Tuesday, June 28, 2011


今日は とてもうれしい!りゆうが ないんです。
Translation: Today i am very happy! no reason!

Because im so happy today, i shall share a japanese word with you all!


 笑顔 (えがお)                                    SMILE
haha, i really have nothing to say. i think that the days when im really happy are those days sometimes when nothing really happens, but i just feel happy anyway coz i have a reallyy reallyyy positive mindset!

Oh and ive been watching the drama, "Hi my sweetheart" as some of you know. i love  rainie yang and show luo! love the dramaaaa! LOLVEOVLEOVLEOVLOELVOEVLOELOVE, yes i spent 6 hrs watching it once, no brakes. im crazy smtimes. but im fully absorbed int oit like, im still living in the world of the drama,  ithink. AND I LVOE THE SONGS IN THE DRAMA

if u wanna knwo the name of the songs type in google: hi my sweetheart songs.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Interesting convo between me and my sis

Me: hey ceeeeeelia come over here

Sister: no!

Me: hey cee, u have correction tape?

Sister: *chucks liquid paper/ not tape*

Me: Tape?

Sister: ...

Me: btw, next time u see liquid tape, can u buy me some?

Sister: no.

Me: thank you

point of the convo being, what great conversations we have. it may sound like she isn't going to buy me the tape, but trust me she WILL HAHAHRARAHR

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

random out-of-context starrfff


no im not pms'ing, imma keel u if u tell me that LOL. *holds knife*

nonsensical rambles. nonsensical post is nonsencial.

Monday, June 20, 2011

get to know me moar 8D

oHEY. havent done stuff for aaages.like work. i am procrastinating/demotivated which is NOT GOOD. i end up incessantly checking my social networkign sites and playing random stuff on the piano while singing in my diamond-cracking voice. (n diamonds r the hardest thing on earth) YEAH. sso this is bad. and im not doing anything about it and i really should be!


ok just so this post isnt filled iwth useless info, ill do one of those quiz thingos  i dont know what they're called.

this is a random "rainbow" meme thing, whatever a meme is, it's what it's called onthe website squidoo which i got this from. im procrastinating so here ya go.

Angry Red

1. Are you currently mad at someone?
Never mad at anyone. or rarely
2. Which of your family members has the worst temper?
my dad, but its very short-lived so that's good! :)

3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone?
Of course, ive chucked heaps of things, but not when im mad haha

4. Is anyone mad at you?
well i don't think so 8)

5. Are you usually mad?
I'm mad brah, but not mad as in angry mad 8Dhoho

6. When you're mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell?
when i do get mad i suppose i would do both lol.

Exciting Orange

1. Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party
 for you?
well, not with the whole "suppriisee! it's ur bday!" coz iit's not like i don't know when my bday is! :D

2. What event is coming up that you're most excited about?

3. If you won a million dollars, what would be your first thought?
" HAHAHHAHAHAHHAYYYYYEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHBOOOYYYY, imagine my parent's expressions LOL, all the stuff we could do yay"

4. If you could have anything right now what would it be?
ANYTHING? haha a friend over at my house.
Yellow Belly Self

1. Name: Julia/jooolia!

2. Birthday: 16th June
3. What's your main goal in life?do achiev
4. Do you want to have children?
Sometimes i wanna, sometimes i don't wanna. now? mmmmmm sure LOL jokes no im still a young innocent child. btw how r babies borne anyway? lol jK
5. When do you want to die?
well i don't wanna die, but since i can't help it. i guess at an oolld age(being still fit, i dont wanna be like a useless potato and not be able to do anything) with my loving ole husband yay surrounded by friends and family.
Opinionated Green

1. Are you against gay marriage?
NOOOOOPPPE. not at allll
2. Lower the drinking age?
nahhhh, the age limit is good where it is now. 
3. Capital Punishment?
NONONONONO, u can't just take away a life like that.
4. Abortion?
depends on the situation i guess. but abortion in itself doesn't sound like something that's good. no shit sherlok haha
Lovely Blue

1. Do you love someone?
OFC i do! 
2. Do you believe in love at first sight?
is it even possible to love someone just by lookign at them. i mean if loving how they look aesthetically counts as love at first sight then yeah! 
3. Do you believe in love?
YESYES it has to exist! 

Purple Query

Q: How glasses of water did you have today?
A: NONE. omgggg going to get water now liek seriously thanks for reminding!

Q: What colour are your socks?
A: Whiiite!

