going now to organize a bit more lolzors!  ;]


Thursday, July 7, 2011

cannot be descibed!

i had an incredible dream.

i was attached to a balloon by a string, it wasn't safe i had to hold on, and i was kind drifting/floating in the sky. the sky was a nice blue, nto bright, just serene. i was floating downwards and i could see bird eye view of a cliff that has civilizations built on like 8 protruding slabs fro mthe cliff. sorry cant find the right words. these slabs protruded like balconies on a building, anyway they were very big/grand, i was floating far away from them. and i kept drifting, with my sister annnd. it was scary, my sisters baloon somehow had a buckle, mine didnt so i had to hold on really tight.

later using the balloons string, i tied a circle so i could put my foot in it and hold onto the it drifed, it feels so good flying that high in the sky, with something non mechanical and with none of that ears popping thing.

and we were like floating over citiesuntil it was almost dark and yeaaaaahh, theresmore to it but if i wrote it down it simply wont make sense x)

the cities/cliffs don't look like what they  would in real life. but they are realistic.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

so many random posts today

ANYWAY. thheee garden that was just dirt is starting to grassify! half the lawn is barren and half is kinda grassy so im going to water the bare half in hopes grass will grow out of moister land!

coz i wanna then sow my flower seeds and let them blooom when winter melts into spring! WOOHOOOOO and i want the flowers surrounded by grass. does that work? coz grass  = weed. oh well. lets see how it goes!

oh and some flower seeds i have sowed a week ago coz i was bored is starting to grooowww, so im happay!

i hope my garden looks like dis

coz thats just plain K O O L. i can like frolick in these flowers like the funny people in those movies haha. but my garden is far from this. lemme find a pic to demonstrate wut my garden looks like

this is pretty close to wut my garden looks like now, im not even kidding. OK imma work my  garden hard from now!!! gotta work it. woork it. woork it. 8)

romaji no posuto

ohayou! kono posuto wa jenni he

konnichiwa jenni! anatawa watashino faithful reader desu! arigatou gozaiamasu! 8)
eeto kono yasumiwa totemo mijikaide watashiwa jikan wo tsukaukotowa ttooteemmoo waruito omoimasu!

shukudaiwo shimasen!! DDD: eeto jennisan wa? comment wo kudasai!

kono sealwa chotto kawai desu!
kore mo!

lol check dis link out haha 8) SO A DOOR A BULL wow im so bored.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

some stuff to get me moving

A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.
Francis Bacon

Dost thou love life?
Then do not squander time,
for that is the stuff life is made of.
Benjamin Franklin

and one of the most inspiring quotes ive heard, for me was. "luck is when opportunity meets preparation" from a lady that came to jrahs to give a speech, her name was roze i think. anyway.i can't say HOW MUUUUCH that is relevant to me. and how true that is to an extent and O. M. G. rawr, ohkay. i shall go outside to water my plants nowwwwww. oh and i was walkign and this giant branch fell right in front of me. if that hit me, im afraid i wont be coming to school next term LOL. anyways bbyyeeBYYYYEEEEEEE 8)


Monday, July 4, 2011

yet another random post

1) I can't find my pink exercise book i used to write TONNES of notes in!! RAWR 2 years of effort squandered. WHERE R U COME BAK! NOAOOANOAAONAOOAOAOAO desperation!! just a shout-out to my sweet pink book, please come home, i miss u.

2) I cam back from home, and on my msn screen there were like messages from a few diff. people and i was goign to read them but then my computer blue creened me and closed down. NOW IDUNNO WUT THE MESSAGES NOW. talk about paranoia! immmm kinda paranoid, wut if i missed something important! :O wut if the fact i didnt read a message causes something bad to happen! wut if i miss outtttt on something important RAWRAWRAWRAWRAWR anyways calm my tits. LOL EW. just calm down, no tits 8)

3) note to self : I shall repay my rents in the future for being suuuch ah-mazing peoplehs.