Q: Name one thing that you do everyday?
A: wake up 8D

Q: How much cash do you have on you right now?
A: Actually hav no idea, mah moolahz in many diff places in many diff amounts yeeabrah

Q: Are you for or against Hillary?
A: clinton? is she still running for president? 

Q: Look to your left. What's there?
A: my potato sister lol potato coz she's fatty haharrrr

Q: What's the last piece of clothing you borrowed?
A: musical costume, the pink indian costume!

Q: What website(s) do you visit the most?
A: googogogoggggooogle

Q: Do you have plants in your room?
A: haha this one im in right now? yes a little tiny plant  shoved in a bottle of water. haha my mum was like, here is smth green 4 u to look at when ur eye gets tired.

Q: Does anything hurt on your body right now?
A: my heart. lol JK not really

Q: Do you own a picture phone?
A: whaz dat? a phone that takes pics? coz if its that yes i do own one!

Last but not Least, Pink

1. Person you saw: my sister rAWR

2. Person you sent a text message to: probably jennny

3. Movie watched in cinema: HP7 part 1 :DD

4. Song you listened to: bumpy ride- mohombi
5. Person you talked on the phone with: dentist info-desk guy
6. What are you doing right now?
well what do you think, im in the kitchen making sandwicheshhaha JK IM HERE TYPING YA STOOPID MEME lol
7. What are you doing tonight?
It's night alreadddyy, but i plan on finished jap speech thing due tomoz
8. What are you going to eat?
whatever i see that's in my way! MUAHAHAHHA

oh and this is something cool to check out haha, dw a 5 second read. actually it's just a pic.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

a post-modernist post. (open to interpretation)

h'kdjgotpyoi9 korjdhg;f
5ryue5r6 klot djsgzdghj

ghklkyuzjiodfghzsrdeg9s8ehtyt9hu9hujar89h!UYgfuiawegthrih0 935hy9498459854nlkikgjlidfgjoiarggrahrgahagHarrrrrrrrrrrRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

AHHHHHhhhhhh there we go, my jap post and my english post altogether. 8D

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Ok. Today, I shall make up for my previous post's bad grammar with a hopefully fully punctuated post. Yes. I do sound more formal don't I, without all those random typos and those long strings of letters that demonstrate excitement! I quote, "AKSUDHiuhsdiuashdiuah"?

So  after school Jenny, Monica and I went to carlo court to muck around, buy things and the highlight of the day happened because Monica bought these two tubes of bubble blower except these were special bubbles. Bubbles you could touch after ten seconds of being exposed to air. SO COOL.

So, to the highlight of the day! We went into a secluded area in carlo court and blew these bubbles,
OK HAHAHA so we blew these bublles like everywhere! and yeah if you wait ten secs then gently tap your finger onto a bubble then you could preserve it in it's original shape. but then after a while, they start to shrivel up into thise whiteish colour, think baking paper colour! HAHAHA ANYWHO. jenny blew a reaaallllllly BIG bubble and monica was blowing below it so it didn't fall to the ground before ten secs coz we couldn't touch it yet. (btw: you know the bubble can be touched when it goes from the iridiscent(spelt it wrong i think but it means like if you look at it from diferent angles it's colourful?(LIKE FISH SCALES!)) to non-iridiscent so like no colourful swirls, just plain transparent ) so then the biiiig bubble suddenyl shrivelled and dropped onto her nose which was reaaaallllyy funnnYNNNYNYNY HAHAHRARIUSHASIUHA. and yeah funny moment of the day. LOL and jenny had a bubble stuck to her head. and one the train monica blew bubbles everywhere, it stuck to the ceiling the seat the ground, was CRAAAZZYYYYY AWSUM


OH i might just add that i have no sense of direction, cluuesssless. like i can go to two regions next to eachother in one place at separate times and not be able to put the two places into a whole picture to see where things are and stuff. if that made sense. yes i say "if that made sense" a lot. coz a lot of the time i don't make sense xDDD ok finished post

LOVE YOU READERS! muahuaamuahuah hugs and kisses over the internet lol

OHOH ps. tommorows a speciaaall day 8) im turning sixtteentnennn! just thought u guys should noeee x)


NICEGUYSという うたは とても いいです!それから ビデオの 中の CHESTERという おとこのこは ハンサムです。L0Wc0k先生より ハンサムなと おもいます。8DDDDDDD こえは すばらしいです!

ええと、 あしたは 私の たんじょうびです! 

ともだちへ、わすれないで ください!あしたは たのしみに しています!!!!十六さいに なって たくさん セクスを します。 8)じょうだんです。LOL WOULD NEVER SAY THAT IN ENGLISH xD

Monday, June 13, 2011


I made my previous jap post so short so i could quickly get onto english posting. xD which kinda defeats the purpose of this blog in a way.

OK wut to talk about. WELL since i should be really doing hw right now, yes, blogging is like my way of justifying not doing hw, coz it's kinda productive i guess talking about ur own life..OK so I'll dedicate this post to my incredibly lax attitude to hw.

READ ON if u wanna hear my own analytical analysis of me and my relationship with hw,

FIRST! as easy as it is, i can't seem to COMPLETELY finish hw. (who can? )

1. coz my mind changes priority all the time, sometimes i think doing one thing is reallly important but the next minute i can totally switch sides and think doign soemthing else is realllly important.
Like after a maths period im suuper inspired to do maths, but then after like a violin lesson or something, im super inspired to do play violin. then afterwards after an english lesson, im super inspired to write essays. but then when i go back home. theres so many things im inspired to do, i cant do all of them right, so i end up doing not much.
2. after finished one task, i'm not inspired to do anything else because i's so proud of myself. so let's say i set myself 3 tasks, i end up like doing 1 to 2 of them.
3. I feel the need to be organised before i do my hw but since everything is in such a mess, i never get much work done.
4. when there is a lot of hw i lose inspiration. i get confused. don't know where i should start. (stems of point 1)
5. If i do something, i hafta finish it b4 doing something else, otherwise i feeel restless. but this is a flaw coz often i lose interest in a task so i work ten times slower, i muck around and i can't switch subjects because the other task is incomplete and ill start to get restless if i do switch.
6. I sometimes think, even if i work my hardest, i won't get REALLY good results because everyone has similar intelligence.
7. I think i can catch up all my HW in the holidays, even though the reality I cannot!
8. I am fooled into thinking you can get consistently really good results by cramming/last minuting when you actually hafta build on knowledge bit by bit by practising everyday.
9. i know most of my flaws but i have trouble fixing themmmmmm. coz i procrastinate in trying to fix my procrastination.i think i have all the time there is.
10. I forget all of the above when im having fun. and i have fun aaalot

OOOOK. now imgoing to start fixing my bad relationship with hw up by firstly, finishing off my reflection statement due tommorow for 3u. OKAY
tooodlydoooo aishiteru. LOL its rhymed YAY 8D oh and i didn't bother to read over this post so it may not make sens at all. haharh


昨日 わたしは しょうがっこうの ともだちと はなしました。かれの にほんごは とても じょうずでしたから かれを りかいすることが できませんでした。 (UNDERSTAND)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

short post is short!

I got to play on a ripstik today at my friends house!! here's a pic! 
i was so unco it's not funny. but the things is really hard to control, the wheels aren't even normal! they can swivels 360 degrees role back and forth and lean left and rightttt! and it's hard to balance on coz it's two wheeled. 

oh and i was looking through electric violins, and omg, the designs are AWESOME!

shhhhiiizzzz its 1am, i started this post like 12 and i got distracted,RAWRAWRR ok going to sleeepppz after title.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


まだ、今日 しゅくだいをしません。 さいしょ、 朝の 十二時に おきました。 そして、朝ごはんの 後で ビオリンじゅぎょうを しに 行ってから 父のともだちのうちに 行きました。かぞくと 私は ながい時間 そこに いました。そのあとで 私の ともだちの 十六さいの 誕生日で 六時から 十一時まで いました。いろいろな たべもなが あって とても おいしいチキンと ケーキと ソープを たべました!いいですね!私は ふとい じゃがいもに なりました!LOL そこ、わたしは BRAWLという ゲームを しましたが じょうずじゃなかった。

そこに わたしは はじめて IPADを 見て さわって あそびました。 かっこいくて うつくしかった!ほしいいいいいいいいいい。ともだちの ジェシカは ギターも あって 私は ギターで かんたんな わおん(CHORDS)を はたしました(PLAYED)。


Thursday, June 9, 2011


Ok, now the japs done :) i can type in english.

The moment of my day section.

So me siddo and clarence the only people in year 11 do theatresports and we were playing this game where everyone had to say one word to make a story. the topic was "I blew up my grandmother" so us three volunteered with this junior student. Well with our screwed up memory, the sentence turned out to be something like "I blew my grandmother" and we all started to go into a larffing fit. 8) immature? YES. but funny? YYYEESHHAHAHHAHA!

Ok. i just remembered, i was going to post something about social interactionstuuuffzz coz i get this a lot.

You know those situations where there are three people talking to each other and standing three in a row to talk whilst walking. well it's kinda awkward coz the corridor can fit 2 people at most and the three people try to squeeeeze past the opposing flow of students so that no one is left out and because "thats the fair and right way to go"?   8)!! well there are many types of people involved in those situations!

1. You fall back, and join the conversation from the back whilst feeling a little uninvolved, but feeel  comfortable!
2. You fall back, be silent and let the other two people bathe in the missed opportunity of not talking to you 8)
3. You walk in front of the two people and attempt to converse to them whilst walking backwards.
4. You attempt to steal one person out of the two walking in front by shouting something that catches their attention.
5. You fall back but you find some else to converse with, whos alone and preferably not talkign to someone else.

1. You pretend to not notice the faller backerer and talk to them ALOT next time u see them to make up for it!
2.  You continue talking to the friend next to you and get so involved yo uforget the faller outerer!
3. You attempt to talk to both peopel at the same time.
4. You make fun of the situations by saying, "Haha u got rejecccttedd!"
5. You run back and forth between the friend next to you and the friend behind because "making sure everyone gets talked to is the way to goooo!"


Random note:
OHOHOH and i dislike those moments when someones talking to you and you show them respect by listening, but then someone near you says something interesting to you and you have to ignore them because the person u r already talking to is talking about serious shaz. ); but on the bright side, hey, you get the gllooory of attention.  yes i decided to say that coz it happened today 8)

また、 日本の ポスト

私は ちょうど(JUST THEN)数学のじゅくを かえってきます!すうがくは ときどき やさしいで ほとんどの 時間は ちょっと むずかしいです。でも、 今日は ぜんぶを わかります!わたしは すごいで うれしい!! 8)

けいざいは すごく ブラジーの かもくで 私と イボンは ほとんど なにも わらいます。(LAUGH)いま まで わたしが とても すこしけいざいを ならいますから、わるいです。

ところで この ポストは 書くことは 一時間 かかります。びっくりますか?わたしは サクスです。

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

a bumpy train ride

Today yvonne, annie and me were on the train and transit officers were walking past and checking tickets so we decided to be immature and pretend to sleep, but we found it so funny we kept cracking up whilst looking like we're asleep. hahah and then we decided to run down each carriage everytim the transit officers were in view so we seemed dodgy but it didnt work so ):?

Today i also met a very rude lady who guarded the train barriers RAWRAWRAWRrrasdiasuh ok background info: i take a train from epping to central, then i switch trains from there to revesby, but my train ticket says epping to revesby.

Ok soo i really needed to go to the bathroom like sooooo badsobadsoobaadd, so i asked the lady if i could get out of central barriers to go bathroom and come back eventually! she can mark my name down or whatever if she's that worried i might be trying to get out without a ticket. (There are no toilets in central if you don't get out of the barriers btw) The lady gave me a full flaming lecture.

She said, "you dont have a ticket, since you have no ticket you cannot get out BLAHDILADIADIBLAH where is your ticket" and im like, "I dont have a ticket out of central, my ticket goes from epping to revesby. I go from epping to central and change trains from central to revesby" and she goes, "you dont have to lecture me about your journey, where is your ticket?" and i gave her my ticket and i sed, "It wont work,  it only works at revesby, i just need to go bathroom, my biological organs are calling" and shes shoves the ticket in the barrier and says "this ticket does not work, dont stand there if you have a problem talk to the officers or GET A TICKET, or you cant get out"

and im  like "FOR THE LAST FREAKING TIME, I DONT HAVE A TICKET OUT OF CENTRAL. I I JUST NEED TO FREAKING PEEEE, YOU CAN FOLLOW ME IF YOU WANT, I WANNA PEE IM NOT TRYING TO GET OUT OF CENTRAL ARRRGGHHHHHHH EFFFF EFFF EFFFFFFF" no i didnt say that. i was being a good sport and i walked away. next time, im storming right out of the barriers, no brakes.

and  really random change of topic: king lear assessment in 2 weeks and i dont think i understand the book well enough :/
Random Reminders:
-Lost in snow when skiing
-Oedipus Complex?
- Glass Jar/Mental Illness
- Car fumes.

なにも かんがえることが できない

- use ほど in a sentence
私は ほかの人ほど あさに はやくおきないです、(correct me if im wrong)

今日 私は しゅくだいが たくさんん あるにも かかわらず(EVENTHOUGH) おだやかなかんじ(FEELCALM)です。おんがくを ききながら ポストを かきますからです。 あしたは 日本語の かんじ テストですけど わたしは だいじょうぶだとおもうので べんきょうを ひません。 

これで おわります、 この ポストは とてもながい時間を かかりますから これで おわります、 

あいしてる ともだち!!!! 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


"The wizard and I in japanese LOLOLOL"
This is hilarious coz it's in jap! esp the beginning! but it gets better as you progress!!



and the best japanese wicked song OMG "WHAT IS THIS FEELING"!
"Unusually and exceedingly peculiar and altogether quite impossible to describe" that lyrics lien in the jap version is so funnnnyy couldn't stop laghing, i think im over it now though.
OH and "moyaymoyato mukanakana" HAHAHA
"Popular" this ones prety normal!

oh and i love the japanese language!!! 8)
OK next post in jap agen 8) ill alternate!


1)  前の ポストは 一ものを さくじょ。イーボンと エミリは 私について かんちがい!

2)  今日は とても さむいです、みどりの スカーフを かわなければなりません!学校の へんに ほかの いろの スカーフを してもだめだので くびは さむいです。

3) あたらしい 日本語の 先生は すきで たくさん 日本語を 彼女から ならいます。前より しゅくだいが おおいです。 それから、じかんが たくさんじゃないです。だから、よくない。

4)  今日、八年生のロジヤと 九年生のケビンを ことし、はじめて でんしゃに あいます!うれしい!

ー”ほど” in comparing

Monday, June 6, 2011


OK today there were 4 things that made me reallly happpy!! todays was such a GOOD GOODY LUCKY DAY!

1. I got my atar estimates WOOHOOOOOOO i ot 98.85 and i beat <one of my friends> by 0.05 so i can use that to my authorithy nao 8) but i think i should work harder, because it was quite flukey, and my marks aren't very stable. For example history was full of source tests which didnt require any knowledge whatsoever about
2. I FOUND MY BLAZER OMG I LOVE YOU BLAZER i missed it heaps! i found it like 1 month later and im celebrating!
3. I AM OFF PROBATION FOR MATHS. i can officialyl do 3u . WOODY signed the note HEEEhAWHHHAHR!
4. WE ARE HAVING A PIZZA PARTTTYYY in woody's class. OMG!! RAWR we'd thought he 'd never let!

OK BAD NEWS NOW. i guess it balances this suppper lucky day

OMG. i had a nap after i went home OGMOGMOGM
i think i had another episode of sleep paralysis. no im not mental or crazy, i dont know why its so scary i think its sleep paralysis. It lasted for 15 minutes I think, i almost couldn't break out of it.

well i have already slept for 1 hr and then i woke up and decided "okay ill sleep some more" so i closed my eyes and you know that "deep" feeling you get (soz for lack of good vocab) when you fall asleep, well yeah it's deeper than that if hat makes sense at all and you feel vibrations/you shiver but i doubt its physically viewable irl. and at that point in time i knew i was going to have an episode of this sleep paralysis thing so i tried to break out of it (my eyes were closed then). but i couldn't so i had two choices in my half concsious/half unconscious state. i could not fight it and see scary images like freaking scary images. or i can attempt to keep my eyes kinda open in which case you feel really scared oz i guess you fear you might slip into the scary iamge mode.

well i took the open eyes choice obviously, and it's hard heeping yoru eyes open because your body automatically kinda goes into image mode. so i was stuck, conscious that i was in a sleep paralysis and conscious of the fact i was not dreaming and in real life and seeing stuff when i couldnt keep my eyes open. So i was concious right? so i tried calling for my dad but nothing came out of my voice, i tried to sit up and reach for the door but it seemed that everytime i did get close enough the door was once again the same distance like as if i never tried to get to the door. freakign crazy shit.

i dont hav any mental problems, apparently you get this when you're stressed but i don't think im stressed. now im scared to sleep.

and theres no jap in this post. ok making up for it tommoooozz!

Sunday, June 5, 2011


yes hullo. this is my first post after a suuppper long interval, like my blogskin? itsa bit morbid, but i like it! kay this is meant to be a jap post so im reverting to jap from now

学校の ミュージカールは おわったので ちょっとうれしくない。でも、 だいじょうぶ、ミュージカールの人は 毎日見に できる。また、先週 高校一年生の人は しけんと しゅくだいと べんきょうの スケジュルの レクチャを ききた。わるい。わたしは ここから もう べんきょうしなければならない。

hopefully! のこりの 時間は みじかい。